Saturday, January 17, 2015


A well built fan in the clothing-check exhibits clear signs of SPH (sperm production hyperdrive) dosing.  Glazed eyes and 
babbling incoherently about "Loving cock – need more cock – more muscle – cock and muscle! More come!  Gotta stroke!"  
He was not the only fan exhibiting signs of SPH use, and officials are concerned with the excessive uncontrollable 
masturbation circles and incoherent "gooning" which they worry could distract from the admiration of muscle at the event.

With dogs opening for AlphaFest today, the most hardcore fans of naked bodybuilding flooded the convention hall in a frenzy of passion for muscle and cock.  The numbers of fans who opted for nude attendance was higher than usual, and the sea of naked muscle bodies was thrilling to behold.  

Crowds of men with broad shoulders and thick pecs crammed against one another, with rolling cocks dragging across quads and ass cheeks everywhere.  It was virtually impossible to not be smothered by biceps and poked by cock left and right.  

There have also been high reports of recreational use of the chemical enhancement SPH (sperm production hyperdrive).  Originally an experiment in cock enhancement, SPH causes a temporary effect but is also highly volatile.  It's effects can rarely be controlled and it is highly psychotropic, sending users into bizarre euphoric states of obsessive and aggressive sexualized deterioration.  Yes it causes the cock to repeatedly spew hot cum and gives the feeling of a heightened orgasm, but the user also becomes a pathetic puddle of horny, incommunicable masturbating idiocy.  Obviously you can see why it has such high recreational appeal at large naked muscle events!

So far there have been few disruptive incidents, but it is clear that SPH use is high among horny fans.  It seems especially prevalent among muscular fans and large-dicker ticket holders.  SPH has a more intense affect on higher muscle densities, and because it exits the system relatively fast amateur bodybuilders enjoy the effects which makes their cocks even more impressive to fans of muscle studs with horny meat.



  1. At the end of the day, 'drugged' or not, our friend here has a nice body and a marvellous tool kit, though with his cum running down the front of his cock it does look very much like a wax candle. But not to be unkind, this guy does have a terrific cock, long and with good girth, which is surely what we are all looking for - aren't we?. Anyway, isn't everyone using some sort of 'enhancement' substance to get ahead? Give him a break! In a more relaxed pose, I think he would look great.


    Great! But other than the comments you post under each picture, and what Donovan Pryde usually tells us, what else do we have to think about?

    I do agree with anonyme's comments above about the current photo. This guy has good potential. In fact he has a great physique and a terrific cock. It is just that this is not a flattering shot of him. But I think tha the is olnthe right road. Hang him out to dry and let him try again!!!! We've seen a lot worse!

    1. At its booth, Big Dawg Labs gave a Cock-Rock-It to anyone who showed up naked or stripped on the spot. The Cock-Rock-It is an IAIV (Intra Anal Insertion Vehicle) for Big Dawg’s special formulation of SPH. It comes in strengths of 7, 9 and 10 units and is individually foil-wrapped and pre-lubed. The 7 unit strength was the freebee. Staff at the booth provided complimentary insertion so that fans could test the effectiveness of the Cock-Rock-It while at the Expo. For maximum benefit, Big Dawg recommends a live sperm boost one hour after dosing with a Cock-rock-It. Fans who didn’t hook up for a live sperm boost on the Expo floor were invited to come back to the booth a crew of NB amateurs was on-hand to provide the service. Big Dawg Labs also markets Cock-Rock-It Pro which comes in strength of 12, 13 and 15 units.

    2. Tim Weber, an independent contractor and entrepreneur, was at the Expo to promote the Glory Door. Tim is well-known as the creator of the Glory Wall, which is a feature at all Hackelberg naked muscle resorts. The Glory Wall is a free-standing wall, 10ft-by-12ft, with 6 evenly spaced 10-inch diameter circles 3-ft above floor level. The Glory Door is scaled for home use. It has one hole and fits easily into a door frame. Tim had three Glory Doors at his booth to show several of the colors and finishes available. Even though those doors were not fitted into frames, Tim enlisted eager NB amateurs to give on-going demonstrations showing their use. Elsewhere on the Expo floor, Tim had set up a Glory Wall, which became a must-visit iem for horned-up IFNB fans.

    3. Veteran promoter Kip Kinsler has the notion that older Naked Bodybuilding and Aroused Performance athletes don’t get enough attention. So he is busy getting more of it for them. His idea is “Grads” a group for NB and AP athletes over 55. At Expo15, Kip was announcing his latest enthusiasm with the help of former NB and AP champions Nelson “Black Mamba” Mamadou and Stash “Polish Pipe” Urbanski. Mamadou’s age is given as 60, but he is an African whose birth was recorded 2 or 3 years after it occurred, so some folks want to add some years to the figure. Urbanski, having turned 55 just a month ago, newly qualifies for the group.

      Fully erect and standing next to Kinsler, the Black Mamba and the Polish Pipe certainly looked impressive. Neither their muscles nor their throbbing cocks showed diminished power. Both Mamba and Pipe bragged that they have plenty of spunk to unload. To prove it, they asked me to service them on the spot, which I eagerly did. I didn’t know which athlete take first, but the Pipe deferred to Black Mamba, so the decision was made for me. After I had guzzled their man juice, I asked how often they were being serviced. Both said they are good to go every fifteen minutes. I also asked whether they preferred service from younger or older men. Again, both agreed. All servicing is good, but experience has its advantages. I realized that Kinsler had coached his two spokes-Grads to stay on topic for the 55+ demographic.

