Thursday, January 15, 2015


 The man who many fans still strongly believe should have won the 2013 Mr. Alpha, Carlos Monza, has trained obsessively 
for this year's event. He arrived at the Mr. A Pavilion and immediately went to one of the Pro Gyms to pump up.  
The stoic monster of muscle wore a custom designed cock-ring strap, which has helped him develop 
one of the most frighteningly beautiful dongs to enter this year's contest.

Imagine a mountain of muscle literally growing right before your eyes. Imagine a frighteningly massive cock swelling up as you watch.  Imagine a man so confident and self-obsessed that he holds the world's fascination.  Such a perfect specimen of manhood should be someone who wins the IFNB Mr. Alpha, right?

Not if that sweating, aggressive beast is Carlos Monza.

Was it a mistake made by his coaching staff?  Or was he legitimately cheating on stage?  No one knows for sure, but it cost Monza a chance to win the 2013 Mr. Alpha – a chance many thought he had a strong chance of pulling off!  But while Monza claimed the infringement was a mistake, the officials at last year's Mr. A felt they had no choice but to disqualify the amazing muscle stud, preventing him from finishing the contest and potentially becoming the new Mr. A.  Monza's coaching staff had developed one of the most innovative and effective form of enhanced dosing yet seen among muscle freaks of the naked sport, but a flaw in timing of an anally-inserted dosing ball counts as "illegal on-stage anal stimulation."  

His fans now refer to Monza as the "True Alpha," and are ecstatic that he has returned this year to avenge his position and re-establish himself as one of the best names in the naked muscle sport.  He has arrived at the event thicker, leaner, hornier and more hung than he has ever shown up for a contest, leading many to believe he once again has a slid chance at the big prize.



  1. I have not seen Monza since last year, nor have I heard anything about his training since the whole controversy sprang up. So, I was blown away when I saw Monza show up at the pavilion. Holy Shit! What a body! His pecs and shoulders are incredible and his biceps like cannon balls. He is truly overwhelming, just to look at, so I can't even begin to imagine what it'll be like taking loads from that juiced cum launcher he has between his legs. My disbelief was so great, I didn't realize my cock was drooling, until cum was running down my ankles. I couldn't get closer to him, for the crowd that was massing around him, but I can't wait to get some one on one time with him and his trainers.

    Anyone have his registration stats? I can't seem to pull them up from this year...

    1. Hi Donovan!

      You were not the only guy to be blown away by this shot of Carlos Monza, for my three buddies and me felt exactly the same as you when we saw it. We are all sophomores in a small Liberal Arts College, where we met in our freshman year about a year ago. We came across each other training in the college gym, where we discovered (1) we were all four 100% gay and (2) were all serious cock and bodybuilders. So the four of us found ourselves and apartment where we presently all live, work and have sex with each other.

      The IFNB has been an inspiration to us. In fact each of usnhad been following th ebklog for a couple ofmyears before we met up at college. But the advent of Carlos Monza, with his superbly ripped physique and incredible cock, has raised our awareness to a higher level, as to what can be achieved with effort. Don’t get me wrong: we are not intending to try to look like him, but his style seems to us to indicate the road we should take. We all want to get a ripped physique and a large cock. We are all cut, by the way.

      After our first semester, we dumped the college gym facility in favour of a small local gym, where the owner was willing to let us train naked in a private room off his main facility. In fact, it proved so successful that we were soon joined by several other like minded studs and we are now around twelve regular users who each spend about 15 hours a week on really serious body and cock training.

      All four of us are well developed studs approaching twenty, with bodies which make most other guys green with envy, so we see no problems on that score, but what we need is some guidance on how to go about developing our cocks. We have read all we can about the need for prolonged anal sex, coupled with simultaneous muscle work, but just what should we do?. We do not have a professional cock trainer and no one has any first hand experience. So can you help us with a few tips?

      We are all willing to share our anuses with any of the guys in the group, so there is no lack of ‘training facility’ so to speak, but we need to know what we should be aiming for. As I said, we four spend about 15 hours a week in the gym and there is always copulation involved in what we are trying to do. But we try to make this sex with a purpose and not just a general recreational sex, which we reserve for the weekend when we often have free have a free style fucking party, often with a few other guys we invite round. So any advice from you will be gratefully received.

