Wednesday, February 28, 2018


AT CAPACITY: Several Teen competitors use the Stroke Lounge to rest. Although intended to be a space to allow the young muscle bulls to practice their jacking technique among others equally focused boys without distraction, the overcrowded dorms situation has left many nude young men no place else to rest.
Despite the best efforts of the IFNB organizing committee, reports from this year’s BeefBoy have been rather bleak about the state of the facilities for the young muscle bucks preparing to take part in the competition.  Although having use of the facilities for 24 hours a day was initially nice, it soon became obvious that the hosting site was overwhelmed by the sheer number of naked muscle bucks crammed into every corner of the dorms and public spaces.  In past BeefBoys, the mandatory-nude dorm rooms were already at capacity, with four to six naked, muscular young men crammed into each room, most sharing beds for the duration of their stay.  This year there are reports of up to 10 per room, which has made just sleeping difficult as it is hard to unwind when constantly aroused by so much horny muscle.

There have been reports of hallways stuffed with sleeping nude flesh and overly hot rooms from air conditioning overwhelmed by all the young, hot bodies.  The gym and shower rooms have been closed multiple times from being clogged with seamen, and the spa has been closed permanently for the same reason. The lobbies, lounges, and hallways have all seen many young men forced to practice their stimming in public spaces because gyms and the stim lounges are overfull or closed.

 “Due to the overwhelming last-minute registrations, we have almost 200 hundred more horny young musclemen competing this year than we had planned for even at our maximum capacity." says IFNB VP and the show’s executive chairman Paulo Busek.  "But we have done what we can to accommodate by adding additional beds to rooms and looking for additional dorm capacity nearby.  These young men dream of turning pro one day and allowing them the full experience of intense connection with their fellow naked bodybuilder will help them learn the pressures professional naked bodybuilders face during competition.  These young men need to understand that their bodies incite other men to unexpected lust.  Letting them experience that in its uncontrolled state will only improve their ability to one day ascend to be an alpha in control lesser men.”

However, many of the young men, especially the first timers, report making the best of it.  Junior middleweight competitor Rhett Hardy did have some positives, “I have formed some tight bonds with my roomies.  We’ve become real bros living through this experience.  But man, there’s so much testosterone in the air I can hardly sleep.  We’re already 3 or 4 to a bed in my room, and this morning I woke up with my buddy Phil’s dick inside me.  He is sound asleep but just pumping away. I only woke up because I had cum a load from the stim, and he dropped a load in my ass right after. But I wasn’t mad because I did the same thing to my boy Diego yesterday.  You just can’t avoid it.”




  1. The organizers should have stopped registrations when they reached their max. Since they didn’t, they should make an exception for this event and allow near by muscular fans with home gyms to house 2 or more competitors. The young men would have to stay naked 24/7. The fans would have to agree to also be naked 24/7 and since they are muscular and have potent cum, would be allowed to work out with the young men and provide stim. The hosts would be responsible for driving the competitors back and forth naked. The hosts would have to agree to allow the competitors to use them anally and orally. The hosts will not be monetarily reimbursed. Having a Beef Boy competitor in their home should be enough payment.

    1. There are definitely opportunities missed by the organizers, and lining up more accommodations would have been key. But I disagree that they should have stopped registering - any boy who wants to get up on stage and show off his built body and cum in front of a huge auditorium of fans should be encouraged and supported in that decision.

      And that is an interesting concept, to have locals take in the competitors. I think it might even be better to see if there are local colleges or schools with NB programs like yours that might have extra rooms in their dorms or fraternity houses where the boys could spend time with local boys also into naked bodybuilding that are their own age. Since so many of the young men come from all over the world, it would be a great experience for the locals to see how NBs from elsewhere train, and get some new cum to taste and experience.

    2. Working at a college, occupancy limits are always on my mind. If Beefboy were being held here in Los Angeles, there would be no trouble finding accmodations at frat houses and the homes of college age NBs. There are a number of families who support their sons and would welcome visitors. Maybe this could lead to a NB exchange student program. My students would love to train with young men from other countries, especially if they look like the NBs in the photos. Maybe I missed it, but I am not aware of the city location for Beef Boy. It didn’t occur to me that their might be local colleges. If Beefboy were being held in Brazil, there is the University of Brazil with a NB program. Those students and staff would take in visitors. Hopefully, the potent cum of the bedless Beefboy competitors will soon fill the holes of youth hosts.

    3. The show is in Lisbon this year. Originally they had planned to hold the show in Barcelona, but when Spain raised the age of consent laws recently, they show organizers who didn’t understand naked bodybuilding started giving them a hard time, since the competition is open to boys starting at 14. I think the last minute move might be some of the reason they weren’t ready to scale up the show to accommodate all the extra entrants. Do you have any connections in Portugal at colleges or in the NB gyms that could have helped out?

  2. I contacted an acquaintance, Coach Paulo, a 40 yr. old retired NB in Rio. He coaches the NB program at a private high school, for 17 & 18 yr. olds. His program is partnered with the Universidade do Rio. Paulo’s cousin Francisco coaches the NB program at the Universidade de Portugal, a smaller competitive institution in Lisbon, with a NB program. Modeled after Rio, the university is partnered with Escola Secundaria Antonio Ferreira, which also has a NB program for 17 & 18 yr. old high schoolers. Francisco polled the university and high school NBs and they all said they could house a Beefboy competitor and that their families would observe IFNB rules, such as 24/7 nudity for competitors. Some of the young Lisbon NBs registered in Beefboy and they would love to sleep in thier own beds and perform muscle and cock work with international guests while in thier homes. Paulo contacted IFNB officials in Rio and they said the plan should work. The latter contacted the Lisbon officials. Francisco will also contact NB gyms in Lisbon to see if their members can also help with accommodations. Soon, international cum will be filling the holes of Lisbon..

  3. How I got to know Paulo and the Rio NB scene, see 3/24/16 Anaconda #1 & 5/10/16 Anaconda #14. Then I wrote as Liftingwts.