      Before I left Kinsler’s promotion area, Mamba and the Pipe asked me how I liked the taste of their cum. After a reflecting a moment, I said that Mamba’s jizz had bite; it assaulted my palate. Pipe’s I described as meaty. The Grads encouraged me to check-out the Man Drinkxxx promotion area for juices that enhance the taste of semen.

    4. At Man Drinkxxx, the emphasis was on single-serving, energy boosting shots that the company is promoting. The team of six stud hunks manning the booth, all with exquisitely trimmed facial hair and equally exquisitely trimmed pubes, did not, at first, want to talk about semen-flavor-enhancing beverages.

      After I persisted, one of the hunks took me aside and told me that the company’s three juices were still in beta-testing. He wondered how I had heard about them. Not wanting to admit my personal tasting experience, I simply him told there was a lot of buzz about the juices on the Expo floor. This excited his interest – something I presumed because his cock began to throb. He told me that Man Drinkxxx is test-marketing its beverages in six cities and that the beta-testing has to do not only with the taste -- salty, sweet and spicy are important -- but also with naming and branding. So far, “Man Juice” is the general name for the product. Man Drinkxxx thinks this name plays two ways; it suggests both the source of the product and what the product enhances.

      Naming individual flavors is more complicated. The spokes-hunk said that, in general, Man Drinkxxx has had success with “Hot Sausage” but less favorable results for “Polish Sausage” or “Kielbasa” and that “Brats” has drawing power only in the upper Midwest. He says “Chorizo” has increasing potential. The hunk also said that “Black Mamba” seems to be a winner. It far surpasses “Anaconda” and “Cobra” which are two other names proposed for this palate assaulting flavor.

      Presuming that I had already taste-tested results produced by these two juices at the Grads’ promo area and aced them, I was primed to know about Man Juice’s third beta-testing flavor.

      The stud hunk explained that, with two flavor names focusing on ethnic or racial identity, Man Drinkxxx’s third flavor and its name were difficult to put in a niche, yet still have wide appeal. He said that “Cream of Daddy” stirs a lot of interest, but that Man Drinkxxx wants to reserve that name for future product development, possibly with Kip Kinsler of Grad groups. Some proposals such as “Never Too Old” and “Forever Young” emphasize age and do not describe the juice’s flavor, nor does “Autumn Fever” but “Harvest” looks promising. It’s not ageist, yet it suggests fruition and abundance.

      I asked the spokes-hunk what Man Juice flavor he was drinking. He said that he – and all the staff at the Man Drinkxxx booth – had been drinking “Harvest” for a month. He was happy to oblige me with a taste-test.

      The spokes-hunk’s cum had a luscious, herbal richness and tang. Of course, the cum of young hunks is expected to be luscious and rich, so Man Juice might have enhanced just 50% of the hunk’s natural flavors.

    5. After I serviced the first Man Drinkxxx stud-hunk, he directed me to another member of the crew for information about the company’s much-hyped new product. It’s a power shot, energy booster called Ur-In-Charge. It comes in single-serving, mini-bottles and is meant to be chugged.

      The product name suggests that urine is a primary ingredient, but might simply mean You Are In Charge. Chemical names on Ur-In-Charge’s label are not helpful for nonscientists, and the stud-hunks at Man Drinkxxx were evasive about its ingredients. Ur-In-Charge has the strong order of a man’s piss the day after he has eaten asparagus, which has a centuries old reputation for strengthening erections. Asparagus is also said to be a cum sweetener, which is something I can confirm by my own experience.

      The second stud-hunk encouraged me to service him and taste his jizz. I was eager to accept his offer, not least because his cockhead was dripping with tantalizing precum. Also, three other IFNB fans in the booth were chowing down members of the Man Drinkxxx crew and getting me in the mood to be on my knees again. I knew that the first stud-hunk I had talked to and serviced told me that all staff at the Man Drinkxxx crew had been drinking Man Juice “Harvest” daily for a month prior to the Expo, so I couldn’t compute what seemed to be a contradiction. The second stud-hunk must have sensed my quandary. He said that Ur-In-Charge is foremost an erection strengthener. He challenged me to feel the hardness of his wood. His cock was as swollen and firm as any as I have ever held in my fist. “Now put it in your mouth,” he commanded, so I got down on my knees. Unfortunately, I could not suck him off and taste his cum. In six strokes, he face-fucked me so forcefully that his jizz went straight down my throat. I never got to taste it.

    6. By 11am, the Expo was going strong, booths and show spaces open, aisles getting crowded. With naked fans in the majority 60/40, the prospect for future Expos as nude events looked good.

      Even among sans who didn’t get naked, clothing was minimal. One humorous sight was the men who stripped to their boxers. Their hard cocks kept poking out of the piss opening. Some kept stuffing their hard-on back in. Others thought what-the-hell, so they left it out. The other funny sight was the socks. Not socks on feet, but one sock on a cock. This required a lot of maintenance, that is holding in place or pulling back on. Some dudes mastered wearing a sock with the ankle part covering their man-pole and the foot part hanging from the cockhead like a droopy flag.

      The stylishly trimmed facial hair and pubes of the stud-hunks at Mann Drinkxxx motivated me to check out Shaves-R-Us next. I headed there by way of the Glory Wall. My nuts were aching to bust. The four loads I’d swallowed, especially the potent pro-grade man-juice from Black Mamba and Pipe, plus the SPH in the Cock-Rock-It had totally pumped me up. I wanted to release before I got my live sperm boost.