    2. Hi Kevin! I remember that in the latter half of 2014, but exactly in connection with which shot, I cannot now recollect, Donovan gave us a very detailed account of how he wentt about training the NBAs in his care. It was actually quite frightening to read about the ordeal which he put them through. Anyway, if you flick back through the shots you should be able to find it and his comments might hlp you in your desire to develop your cock. It was quite a long piece and should not be too difficult to find.

    3. Hey there Kevin,

      Sorry I am so late in replying. Nothing personal, of course, it's just that my boss has really been riding me about keeping the new crop of NBAs in top condition, during the expo, and that can mean a lot of long hours. (especially with an already packed itinerary).

      So, to your post. First off, good for you, for ditching the regular gym and finding a place where you can get some REAL training in. It sounds like you're putting in a lot of gym time, and honestly, as teens, you guys will see gains with conventional bodybuilding workouts and post exercise cum release. That being said, you should consider adding some good biofeedback exercise techniques, basically robust cock stims with high intensity exercise. The classic starting place is getting a strong suck while doing bench press or ab exercises, but I find that I get the best joint muscle and cock pumps from leg press and lat rows. You'll find it an advantage that your training buddies are gay. Less time wasted having to force someone onto your cock AND getting them to suck as hard as you need them to. Hard and deep sucking is the key to a thick dense cock. Supplements are great, but the best work is done by a tenacious, cum-hungry beast with a slutty throat. Start with that and some manual cock milking. Yes you're basically giving yourself or your buddy a rough hand-job, but until you have adequately trained your ass into an aggressive muscle-hole, it won't be ready to jelq cock as vigorously as your hands.

      As far as ass training goes, I really recommend a trainer. See if you can find a professional Naked Body Building Assistant who is hosting a boot camp or, if you have the cash, hire one to come to your gym. Most trainers I know are open to doing workshops for any gym that does cock training.

      Any questions?

    4. Donovan,

      What means "jelq" ?

  2. I was a vocal critic of Carlos Monza last year and cheered his disqualification as necessary to maintain the integrity of naked muscle sports. But I believe in second chances, and Carlos Monza deserves at least one chance to demonstrate that he can SHOW IT BIG without illegal assballs. That said, I hope that pros like JK Roher and Pierre Douton repeatedly INSPECT Monza before he comes on stage to make sure he isn't trying to pull another fast one.

    I'm curious which bodybuilders from Asia will be present at the Alpha this year. I have always said that HAN HYUN has a massive horse cock that is hungry for any hole it can find, and despite his disappointing second place finish I think he could pull a top 6 performance at Mister Alpha.

  3. You know, I'd be willing to bet that if we probed every competitor before he took the stage, we would find more cum soaked stimulators and hormone capsules than we knew what to do with. Enhancement is the name of the game, and every Alpha I've ever seen prep has something working his prostate, up to his final walk to the stage. It's a practice that peaks performance when it really counts. So, I can understand the criticism of the current policy. If they're using stimulators off-stage to prepare their bodies for an adoring public, why deny the use of these implements on-stage, when they can lead to spectacles like we saw back in 2013? Yet, I also see the counterpoint of being able to sustain max arousal and muscle pump with a rigorously trained body and focused mind. In any case, it's not for me to make policy, and my managers bitch me out enough as it is. So, I'll leave it to the suits to decide.

    Regardless, I can't wait to see Monza's hard bod and rod in action. Until I see (or feel) some cum flying, it's hard to tell which of the megaweights has the edge.

    Also, I'm glad someone brought up Han Hyun. That guy has great potential and his extreme physique was growing by leaps and bounds last year. Who know how much meat he's packed on!?

  4. I had just been blown away by the previous shot of Kolberg and his ‘pupil’ until I came to this picture of Carlos Monza, whom, frankly, I have never admired in the past. He was big, big, big, but, for some reason, he did not push my buttons at all. I know nothing about the shenanigans that he may or may not have been involved in in the past, but, looking at this present shot of him, one has to admit that he is absolutely the text book incarnation of everything the IFNB blog holds dear. It really seems irrelevant of how he has got there, so why not let’s sit back and enjoy it, which is what an old boss of mine used to say, not in connection just with sex, but with life in general. I quote:- “if you know you are going to be raped, just sit back and enjoy it!”

