Monday, October 6, 2014



"Just as horny and just as hung as the big boys."  Peto Mjabwe, a middle weight in the new Aroused Physique Division 
shows off for our cameras by popping a quick facial with his megacock.  Mjabwe and almost 80 other muscled athletes have qualified for the the Pan-Africa Pro Show in the new Aroused Physique Division.  There has been a lot of critic frustration about the "lack of dominance" smaller-bodied naked musclesport athletes represent.
Open this post to read more!
"For decades people have loved this sport because it shows the true power of a total, musclebound man-god," said former IFNB Board Of Directors member Kline Cerile.  "Fans love the sport for how it portrays man as rulers of their peers through their massive muscle and unstoppable monster cocks.  So to add a division which basically opens the door for smaller guys is a major step backwards!"

Cerile was referring to the new Aroused Physique Divisions (originally named the Aroused Athletic Physique Divisions) that were added this past year to the pro muscle circuit – and thus to this year's Pan-Africa – in an attempt to maintain a hold on younger muscle jocks who have trended towards mightier cocks yet smaller muscles.  

"If fans want to see this kind of ass-kissing, they can turn to the other abomination of muscle sport; non-naked bodybuilding!" Cerile ranted.  "Non-naked leagues have always been an embarrassing and inferior version of the true muscle sports we represent.  Now the non-naked leagues adds Men's Physique, and it is a shame the IFNB is doing the same."

Cerile has been on the board off and on for 15 years, and himself was a pro naked bodybuilder in his younger years.  He was the mastermind behind the improvement of the rules in the late 90's, as well as held widely responsible for the mandatory addition of release rooms at pro shows.  Cerile has always worked from the fan perspective, and shows he helped manage often had open-door pump rooms.  Cerile had helped organize the first three Pan-Africa Pro Shows, but has not organized the event in several years.  Yet his voice remains an important one in naked bodybuilding's upper echelon of management.

Aroused Physique looks for "the shape of the athlete in his most primal and aggressive state of arousal," and thus de-emphasized sheer max in it's judging, yet scores heavily for big cock and horny cum shots.  However, since it's inception critics are frustrated because there seems looser standards, with some competitors seeming to win because they are arrogant and self-worshipping alone.  While these qualities are what make a strong naked bodybuilder, there needs to be the body and dick to back it to win, and many think the Aroused Physique Division is sloppy on this idea.



  1. While I am impressed with the cocks, I am glad a powerful voice like Cerile spoke about this. I think Aroused Physique is a lame addition; it's basically just horny model-boys! KEEP THE MUSCLE IN THE IFNB!

  2. I agree with Cerile entirely. A nice physique with an enormous cock is a great thing to check out, but isn’t meant for professional competition. The IFNB has to be about the biggest and best of the male species – and that includes both herculean muscles and frighteningly dominating cocks. There are side exhibitions and competitions, like the Dick Show, where well built guys with impressive cocks and shoot records can show off. Leave the pro competitions to the MUSCLE pros!

  3. Any truth to the rumors that true pro and IFNB fan favorite Ubenna Chaboud is planning to make a big comeback at the Pan Africa--with hopes of starting a run to dethrone JKR at next year's Mr. A? Hopefully we'll see some coverage soon if so.

  4. Y'know the other day I was talking to a friend of mine who assists a Big Rod's Gym, and he said that Chaboud has been hitting the weights and abusing the NBAs there pretty hard. Apparently, his cock's gained some length and, if you can believe it, filled out more since 2012. Could be he's planning on a try for Mr. A, but I'm not sure if he's registered for Pan Africa. Next time I take a client at Big Rod's, I'll keep an eye out for him.

    1. Donovan, would you kindly address the question. Do you or do you not support the APD or whatever they want to call it or not? Read my commnet below and you will see that I have a nasty suspicion that the project is dead on the groud - a non-starter. - a still birth . If it is I shall be very disappoionted as I saw this as a means of widening the scope of the blog.. Why are so many people vehemently against any innovation?
      As ever

    2. Fuck Donovan, you serious? Chaboud in the Mr. A??? FUCK that would be a FIGHT! I REALLY wanted to see his cock in action and show the big boys how a horny muscle stud can rock it! My cock is rock hard right now with enthusiasm for he idea!!!

  5. Announced as AAD just a few weeks ago and now known as APD, I ask myself the question, Quo vadimos Domine? – where are we going O Lord? Well I can tell you where I think we have already got with this idea that is up shit creek without a paddle.

    The comments on the present shot and those of Kline Cerile are all those of the old reactionary guard. We like it the way it is so we want no change: not now, not ever! Got that? I rejoiced when I saw the shot of Tony Kim and the announcement of a new division the AAD, particularly as I had foreseen just such a development quite independently in my story of Simon and Sebastian. But what seemed like a new opportunity has now, evidently been subsumed into the general body of IFNB present events, with the only difference being that we are now to look at thinner long cocked studs shooting cum as has been the way with their heftier brethren. And it goes without saying that no one is interested in that. At least I know that I am not.