      The glory Wall was busy. Each hole was in use and had a queue of 4 or 5 behind it. The wait time seemed to long for a quick release. The NB Assistants had a space where they were putting applicants through stage two of the screening process. Potential newbies had to spend each day at the Expo providing any service any Expo attendee required. This was a test of their endurance and stamina. I decided to check it out.

      On my way there, I saw Tedi Ballo coming along a side aisle. I didn’t know him, but I decided to greet him in a way I’d heard is appropriate to African chiefs. I gave his hard-on a hearty yank. Ballo let out a deep, chesty grunt that sounded like “Hug.” I didn’t know what that meant, but his face lit up with a smile, the universal sign of friendship.

      “Sup, bro? What brings you to the Expo?” Pumped and horny as I was, I told him I’d had an IAIV earlier and was due for a live sperm boost, but I wanted oral release first.

      “Maybe I can help you? Do you know Doc Joseph? Are you dosing with Cock-Rock-It? Look around at these muscles and cocks.” His hand and arm made a broad sweep as if the entire Expo was his to command. “Is there something you fancy?”

      I nodded toward a dude with the build of a power lifter, who stood across the aisle from us. “Let me see if he accepts our offer.” Ballo went up to the stocky bull and talked to him quietly. In a minute, they were back, and the lifter got on his knees in front of me. In a gulp, he had my shaft in his mouth and my cockhead down his throat. He worked on me like a suction pump. Ballo stood, admiringly, beside me, his right arm over my shoulders. When he sensed I was about to pop, Ballo steadied the lifter’s head against my crotch. It was total brain. “Thank you, sir,” the lifter said as he stood. “I humbly worship you and am grateful to give you oral service.” Then he went back to his mates.

      “Now, about the live sperm boost, let me give you that. Nothing fancy, but I will be efficient, and since I’ve been dosing with Doc’s special formula SPH for several years, you know my boost will be especially potent and beneficial. Get down on the floor, on all fours, doggie-style. No sooner was I in position than he mounted me. He reamed my asshole, drilling the full 15 inches of his piston in and out with each stroke. As he made the deposit, he pulled me back by my shoulders. My ass cheeks pressed tight to his crotch. His balls slapped my taint.

      I asked Tedi Ballo how he persuaded the power lifter. “My mojo. I told him if he sucked you off, I’d fuck him and his mates later at my booth.”

      “You should come by my booth, too. I want to tell you about my NB lifestyle camps. And I want you to meet my nephew.”

    7. Shaves-R-Us had a doublewide exhibition space at a corner of the convention hall. One part was for shaves and the other for trims.

      The shaves were demonstrations only. What looked like a massage table was set-up next to a portable sink and a glass cabinet filled with foams, gels, creams, and many sorts of razors. Shaves-R-Us had an appointment book. Any alpha competitor, amateur or pro, could schedule a time for free clean-up, touch-up, if they allowed fans to watch. Most NB fans don’t get to see athletes get shaved, so the demonstrations drew a lot of interest, especially when star-power talent was booked.

      The trims were for fans. Shaves-R-Us had a two chair trimming stand. It looked like a shoe shine stand, but the chairs were wider apart and the foot brackets were even wider apart. It was old-fashioned wood and brass, not sleek modern padded leather and chrome.

      At the Expo, Shaves-R-Us offered only “Junk Quick Trims” as Harry Cooper called them. “It’s not about poor quality. Simplement, we are not sculpting facial hair or giving full crotch service with a range of design options and finish work using straight razors, taping, or waxing to get the sharp, crisp edges. The Junk Quick Trim uses electric shavers and clippers and has a choice of two designs, la Cale ou la Couronne. Imagine an equilateral triangle balanced on one point. Cut it in half and throw away the bottom. C’est la Cale; the Wedge is the shape your pubic hair is trimmed to. Pour la Couronne, balance a six-pointed star on one point. Cut it in half, then tilt the left and right points a little toward the center one. C’est la Couronne, the Crown. Here at Expo, we’re including trimming the nut sac, taint, and anus in our offer,” Harry said. “At our shops, those areas are extra. We’re not junky. Here at Expo we’re just trimming a man’s junk in an introductory way.”

      Harry Cooper is enthusiastic. “For a few bucks, a young fan – or a fan or any age – can get a Junk Quick Trim. Most teens have never shaved or trimmed their pubes. Even men entering competition as amateurs have probably never had a full body shave. Maybe they’ve heard about it, maybe they’ve seen pictures, but they haven’t done it or seen it done. We’re here to give them the experience.”

      Cooper guided me toward the trimming stand. “What shall I say?” he queried, without expecting an answer. “Here you have deux jeunes hommes avec dix-sept ans. They are eager for new experiences, for new life. Most likely they have not been naked in public before or shown their hard young dicks for all to see. Yet, ils sont impatients de tous à admirer leurs coqs juteuses."

      There seems no denying that we all like to admire juicy cocks. I joined the crowd watching the two teens having their Junk Quick Trim. The dudes taunted and teased each other. They were especially amused and vocal when a jizz gob hit a barber in the eye. They seemed a little anxious when the barbers trimmed their nut sacs, but they slunk low in the chairs and raised their butts forward when the barbers buzzed their assholes with the electric shavers.