    In this shot, everything is in perfect harmony. I cannot imagine that anyone can get muscularly any bigger or better proportioned that the Monza of today. And as for his meat, well this just has to be the world’s most magnificent fuck tool. Just look at the length and girth of it, perfect balance and complemented by a nice tight pack of balls. It is utter perfection. And I love that ‘thong’ if that is what it is that he is wearing by way of a cock ring. It really adds to the pic and does not in any way distract from the magnificence of this guy. I am dead against studs walking around with their dicks hanging out of their pants - they just look stupid - but this ‘garment’ does not detract in any way from the impact of the picture. In fact it enhances the cock presentation. In fact, I am in favour of the IFNB rule outlawing cock rings on stage being dropped, as I thing that cock adornment could really add to the pleasure of the whole show. I should imagine that Donovan is salivating at the thought of getting a chance to release this piece of man-meat.

    The sad thing about the blog is that we see posed pics of the studs, like the present one, but we rarely see them in true action. It would be great to see Monza actually prepping his dick with an NBA, or fucking anyone for that matter.

    Donovan remarks on Han Hyun and I have still a very clear memory of him as I wrote a mixed sort of comment on his ‘iconic shot’ Pan Asia 8, where he displayed a massive soft cock. Looking back at that shot today, which I have just done, I would say that in terms of of physique – and Han Hyun has muscles in plenty, he is (was then, to be fair) light years away from the perfection shown by Monza here.

    So here we now are, mid January 2015, with such a series of shots, where on earth can the editors take us to next?

  5. Could we have some firm figures? Does Monza have the most massive cock ever? I know there are guys with longer tools but in terms of overall size, Monza must be the tops. Am I right? But, biggest or not, it must satisfy everyone and this is surely going to count as one of the most memorable,shots of all time

  6. Monza is extraordinary with such incredible muscle definition. And as for his cock, well it has to be the most fabulous tool of the year - possibly not the biggest, but certainly the best. If there were to be a competition for 'cock of the year' ( hint, hint, IFNB) then this monster tool must certainly be in the finals. His fans, of which have just become one, are right in calling him 'The True Alpha'

  7. I guess Cockwatcher has more or less said it all about Carlos Monza. As many of you know, my own taste is for lighter guys, but I have to admit that the Monza of today, is the personification of muscular male beauty: I absolutely love this shot of him! Why? Well it is simple, that since the last time I took a look at Monza, and there are plenty of pics of him to look at, all before I started following the blog in early 2014 , he has managed to refine what was always a massive physique and cock into a perfectly balanced whole, from every point of view. In my view today, Monza is the standard of male perfection which all young aspirant should be striving for and against which others should be judged. I do not mean that all young studs should all try to be as big as he is, but they should use him as a role model of how to develop and balance their muscles to produce something that Michael Angelo, were he alive today, would want to perpetuate in marble. I am sure that were he alive, he would rush to sculpt Monza, and even to fuck him himself, for M.A. was himself gay. I think that Monza will knock Roher out of top place. But we shall see

    Just look back at some of the Mr Alpha photos of the ‘early’ Monza, MA 9, MA 12 and MA 18 and you will see what a vast improvement he has achieved in the meantime. He has made what I then thought was an unattractive mass of mass of muscle and dick into something truly remarkable. Bravo to him.
    I also echo what Cockwatcher has said, that the start of 2015 has been quite exceptional and like him I wonder where we go next. I would also like to observe, that the photographic standard of the blog has reached unprecedented heights in 2015. It has been climbing steadily since the start of the Pan Asia series in mid 2014 butt has now reached hitherto unachieved technical quality. Just scroll back, as I do often do, and look at the quality of the photography of some of the earlier pics and you will see just what a vast improvement has been made in the last six months.


    1. So, after all these comments, is Monza the tops? For me he is. There are several other great guys, in every sense of the word, but Monza has more than the edge on the lot of them. I cannot wait to see what verdict the judges come to.

    2. I am rooting for Monza too, but it woould be great to have another more relaxed shot of him, with a soft cock. We have not seen any soft cocks this year so far and as I and others have said, the shot of the year in the Pan Afrrica series last year was the one Tof edi and Joff Ballo together. Their (soft) cocks were absolutely amazing and for me that was possibly the best shot ever. It would be great to see Monza in such a pose. What does his man-meat look like when it is not prepared for action? I really would,lke to see it.

  8. Do any of you IFNB blog fans ever look at any of the muscle and cock blogs which appear all time down the side of the IFNB shots and beneath te IFNB 'favourites'? If not, please do so. Boy are they dreary and amaterish to a degree. They will make you realise just now very good this IFNB blog is: it is just the best on the net.

    1. I SO AGREE! The best fantasy muscle world serial out there!


      IFNG IS THE BEST MUSCLE AND COCK BLOG. PERIOD. Hot. Consistent. Fun. Clever. Realistic in spite of it's fantasy elements.