    What is really needed is a completely new division, whose activities are totally divorced from those of the IFNB normal events. There are lots of young studs out there who work out and keep their bodies in shape and would like to be able to show off their bodies and exercise their cocks on stage, by participating in some sort of organised activity. Not everyone has the time or money to devote their entire life to body and cock building and learning how to shoot cum on stage under the banner ‘Look mum, no hands!’ In my fanstasy story, I did suggest a number of ‘turns’ which could be included in such a new competition and which involved what I would call ‘friction cumming’. With a little imagination the idea could be built up into a new and interesting division. It would go way beyond the cum shooting routines, which are the backbone, in fact the only bone, now I come to think about it, of the present competition, such as the recent Dragoncock.

    And so I would say to the ‘reactionaries’, the new idea need in no way impinge on the status quo of what we have all been accustomed to up to now, but would be a new and separate entity, with well defined protocols, which the ‘reactionaries’ need never know about unless they wanted to. So, come on, someone, take up the idea and make it work.

    Just one final note. I find the above shot of Pete Mjabwe totally depressing. It brings absolutely nothing new to the blog. And Donovan’s comments do not help, as they are about the normal IFNB activity. The present shot was supposed to relate to the new division APD, which seems largely to have escaped the notice of the commentators. Unless someone picks up the banner, the APD it will be dead in the water, if it is not so already! Requiescat in Pace APD– a bit too soon perhaps, but it may well already be the case,

    1. So, I still don't see the need for a new division. Why not suggest to the organizers that they structure the IFNB competitions like the Olympics, with different events for each competitions, decided ahead of time. Some Olympics have allowed boxing, while others have not. Some have motor sports while others don't. It let the games go beyond the original running, wrestling, throwing and equestrian sports and still hold true to their core values. I don't think we need a new class of athlete as much as we need to let the alphas, of all weight classes, show off their strengths and abilities.

  6. Pete Mjabwe has a very nice physique if one ignores his over-built cock.

    1. I agree with you entirely, but he looks as though he is hiding himself behind his cock. You sound like me, in that overbuilt cocks, as you put it, are not attractive. In this context I have never understood the gushing comments about Yan Perfod, who suffers from the same problem - a cock much to big for its own good - totally unattractive looking.

  7. I still don't think the need for a new division was every adequately explained. The bodybuilding side of the league allows for competitors under 165lb in the lightweight class. That's a pretty small to "average" weight guy. How is an athlete like that different from one of the dudes in the APD? Does "Aroused Physique" mean they'll let any horny guy compete? There's plenty of horse-hung light and middle weight Alphas, so it can't be their dicks. Is an Alpha somehow less "primally" aroused or virile than the APD competitors? Surely not. So again... Why?

    1. To the best of my knowledge the first we heard of the then AAP division was in PA27 on september 27th when a suoer young stud called Tony Kim was presented as the first incarnation of the new type of physque. No deatils were given as to what the APP contenders would actually do. There was no programme The next thing we see is the above photo of. Peto Mjabwe, followed by a lot of negative comment about the new division,which has in the meantime changed its name. As far as I can see this division is on the way out.

    2. I think it is an attempt to capture the younger generation. While muscle enhancements take a long time, cock enhancement chemical technology has sped up results vastly. The younger dudes wake up with a fat pole between their legs and want to show off, but don' yet always have the muscle to do so. Some get discouraged. So my guess is the iFNB is trying to capture that audience.

      You go into any naked bodybuilder gym, and there are always small groups of horny college boys, rick hard and trying to be hot shots like he big men they see. Often, the first notably impressive growth they show is their hard, dripping cocks. They barely know what their doing, but get rowdy while repping out curls and pumping moaning cumloads all over their laughing buddies. While a visit to a naked bodybuilding gym will always mean you get frequently sprinkled with a few wads of muscle cum while training, one time I was doing dumbbell bench presses I was literally cum on by no less than four young, hung guys horsing around near the dumbbells. I am pumping my pecs while loads of muscle cum splatter my belly, muscle cleavage and face. The taste was clearly enhanced, and after I completed I looked and could tell these smaller-built young men with monster cocks were clearly loving their newly enhanced fuckpoles.

      Among these packs of young muscle, laughing, lifting and pumping cocks, is the next generation of bodybuilder pros. I think this is the IFNB's attempt to lure them in early and get them excited.

  8. I’ve been talking with some of the higher ups in the federation, regarding the status and expectations of the new division, particularly whether we should treat the new breed of athletes as “Alphas”. While these guys can wow a cheering crowd with their dicks, they do not command the same respect and instant worship like their bodybuilding counterparts, at least not as far as I’ve seen. Most of them have little experience in the world of naked bodybuilding and don’t get how and why we do things the way we do. And I get it. It’s a new thing. There’s gonna be growing pains. Whatever. I was just hoping the execs would clarify a few things, maybe a have plan to keep everybody happy. Then Cerile got all gunched up over standards and started throwing around words like “sloppy”, “inferior”, and “limp” and everyone started going ape-shit.