      My fun -- and theirs – sèemed to end too fast, but two more young fans were stripped off and ready to sit in the chairs. The barbers handed back boxers to les deux jeunes hommes avec dix-sept ans, but les jeunes hommes left without them.

    8. Harry Cooper had left me at the edge of the crowd, so as some fans left and others shifted, I moved to the center for a better view of the next two teens. I enjoyed the slapping of hard cocks on butts and thighs as I jostled for a good place. I found one behind a stocky dude.

      The trimming chairs are raised on a four-foot high platform, so the barbers can work conveniently. Climbing onto the platform was no problem for the teens, and they were amused by figuring out how to sit slouched in the chairs with their feet planted firmly on the brackets and their pubes, cocks, balls, taints, and assholes well displayed. One of the teens had left his cock sock on, and once he was settled on his position, he pulled the sock off like he was doing a slow striptease. He held it up and pointed toward its open end. Ten he tossed it gently toward the crowd.

      The dude in front of me caught it. He took a sniff and a couple more. Then, he turned the sock partly inside-out and stuck his face in it. He moaned a satisfying, “Whoa!” He turned a little toward me. “Check this out.” he said, offering me the sock. It was loaded with gobs of cum. Pressing it to my face, I inhaled deeply and got the rush. The stocky dude whispered, “Boost me, man. Gimme a boost.” He shifted his weight and widened his stance so that my dick slid into his butt crack. He reached behind and guided it into his asshole. We fucked like that and watched as the teens got their trims.

      I’d boosted him, and the teens were almost finished with their trims, when he said, “Let’s get up there. Let’s get trims.” I’d never shaved or trimmed my pubic hair. My body is not very hairy, fine fur on my legs and arms, a naturally hairless chest and back. But I do have a full bush. When I used to compete in clothed events, I was notorious for the curls of pubic hair above the waistband and around the leg openings of my posers. Also, I came to the NB and AP scene as an athlete and fan, but not to compete, so I continued to be Mr Natural.

      The stocky dude grabbed one of the barbers and said he and I were up next. In the chair, I felt both vulnerable and powerful. The thrill of display is natural, it’s the power that the exhibitionist has over the voyeur. The fear of getting a shave or trim is natural too, especially if it’s your first. The sharp clippers and razors come in contact with the most sensitive and prized parts of a man’s anatomy. The barbers at Shaves-R-Us are professionals who can be trusted. The one giving me a trim started with scissors. First, he cut away the long, thick hair. Next, he used electric clippers, making sweeps across my pubes and the insides of my thighs. When he used the clippers on my nut sac and balls, I busted a load. For my taint and asshole, he used an electric shaver. The vibration was stimulating. I busted another load. Finally, the barber used both shaver and clippers to style la Couronne, the Crown design I requested. When he finished, some of me looked nude, and my pubic Crown looked like a three-day growth of beard.

      I’d been so interested in watching my barber work and in watching the crowd watching him and me, I hadn’t paid attention to the stocky dude. His barber had finished his trim first, but the dude was still in his chair, stroking his dick. He had chosen the Wedge. As I stood up, he did too, and he jacked a load on me.

    9. An announcement came over the PA system that Worship Circles were now forming in the Performance Square. “All your favorite pros will be on the platform to accept your Glutes Salutes. Don’t miss this opportunity.” I headed there to check out the action and show off my Junk Quick Trim.

      The Performance Square is in the center of the convention hall where the two main aisles of the Expo cross. It’s a big area because there are no exhibit spaces at the corners of the aisles. Worship Circles, where NB pros and amateurs appear for fans to jerk their dicks in respect, are favorite events in the P-Sque. The PA had announced a new kind of Worship Circle. These jerks were gonna be Glutes Salutes.

      At last year’s Alpha, competitors in the Junior Division caused a sensation during the freestyle posing. In addition to hip-hop dance moves, which became popular several years ago, teens and collegiates performed “Moon Beams” in their routines. This meant that young athletes showed off their asses and assholes. Turning his back to the audience, the competitor took a wide stance, then bent forward and grabbed his ankles or ass cheeks, showing off his sphincter. Fans were enthusiastic, and during later rounds in the competition, signs saying “Moon Power” and “The Sphincter Is a Muscle” were held up in the audience.

      Anticipating adding these new poses to their freestyle routines, pros trained their sphincters during the off-season. Some used a Hole Buddy, a plug that stretches the anus. Basically, a Hole Buddy is a cone, blunt point at its top, widening to a circular base. It comes in one color, orange, but several lengths and diameters. The smallest is Big Boy, 6” long, 3” diameter; hard trainers scoff at it, “sissy toy” is what they call it. SuperPro and ProMaxx top out the Hole Buddy line. They are 12” long and 5” and 6” in diameter.

      IFNB honchos were hot follow where the juniors and pros led, so they came up with the idea of Glutes Salutes as an Expo event.

      When I reached the P-Sque, leading pros had already lined up. Monza was first, followed by Roher, based on their current rankings, but Hackelberg pouted on the sidelines. As an amateur he did not qualify. He caused a stink, but not even his dad’s money could buy him a place. The P-Sque was set up with a circular posing platform raised about 6” off the floor. Fans milled around it, ready to jack their salutes. But they first waited for members of the fan group Aces to perform.

