Saturday, January 10, 2015


 20-year old Tomin Tieklin is an amateur-level Light Heavyweight who was mistaken for a professional level bodybuilder 
because of his incredible muscle development and frighteningly amazing fuck pole.

A thick, muscular hand of a muscular NBA grabbed the long shaft of Tomin Tielkin and proceeded to guide the head of the monster cock into his round, perfect ass.  Straining and granting to ease the massive shaft into his hole, Tieklin grew excited and began thrusting his cock happily into the NBAs ass.  Tieklin was asked by backstage managers if the hole was good, to which he confirmed.  It was during he backstage tour for pro bodybuilders, where they are allowed to see the set-up for the event, make requests as needed and test our the prep equipment, including he holes of NBAs.

The only problem is that Tomin's Tieklin was not a pro bodybuilder!  He is, in fact, not only an amateur, but only 20 years old!  It seems the massive boy was mistaken by Mr. Alpha organizers as a pro and directed to the backstage tour.  It wasn't until Tieklin fucked two NBAs that someone realized he was not on the roster.   

"The error was not Tomin's fault," said Backstage Manager Norm Brickley.  "Honestly, the thickness of his pecs and shoulders and the massive alpha cock he was waving around made us just assume he was a pro."

The 2015 Jr. Alpha competition is a strictly amateur-level event.  And as with all amateur bodybuilding, the field typically contains bodybuilders with smaller cocks and smaller muscle who are just starting out on their quest to one day turn pro and enter the pro ranks for the IFNB.  However, the teen and collegiate amateurs who have been registering are clearly the best of the amateur ranks.  "We're guessing it's because of the association with the Mr. Alpha name," Brickley said.  "Every horny muscle boy dreams of being seen as he ultimate alpha male.  It's no surprise the most alpha have come a cut above the amateur level.  And with recent young stars like Yann Perrod JK Roher becoming the youngest Mr. A, young dudes see the game as something to really shoot for."



  1. Please O Lord, spare us from any more cock grabbers! They do not look good and this guy;s tool is really in the "hosepipe|" category, to use a term, which although not orignal to me I find totally appropriate, Also, if this guy is supposedy only 20 years old, he had better watch out,, for he is already suffering from premature ageing.

    1. "Spare us"? Who, exactly, are you speaking for?

      I like grabs, myself, and know there are many fans – you could say, "us" – who REALLY appreciate the look! KEEP THEM COMING!!!

      As long as these dudes compete by the standards of the league – which allow stationary grabs – I think it is awesome when a dude shows off his cock grip.

      If you don't like a specific competitor, okay, that may be worth mentioning. But if you don't like a piece of the site's content, just roll on. TONS of options on here without the "preference police" always hammering down on every little thing that doesn't suit their personal tastes. INBF is a big world, bro. Stay chill with the parts that lie outside your prefs.

    2. I have to defend Cockwatcher as certain of you guys cannot seem to tolerate anyone making a comment with which you disagree. OK , so he spoke in general about his dislike of cock grabbers and I have to say that I agree with him - they look terrible. But as, from your comment, I gather that it is OK to make some remark about a specific competitor, so take this one for starters. Not only is this guy's dick too long and thin, a common fault among young contenders, but his pose exposes a miserable set of balls, scrawny to a degree, which look as though they are already on the road to total atrophy. Add Cockwatcher’s comment that this guy also looks to be suffering from premature ageing, for it is hard to believe that the body we see is that of a twenty year old and you can see why some of us find him disappointing.
      If you want to see some really super young studs, with fantastic tools and physiques, then just flick back and look, again at Emanti, Greg Corwin and, especially, Diego Pene (Pan Africa series) all of whom have equipment both fuck sticks and bodies- beyond reproach.

  2. Well put, anonymous! There's plenty to go around on here. I am mainly not hands-free posing myself, but love to see a competent grab-pose like this dude's from time to time. I like the variety too.

  3. "Preference police"! HAHAHAHA!

    That's awesome! Hope some of those types hear that and learn to SHARE instead of trying to monopolize the comments with their protracted and repetitive babble like it's their personal diaries! haha.

    1. There is no monopolising of comments by any contributor and the fact that they publish their thoughts is sharing their views with the readers, They are free to say what they like and think, even if the likes of you do not agree with their views. And what makes them distinct from you lot, is that they do actually say something, which is more than you do. Frankly, you and your ilk add nothing to the blog as all you do is object to what someone else has said and say nothing at all about the picture to which it refers. Have you in fact anything constructive to say? Try and add something pertinent to the photos rather than writing one sentence comments - (grumbles) - like the one above, which add nothing at all to the blog
      Some of you guys come over as stuck in a time warp, where nothing should change. Together, with yuour negative comments, you have effectively killed off the attempt to create a new line, the Aroused Physique division, by your inability to accept any deviation from the old ways. It is as if your credo is written, like the Ten Commandments, in tablets of stone, never to be changed.

  4. This stud, with a well proportioned body, somehow has managed to make himself look wierd. What has he done to create such an impression? Cockwatcher above questions the guy's age and he may be right, for if you compare him with some of the other young guys on show this year, he looks like a seasoned professional, almost old enough to be the father of some of the guys of his own age group. And anonyme on Jan 12 comments on the state of his balles, and he is right - they do look ancient. It is all very striange, Can we have some more comments please?

  5. I have to say, coming back to this shot today on which I have not commented previously, I feel uncomfortable looking at this guy and in a period where we have had a large number of comments on many of the shots, which have been exceptional this year so far, our friend here has clearly not captured many viewers' imagination. Why I wonder?

    This pic appeared before 'archwordsmith Bench' started his penetrating analyses. I wonder what he would make of Tielkin?.