      LOVE IT. Beena fan for years.

  9. Dare say it. I think Monza with his unique body and unbelievable cock, would look terrific wit a well ftted Prince Albert through his cock and a pair of nice gold nipple rings. He has, for me, that body which is just crying out for a bit of jewellry, I know it's not allowed on the stage by IFNB ruiles, but I think he would be stunning with a bit of bling about him off stage. Anyone agree with me.

    Just for the record, has Monza now got the biggest cock among the present top contenders, Roher, Kohler, Borgason etc?

  10. It has just dawned upon me what Monza has achieved. He has managed to become an "Ironman[
    Iron is a rotten metal to compare him to as he really looks like burnished bronze and it is this that puts him in a different league to the others,Roher, Kolberg etc. No one has achieved that wonderful burnished metal look that he has. It puts him in a class of his own as it make him look just so very distinctive. Of course his massve cock and muscles help, but there is more to it than that. I reckon he is going to wipe the floor with his competitors. Anyone agree with me?

    1. I thiunk his tan, here, does look remarkable and exciting! I hope, like you, this is his color for the stage! But it could also be the lighting – this doesn't look professionally lit. But he does look amazing, and I agree that he will be a challenge for Roher if he does not have the same errors as last year's Mr. A!

      I am still a die-hard for Roher this year, but Monza is a potential upset for the kid. I would not be disappointed if Monza grabs the Mr. A spot for sure, in spite of thinking it will be Roher by a nudge.

    2. I think Cockwatcher has put his finger on what sets Monza apart. It is much more than the colour of his tan, which looks natural to me, but also the muscle definition and the quality of his skin, which is different. It is this combination which give him his unique look, Ironman, as Cockwatcher dubbs him, and I know exactly what he means by this. He really does have that hard chiseled look - super ripped if you wish, which no one else has. It would be great to see an action shot of him just about to serve an NBA with his monster cock prior to going on stage. He surely deserves as much photo coverage as Kolberg et al but to date we have only this one shot. But just look at the interest it has produced. I should think that Donovan is salivating at the thought of getting a dose of Monza's fuck stick, which I hope he does as he always seems to get access to the 'great and the good', well anyway, to the great, even if they are not exactly good, of the sport!

  11. Monza's Monument, his cock, should be preserved for posterity. How about he gets it cast in metal and offers copies for sale? It would be a pity to allow one of the biggest tools, to pass into oblivion.

  12. I find myself coming back again and again to this, the only shot of Monza in 2015, so far and I have just gone back to early 2014, when Monza was very much the flavour of the month and appeared at least 5 times in the Mr Alpha (7,8,9,12,and 18) Just looking at him in those shots, I don’t think that he has added any weight since then but what he has done is to refine his muscles so that they are quite unique. It is now the end of January, and in my view, there is no one to touch him. What he has achieved in the course of the last year is quite mind-blowing. With respect to the other ‘greats’ we have see in 2015 so far, he is in an utterly unique category.

    And as for his cock, well it has to be just the finest piece of man-meat on show. It may well be that some of the Pan Africa contestants have bigger dicks, but no-one holds a candle to the absolute magnificent of Monza’s fuck stick. I have to agree with Anonyme of Jan 21, who defined it as a monument which should be cast in metal. Monza is, for me, judging from this one pictures, the muscle-cock equivalent of the fabled sauterne, Chateau d’Yquem, which, in the 1855 (I think it was 1855) classification of Bordeaux wines was rated “grand cru hors classe’ which means that it was put in a class of its own, above all other wines, a ranking which it still enjoys today.

    I would really like Bench, a recent contributor, to give us a comment on this shot as he has a keen analytical eye.

  13. I like the looks of Monza's cock-ring strap, it's makes him look even sexier. also, I appreciate that it is used for penis development. But I have to ask, is this NB ? He might be only wearing just a little, but he is wearing something. Plus what he wears covers a most important muscle, the sphincter. NB fans want to see that manly port of entry and center stimulus, And Monza should know that he needs easy open access for anal worship and service.

  14. Another rumor is that Monza's cock-ring strap has a built in anal probe. It's not the model he has for sale, but it's supposed to the model he wears himself, and what he offers to a select number of other pros. The anal probe is about the size of a pretzel rod. It contains 4 AA batteries that provide constant vibration and an electrical jolt every 15 seconds. Monza and his pro buddies wear the anal probe equipped cock-ring strap for two hours a day as part of their training.