      Aces is a club of jizz experts acclaimed for their skills at striking targets with their cum spurts and sperm gobs. An Ace can point to, then hit a man’s left tit, right tit, left nut, right nut, the way a pool shark calls shots and taps in balls. Last year at Expo, fifteen Aces faced a line of pros at 10ft. They aimed, then jacked a volley of loads. Each Ace nailed his target, the piss slit of the pro’s hard cock standing opposite him.

      This year, Aces had a bigger challenge. They had to hit a moving target. The posing platform revolved slowly. That way fans in the Worship Circle got an equal view of the pro’s pose and a shot at making a good Glute Salute. When Monza stepped up and posed, six Aces placed themselves strategically around the platform. Their goal was to cream the pro’s asshole with their cum load as he passed. The Aces got one chance each as the revolving platform made it first turn. After that, the next three turns were for fans. All six Aces nailed Monza’s asshole with their jizz. During the fans’ turn, I jacked my own Glute Salute on the pro. It hit him where his right ass cheek met his thigh, just near his taint.

      The Aces changed up their pitchers as Roher got in position. He had a different pose, on his knees, widespread, with his forehead touching the platform. I stayed to watch him, then Pierre Douton get their Glute Salutes.

    10. Blow Hards is another popular fan group. Their space was nearby, so I decided to check it out. Besides, I hadn’t received oral service yet at the Expo, and I wanted to take the edge off before meeting up with Tedi and Joff Ballo.

      “Blow Hards are respected for their powerful oral service skills,” Dante Brogno, chairman of the club, explained. “They develop their talents in three areas. First is mouth muscle vacuum pump action. Blow Hards give oral so intense and thorough that an average man might not be able to cum again for a week. Second is flexibility. Blow Hards stretch their jaws wide and open their throated deep. No cock, no matter how long and thick, chokes them. Third is speed. Blow Hards can get oral service done in under three minutes. They are the speed demons among oral service providers.”

      “Mostly, Blow Hards develop and hone their oral service skills among themselves, for fun. So we’re here at Expo to attract new members. But any IFNB fan can hook-up with a Blow Hard. Membership is not required. Plus, we provide on-demand services for Aroused Performance pros and amateur athletes.”

      “Blow Hards benefit pros in several significant ways. Sometimes, a pro with a competition quality cock doesn’t want to choke his oral service provider. For sure, he doesn’t want any teeth marks and scratches that might cause him to lose points. The flexible jaw and deep throat of a Blow Hard can expand to accommodate the most enormous male equipment, balls included. A massively hung pro can face-fuck a Blow Hard in comfort without worry about gagging his oral service provider or getting injured.”

      “Other times, pros need quick release. They have short time before a competition or between rounds, and they need to get a load off to ease the pressure that might make them ejaculate randomly. Blow Hards train for providing pros cum-and-run oral service. Blow Hards can release a tense pro in under sixty seconds.”

      “However, pros like the mouth muscle vacuum pump action the best. That’s because most pros now favor a training treatment called Complete Gonad Cleansing. “Com-Gon” has become their mantra, and they want the cleansing treatment once a week or more. CGC is the total emptying of the testicles, prostate and all genitalia of any trace of sperm and semen. Advocates of CGC say that just before bedtime is the best time for a treatment. They say Complete Gonad Cleansing before sleep eliminates wasteful nocturnal emissions. Athletes awake with stronger, harder morning wood. Their man juice is 100% fresh and thus more potent. It’s the best quality to give a training partner as a pre-workout stimulus, or to receive. And the sturdier morning wood makes delivery robust.”

      “For pros in need of pre-bedtime CGC, Blow Hards make house calls. Pros in heavy duty training are super-factories of sperm production whose man-parts are vast reservoirs of man juice. Even with the powerful suction that Blow Hard’s mouth has, an NB or AP athlete in peak competitive condition may need two Blow Hards in succession to have himself fully and completely emptied, so when making house calls for pros Blow Hards usually travel in pairs.”

    11. Blow Hards is another popular fan group. Their space was nearby, so I decided to check it out. Besides, I hadn’t received oral service yet at the Expo, and I wanted to take the edge off before meeting up with Tedi and Joff Ballo.
      “Blow Hards are respected for their powerful oral service skills,” Dante Brogno, chairman of the club, explained. “They develop their talents in three areas. First is mouth muscle vacuum pump action. Blow Hards give oral so intense and thorough that an average man might not be able to cum again for a week. Second is flexibility. Blow Hards stretch their jaws wide and open their throated deep. No cock, no matter how long and thick, chokes them. Third is speed. Blow Hards can get oral service done in under three minutes. They are the speed demons among oral service providers.”
      “Mostly, Blow Hards develop and hone their oral service skills among themselves, for fun. So we’re here at Expo to attract new members. But any IFNB fan can hook-up with a Blow Hard. Membership is not required. Plus, we provide on-demand services for Aroused Performance pros and amateur athletes.”
      “Blow Hards benefit pros in several significant ways. Sometimes, a pro with a competition quality cock doesn’t want to choke his oral service provider. For sure, he doesn’t want any teeth marks and scratches that might cause him to lose points. The flexible jaw and deep throat of a Blow Hard can expand to accommodate the most enormous male equipment, balls included. A massively hung pro can face-fuck a Blow Hard in comfort without worry about gagging his oral service provider or getting injured.”
      “Other times, pros need quick release. They have short time before a competition or between rounds, and they need to get a load off to ease the pressure that might make them ejaculate randomly. Blow Hards train for providing pros cum-and-run oral service. Blow Hards can release a tense pro in under sixty seconds.”
      “However, pros like the mouth muscle vacuum pump action the best. That’s because most pros now favor a training treatment called Complete Gonad Cleansing. “Com-Gon” has become their mantra, and they want the cleansing treatment once a week or more. CGC is the total emptying of the testicles, prostate and all genitalia of any trace of sperm and semen. Advocates of CGC say that just before bedtime is the best time for a treatment. They say Complete Gonad Cleansing before sleep eliminates wasteful nocturnal emissions (wet dreams). Athletes awake with stronger, harder morning wood. Their man juice is 100% fresh and thus more potent. It’s the best quality to give a training partner as a pre-workout stimulus, or to receive. And the sturdier morning wood makes delivery robust.”
      “For pros in need of pre-bedtime CGC, Blow Hards make house calls. Pros in heavy duty training are super-factories of sperm production whose man-parts are vast reservoirs of man juice. Even with the powerful suction that Blow Hard’s mouth has, an NB or AP athlete in peak competitive condition may need two Blow Hards in succession to have himself fully and completely emptied, so when making house calls for pros Blow Hards usually travel in pairs.”