    Yesterday the VP of NBA Services sent me a memo saying our department is not going to receive any new funding or personnel to help cover the influx of new athletes, in the APD. Further, the expectation is that the current pool of assistants will provide superior service to all competitors, as compared to DC’14. And to top it all off, I was expected to head a committee to help improve the image of the APD’s standards, “without necessitating a change of rules, guidelines or division specific events“. Gee, thanks for answering my questions, boss.

    I ask for so little, in this job. All I really want is to get paid for letting a slew of hung muscle-gods pound my ass, filling my gut with splooge and to have a staff of subordinate flunkies I can plow when I get bored. Instead, I get a face full of hot bureaucratic runaround, while the guys in the boardroom whip out their cocks for a pissing contest. Look guys, if you want to see Alphas doing different events, suggest them to the planning committees or ask what other events you can watch besides the pose-downs. If you want to see lighter Alphas, go to the lightweight judging panels. I can deal either way with the ADP, but not until the federation takes it’s balls out of its purse and acknowledges they’re smaller, less dominant men who don’t deserve the same treatment as Alphas. I’m not about to prostrate before a cocky frat boy until he earns my respect.

    1. Fret not, O Donovan! Like the mythical Sister Hanna who carried the Banner for the Salvation Army, I am thinking about taking up the cause of the new ADP division, or whatever it is supposed to be called. I thought it was a good idea because I prophetically had conjured up something similar in the ending to my story about Simon and Sebastian, but frankly, not to make pun, the whole thing has gone off half-cock. We have seen just two young studs, whom, using politically correct language appropriate to the IFNB criteria, I suppose we have to consider as ‘muscularly disadvantaged’.(Note that in no way can they be thought to have disadvantaged cocks, though!) . Now, both young studs have nice bodies but they clearly do not fit in with the IFNB criteria. So why were they put into such competitions, when it is obvious that they could not fit in? It was a lead ballon from the word go. They need something totally new. But what exactly was the idea of the new division? The answer is we do not know as it was proposed and now seems to have been shot down in flames in the blinking of an eye, by criticisms from those whom I have to define as ‘the old guard’. Can these young guys shoot cum like the regular contestants, while on stage, just by flexing their muscles and without touching their cocks? I thought that this technique required years of training and 100% dedication to the sport, which many younger guys have neither the time nor the money to do. And so, I naively thought that these young studs would do something different, yet to be defined.

      Anyway, Donovan, I am turning over a new story in my mind, which takes up where Simon and Sebastian left off. Young Chris, the millionaire owner of the Ringboys Gym in SF takes up the cause of younger naked cock and body builders who want to compete in some sort of event, but do not fit into the present IFNB scheme of things. He was pushed to do this because the original idea of a multi-gym event was a fiasco, precisely due to bad planning and definition. So let’s see where I can go with this idea.

      As ever

    2. Donvan, I am a 5 year veteran NBA and also got that letter. I worked as an NBA at the DragonCock, 14 and was frustrated by the lack of standards he promoters showed the backstage. Most of those NBAs were untrained young men horny for muscle and a chance to brag about tasting a pro load. But as they wore out, my own workload tripled. During the 4th round of mandatories, I was at one point on my back with my legs up for 5 hours straight getting mouth and ass fucked by repetitive monster-dcked muscle brutes trying to pre their god-cocks for the show. I lost count of how many painful cocks heartlessly pistoned my fuckhole, but I am guessing I was used by around 40 or more bodybuilders as piece of fuck equipment for their own self-important arousal needs. While I see this as part of the job, the problem as that this was a time there should have been more hole for he pros to use! The fact that I was not given any respect or dignity and just treated like a piece of meat that no one gave a shit about while using is a normal thing for us - what you train and sign up for as an NBA. But my purpose is solely the pleasure of the men who are superior to me – the pro bodybuilders! And so when their arrogant needs are neglected, it reflects poorly on me and all us NBAs! No one cares that i am being heartlessly ass raped and throat-choked by dangerously powerful supercock - what people worry about is if the men doing it feel ready to show off. THAT is the priority. When it fails, we all fail.

      So I am nervous about how the new AA Division will overload us slut trash NBAs and cause more backups like I experienced at the DragonCock. When I applied to NBA at the upcoming Masters, I was told I would need "to train for possibility of 10 cocks an hour," which is a change from the standards for the past three years which maxed out requirements at 6 cocks per hour. This is clearly because of the AA division overload.

    3. I hear ya, Bro. DragonCock was a fiasco for us! As if dealing with the lack of discipline and aftershocks wasn't enough, the burnout and overtime just added insult to injury. Sounds like it was rough for you guys in the prep rooms, and my guys in he release areas couldn't handle it, either. And that 4th round was brutal. The Alphas were all feeding off each others aggression, and the crowd had really worked then into a lusting frenzy. The fucking and physical domination was hard-core abuse. I had to step in and get the Alphas on my schedule tag-team me, taking two or three at time It is any wonder I got benched?

      Anyway, while the powers that be have imposed the 10-cock rule, they've at least agreed to let us line up the least experienced fuck-bitches with the APD and lighter Alphas. That way their asses may get ruined, but they should be able to stay in the game.

    4. Wait a sec - Donovan you got "benched?" You aren;t gonna be working the Africas??? What happened??