    12. I looked over the Blow Hards in the Expo space, working with each other to develop their skills, offering oral services, and encouraging Expo visitors to join their club. Sizewise, bodies and cocks, they looked like average guys, except that they had the extra glow that comes from swallowing a lot of pro-grade man juice. Dante asked what I was interested in: deep suction, mouth stretching, or speed. I told him I was mostly interested in emptying my man-parts as completely as possible, but that I also wanted my cock and balls worked together,

      “Blow Hards like to provide one oral service at a time, not combos.” he said. “You’re really pumped from your day here at Expo. I recommend you try cock and balls service followed by cleansing. Sunil can work his talents on you first.” The Blow Hard named Sunil knelt in front of me and took my hard cock completely into his mouth in one smooth motion. Then, he inhaled my nuts in too. His tongue massaged my testicles, and the back of his throat rubbed against my sensitive cockhead. Soon, I exploded my load right into his gullet. As Sunil eased my cock and balls out of his mouth, Pavel was in place ready to take over. The CGC was way better than any ordinary blowjob. Not just my nuts were emptied. Every man fluid in me from toes to finger tips to eyeballs seemed to vacate my body through my dick-slit.

      Totally drained, I needed a top-up to get ready to meet up with Tedi and Joff Ballo.

    13. To top myself up before going to see Tedi and Joff Ballo, I stopped at the Juice-N-Jizz Bar. The Compete Gonad Cleansing had depleted me of man juice, but I still had a good cock-stand. A top-up would get my ‘nads pumping fresh juice and max out my hard-on to its 11” potential.

      Teens and collegiates competing in the Alpha Junior Division had set up the Juice-N-Jizz Bar and were its baristas. They served natural, organic beverages, spiked on request. I ordered a Green Horny-It with a triple shot. A G-Hit combines garlic, ginger and herbs with asparagus nectar. The shots are fresh cum loads jacked on top by the bar staff. Topped-up with a Green Horny-It, I was ready for Tedi and Joff Ballo.

      At their Expo space, the Ballos were promoting a new chain of naked bodybuilding lifestyle camps. Tedi was eager to talk about them, but before he did, he introduced me to his nephew. “Here, meet Joff. He already knows you, in a way. You see, after I gave you the live sperm boost earlier, I brought my cock to Joff to clean. By the way, you look sharp with your pubic hair trim. Joff is a connoisseur of asshole flavored cock. He said the tang your asshole added to my man-meat was as fine as any he ever tasted. He wants to eat right from the source.”

      “Yes.” Joff said. “Let’s not waste time. Get up on the table. I’ll get to work. The benefit of anal goo for manly development is well-known, but too few athletes make it part of their nutritional regimen. Anal goo gives me an edge.”

      When I was on the table, on my back, Joff climbed up, brought his shoulders under my knees and buried his face between my butt cheeks. First, he licked around my anus; then, he probed deeper. Soon, he was tongue-fucking me full-bore. My man-pussy got wet and hot.

      “Now, you're cleaned out and you’re prepped. Let me give you a live sperm boost. I bet I’ll do you better than my uncle.”

      Joff moved off the table and positioned me so that my ass was near the narrow end. As he tapped his dick against my anus, I placed my feet on the sides of his pecs and my toes in his armpits. I put my hands behind my head, interlacing my fingers. Joff poked his cockhead into my manhole, then drove his entire shaft in deep. He rode me that way, sliding his cock forward and back, but keeping his cockhead behind the double muscle rings of my sphincter. Grabbing my ankles and spreading my legs wider, he fucked me hard, grinding his shaved pubes against my freshly shaved taint. I reached for my dick and started jacking it. Beside the table on my left, Tedi stood jacking his ramrod hard-on. Fans in the aisle had a full view of our display of virile power. Joff said he was ready to insemenate me. As he blasted his potent sperm into my man-pussy, I jacked my jizz onto my chest and Tedi splashed his cum on my balls.

    14. “Now, let me tell you about my project, my dream come true.” Tedi said. “Here is Udugu Apejo Ibi, Brotherhood Gathering Place.” He pointed to the map and photos under the plexi-top of the table where his nephew Joff had serviced me. Tedi talked enthusiastically about his naked bodybuilding lifestyle camp, describing the gym, dorms and cabins, dining hall and food, even the outdoor gang shower and latrine. To signal my desire to leave, I grabbed Tedi’s stiff cock and yanked it firmly like I had when we met earlier. I yanked Joff’s hard-on too.

      “Don’t shake my dick. I’m not a chief,” Joff said. “Just say goodbye, and let me thank you. You have tasty and potent anal goo. If you hang with young bucks, you will find many who want to savor it. Come to see us at Udugu Apejo Ibi.”
      Nude day was a success. Hundreds of naked men strutted around the convention hall. Lost or abandoned socks, formerly providing cock cover, as well as boxers, briefs and jockstraps littered the floor. Fans who had begun the day cautiously joined the horny spirit of the Expo. In the aisles and exhibit spaces, muscles and testosterone were on parade. My eyes bugged out as I admired men worshipping and servicing men.

      In his space on aisle 3, Chuck McGrath, an up and coming NB athlete who rose into the pro ranks last year, displayed himself on a Barcalounger, tilted way back, his feet high up on a footrest. McGrath invited foot worship. Fans could rub their dicks on his soles and arches and poke between his toes. Some enthusiasts got so stimulated that his feet were coated with cum. “Yeah, I like having my feet slimed,” McGrath said. “In fact, I’m into jacking guys off with my feet, but here at the Expo, I’m kicking back and letting the fans do their thing. What’s good is I’m going to go home with high quality toe jam. It’s going to be tasty on my toast tomorrow morning.”

      In the next space, Ozgur Urgulu was sitting on a 4-ft stepladder. If anybody on the NB circuit can challenge Carlos Monza for monster cock champ status, it’s Urgulu. Posed on the ladder, he invited fans to lick his dick. “Not suck me off, just lick,” he said. I asked if he’d had oral service from a Blow Hard. “Yeah, I call up or visit one regular. I got big balls, too, not just a big dick. I like stuffing all my junk into a guy’s mouth. Most can’t take all I got. Today, I like having two or three fans lick my stick at the same time. Another fan on my balls, that’s good too. But it’s taking a lot of control for me not to let my spunk out, especially if I got a fan working my piss-slit. That really drives me wild. I wish I could just bust loose, but I’m saving up for my training buddy. He’s going to have a cum-feast to night. I guarantee you that.”

      Big Dawg Labs had run out of Cock-Rock-Its and was closed until tomorrow. But at Grads, Black Mamba and Polish Pipe were still going hot and heavy. They were on the floor in missionary position. I watched, eager to see how the old guys took anal service from the stud hunks on top of them. Pretty quick, the hunks finished their work, and Mamba and Pipe got up and introduced their service providers. The young men were both Junior Division competitors: Jamal Nkata for Pipe and Nils Nielsen for Mamba. Both were members of Grads-and-Lads, a group for former pros to mentor teen and collegiate amateurs. As Mamba said, Grads had learned to value insemenation as part of their training. Although they were retired and not in training any more, insemenation still enhanced their stamina and muscle tone. Also, they could still put their man-chutes to good use.

      Over at Juice-n-Jizz Bar, the baristas were announcing last call for happy hour. The special was a Boner Brew, a shot of cum with a piss chaser. No glass, direct from the tap. I chose one of the baristas, a pumped up dude with an uncut spigot, to serve me. His Boner Brew was tasty and invigorating. I enjoyed it and then went home.

  3. Forget all the negative comments attached to this poor kid and take an objective look at him. Inmmy view he is a better set up character thatnthe much paraised Doucette who is drowning in praise from certain quarters. More and more I have come to think that the pose is very important and can make or break a guy. And I have a nasty suspicion that once 'negatvity' sets in, it has a nasty habit of remaining and cand toll the end of a promising career as the poor subject gets discarded.

    1. I agree with your comments, This body and cock combo is being seriously ignored, thanks, I suspect to the negative write up accompanying the picture.

  4. Coming back to the importance of the pose in conditioning our opinions, this young guy is being seriously undervalued here and not helped either by the negative write up accompanying him In my view he has a magnificent physique and truly superb cock and ball combo, that in the right pose, say 'a la Monza' I believe he would blow us all away. He is just so very undervalued here. And I will repeat what I have said several time over the year: poses where the guy pulls in his abdomen and stretches out his are rarely flattering. Take a look that the 'Millstone' shot of the much praised Doucette. Does he look good in that pose? For me he does not. In a later shot he looks much better, but, frankly, not up to this young guy by a mile. Anyway, think what you will. What we really need here is a critical technical assessment by Bench and I’ll bet a dollar to a dime that he agrees with me. Come on, some you other fans, what do you think about this guy?. We do not only have to concentrate on the well known characters.

  5. So Jason asked me to comment on the 1/17/2015 post on EXPO 15. He asked me to give my “technical analysis” Not sure how I earned the “technical guy” monocre. But being an athlete I am interested in how a sport works...and yes it often comes down to details. But Hey, for me that's what makes it interesting. I'm guessing that Jason wanted to continue our conversation on the Alphafest Expo 16 post. We were discussing“frosting”and “glazing” as an effect of cock drool. When enough seaman covers an erect penis that it gives the effect of a frosted donut, or glazed donut. Frosted when the cum is milky white, glazed when the cum is clear. (you can see it on the Expo 16 thread). Anyway I guess Jason wants me to comment on glazing regarding EXPO 15.

    Well we can all see the obvious. This kid is packing major league lumber and has a major river of creamy man spunk going. I for one, go for girth over length, still the towering red wood this kid is sporting is jaw dropping impresive. If anyone wants to experience what it is like to have the backside of your belly button messaged, he's the guy to talk to. Obviously this kid has a healthy Jizz factory working in his prostrate and nuts creating copious amounts of splooge. I mean we're not talking skim milk, whole milk or even half and half. This kid's prostrate dairy is churning out gallons of heavy cream. I think the point Jason wanted me to address, is the fact that the kids cream river is about to hit the base of this he-man shaft. Once the cum flow hits the base, or root. of the dick shaft things start getting really interesting. Assuming the stud has enough jizz stored up, then he will proceed to “glaze his nuts”. When a stud is able to frost his balls it is not only a beautiful sight to behold, but a very difficult feat only a very few alfas can achieve. Cock glazing is a very difficult feat that only the most advanced highly trained naked bodybuilders can achieve. Ball glazing is even more difficult.

    1. Heavy cream, it's what does a man good.

    The issue is both cum control and cum volume.

    Cum control.
    The type of flowing prolonged drool needed for cock glazing takes scores of hours of training to learn. It is not just the normal leakage, --A glazing drool is an intentional maneuver. And it is a prolonged steady flow of spunk. Really it is a controlled orgasm, a kind of rolling organism. A kin to “edging”. This kind of controlled prolonged drool was first developed as a training technique in underground naked gyms. The mild controlled orgasm (managed meltdown?) gave bodybuilders an advantage in the weight room because that level of arousal increases a studs energy, power, and ability to endure pain. Not to mention motivation. But it takes a lot of training to learn to drool and not shoot. A cocks natural proclivity is to shoot. A long controlled drool is a bit of an unnatural move and has to be learned. Many a younger alpha has gotten his cock half way glazed then looses control and starts uncontrollably tossing.

    Cum Volume
    It takes one hell of a lot of man sap to properly glaze a stiff cock, even more to glaze and over sized enhanced tool of a competitive bodybuilder. But it takes twice as much crème de splooge for a guy to properly glaze his own tanks. The issue are all of the wrinkles, creases, and folds in the purse leather. So the actual surface area of a stud's sack is actually much bigger than it appears. Attendant to the fact it takes “quarts of cum” for a guy to glaze his balls, it also takes a long time to slowly ooze that much man milk. And longer drool time means more risk of misfire and loosing control.

    So it is a rare treat to see a stud with the training and talent to glaze his leather purse. A studs purse soaked in his own man juice glistening and reflecting light, slightly tinged in the soft white of cream is surely a magnificent sight to behold. When the excess cum drips off the bottom of his sack it almost looks like his nuts are leaking through the leather. It is as if the stud has so much testosterone and man milk the sack can't hold it in. Gotta love frosted nuts. “Frosted Nuts” sounds like a breakfast cereal – breakfast of champions~!

    1. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, but the Word was usurped from God by a man called Bench, who turned the Word into the Words, indeed not only Words but into an absolute torrent of them, which explains why Noah and his wife, Joan of Arc, had to build a boat, christened ‘The Arc’ in honour of his wife, to save all the animals from extinction! My godfathers, Bench, you have truly have perfected the art of ‘going on with going on’! But take my comments not amiss, for I absolutely love them! Just let’s hope that others do, but for now, pray continue. HOWEVER, there are times when the matter in hand needs to be addressed succinctly (I guess you know the word! If not I can recommend the Shorter Oxford Dictionary) so that we half idiots can have a clue what you are on about!!
      What I actually wanted your view on was quite simply whether or not the blog was doing this guy a disservice. My view is, and no one else seems to care, that our friend here (who the hell is he anyway?) should be up there with the top contenders. Now Bench, please stop, for a moment, pissing ink from your obviously “ever-full fountain pen”, and if you are really sharp that remark will tell you something about your ‘interlocutor’ i.e. Me, and answer the question. Do you agree with me or not? YES or NO? Is he or is he not a potential winner or if not a potential winner, a guy with an excellent body and a super dick who deserves to be in the competition?

    2. There's going to be a glazing competition at AlphaFest Expo. Promoters have set-off an area with cots and subdued lighting, and they will pipe Om-Om-Om type chanting. Up to twelve NB or AP pros or amateurs can use the area at a time, but more than twelve are expected to compete over the days of the Expo. They will be allowed to use blindfolds to intensify their concentration. At the end of the Expo, winners will be announced in three categories: fastest complete glaze (cockhead and shaft), slowest complete glaze, and total glaze, i,e. including nutsac frosting. Fans can watch the competition from behind a soundproof barrier.

  7. In two reports above, anonyme might be mistaken that they happened at Expo15. Perhaps they happened at FreaXpo.

  8. I am very frustrated with the IFNB blog, My first frustration is that I am a follower, but no updates of posts or comments appear in my inbox. Thinking I might at fault, I try to join again. When I try to do that I receive the error response that my email is already following. Yet, as I said, I receive nothing. Two further frustrations are that the IFNB blog has no Contact or Help hyperlinks or buttons. It provides nowhere to go for assistance. What kind of way is this to run a blog? If reports of new comments do not appear in my inbox, I have to hunt through dozens and dozens of old posts to find new comments. That is a colossal waste of time, Without email updates about new posts and comments, the blog is not user friendly, I will appreciate advice and comments from all who can help me. Since the blog seems to be so difficult for me to deal with, please contact me directly
