Tuesday, September 30, 2014


IFNB Board Of Directors Rep Seth Wald congratulates young megaweight competitor Joff Ballo at this past spring's 
IFNB Night Of Loads, where Ballo won his pro card, becoming one of the youngest megaweight pros on the circuit 
at only 20 years old.  Ballo turns 21 prior to the start of the 2014 IFNB Pan Africa, but is still among the youngest.  
Click below to read more!
The biggest trend young naked muscle bucks have seemed obsessed with has been just to have as long a cock as possible, rather than the more traditional balance between massive dick and massive muscle.  The trend was popularized by teen competitors like the baseball-bat hung lightweight teenager, Chris Garter and the pole-fucker of teen-turned-pro superstar Yann Perrod. And while judges continue to downscore impabalced cock and muscle, the younger generation loves waving their monster-length dicks in front of hungry crowds.  In short: the trend is here to stay!

However, that is not to say that the sudden increase in long-cocked muscle studs has resulted only in lowered quality among the younger competitors.  And last spring, at the IFNB Night Of Loads Competition in Milwaukee, USA, one young African competitor proved that not only can a young naked muscle competitor be as big an alpha beast as a man, but can handle a longer cock on stage without imbalanced properties!  

That competitor was 20-year-old Joff Ballo, who dominated the stage to turn pro with his 17+" baseball bat cock and a body overcrowded with thick man-muscle.  Ballo, still being young and having such hyper-enhanced proportions, was a tornado of muscle horniness, shooting spontaneously and passionately as he lustfully flexed his beef.  If the name rings a bell for true fans, it is because his uncle – and sometimes-coach – Tedi Ballo is also a pro IFNB naked bodybuilder, who competes in the Masters division at 41 years old.  

Megaweights often have low control-scores, and Ballow was no exception with his spontaneous load-sprays brought on by apparent lust for his own thick arms and pecs.  But being so young his sheer cum quantities and frequency had the crowd cheering and startled!  Even f you didn't love the length of that hole-destroyer of a cock, you could not turn away from the thrills of it's hot production!

While Ballo was encouraged to take a break before competing at the pro level, he has nonetheless decided to enter the 2014 Pan-Africa. He is one of the first pros to announce his entry, and tells us he has been "horny as a wild best in rut" to start flexing for the crowds again.  This means he will be competing alongside his own uncle and mentor at the Africas.

"There is no greater high I get than when men idolize my cock and muscle," the horny young muscle monster told us.  "It is the ultimate form of sex for me, shooting on those below me and seeing them beg for my perfection!  Ho could I pass up another opportunity to give my cock a thrill like that!"



  1. What a great young stud. It does seem like with more advances with science, and the stigma of naked bodybuilding being changed, that young competitors are starting earlier and earlier and getting more aggressive about getting big and asserting their alpha cock and muscles. Since Ballow has naked muscle in the family, I’m sure he grew up watching his uncle Tedi flexing muscle, showing off cock and popping muscle shots since a young age. But it will be interesting to see this intergenerational family compete against each other at the Africas this year. Unlike a Master’s Boy competition, they’ll be direct competition, right?

    I wonder if uncle and nephew will still train together during the competition? I have heard that the boost a bodybuilder gets from drinking/absorbing/getting pumped with the enhanced sperm from another dude is increased when they are genetically close – i.e. the muscle jizz from a family member will give a bigger boost than from an unknown muscle beast. Time will tell. . . .

    1. It's true that close genetics can stack the effects a bodybuilder gets from a cum pump. It's like his body did double duty producing hormones. Just look at the Izzaru brothers. But the larger than normal effect will diminish, if an Alpha's body develops a tolerance, so athletes who know what they're doing will time training with a relative for maximum impact, in the training cycle. Very different genetics can sometimes do the same thing, but it takes the right combination of genes.

      When I started training with my older brothers, about the time I graduated high school, my own growth was much improved. Made the biggest difference to that point, even though I'd been taking loads from the football team for years.

    2. Frankly Donovan, you are blinding us with science. What does it all mean????

      As ever

    3. Donovan, good point. A lot of the chems that build up in alpha cum have a genetic component, and taking loads of similar genetics can have an edge.

  2. I am glad that the first fan to comment likes this young guy, because he is not at all to my taste. There are horses for courses, but this young stud does not suit my course. Why? Well I think that he is just too heavily muscled for his age. His upper torso is just enormous and one wonders where he goes next, after all he is only, what, twenty? I know that he fits in with the main thrust of the blog, or should I say with what was the main thrust until the newly announced AAP division (WELCOME !), but not only does he belong to the bigbiggerbiggest school he also seems to be going for the longlongerlongest school, for his cock is well on the way to the unheard of length of 24 inches. I know that Negros are reputed to have bigger cocks than us whites, but come on…… And whilst we are on cocks, why do competitors always have to grasp their tool as if it were the joy stick on a ‘plane? Are they afraid that they might lose their balance if they let loose of it? But all this apart, just take a close look at this stud’s upper body and his head and traps. His head and traps look as though they are not part of his body. They could be standing behind him. They are completely out of proportion to the unbelievable muscle mass on which they actually repose. Sorry, but this guy is not for me. Come on Donovan, You are a connoisseur of the heavy build. What do you make this guy? I know my view is probably way out left of field, but there it is. This is just not one of the memorable shots of 2014 for me to date.

    1. You'll know by now my bias for megaweights, and Ballo's built thick and heavy for a 20 year old. He has good form as a builder too. Strong core, proper balance of chest, shoulder and arm size. I can't complain. He does seem to favor length in his cock training, but I think he's just thick enough to pose well.

      His biggest challenge will be timing/control, as with most all megaweights, especially the young bucks. Lack of timing will show in his competition scores, but his youth and vigorous production may give him an edge over some other competitors. Even if he has trouble controlling his orgasms to sync with his posing, more loads can sometimes mean more chances to get it right!

    2. As I said above, bigbiggerbiggest is now competing with lonmglongerlngest. Frankly who on earth would want to take that monster up his arse? even better put, whjo could take that monster up his arse? I think we need a new 'Impaler Division' with the winner getting a model of that Transilvanian character, Vlad the Impaler, as a trophy. Still, looking on the bright side, the suppliers of sexual paraphernalia could introduce a sort of 'penetration limiter' a padded disk which the impaler puts over his cock and which limits the depth of his thrust..The most positive thing I can say is that he holds his balls tightly to his body, a feature I always like to see. And yes, I do know that you prefer danglers, Donovan. But you know, looking through the blog, tight balls seem to be the in thing today

  3. Jason it's not about bursting blood vessels. Even those of us who like your stories think you would be better served by posting a link to lengthy stories elsewhere. Starting your own blog would let you have more creative control, add pictures if you wanted and post more text without having to cut and paste so many times, and give you the opportunity to grow your own fanbase. It would also let you edit more freely and call the shots on whose comments stuck around. Even making google docs for your stories would be a very writer friendly option.

  4. Please Jason do not take these as criticism; I think I and the poster above really enjoy, appreciate and think your work has great value, and think that it deserves it's own space to celebrate it. Purely suggestions!

  5. Point taken. I will finish the present story and then publish elsewhere, Actually, I have not got the foggiest idea of how to set up a blog as I am barely computer literate. My first story just grew like topsy out of an idea I had to amuse fans during a rather moribund period and once started I just kept going and let my imagination do the rest until I reached what I thought was a good place to end. Also in what turned put to be a long summer recess, I filled in space with what I hope was a really far- fetched amusing fantasy tale when literally nothing at all was happening, either in terms of new shots from the editors or comments from fans. Anyway, I hope that you will enjoy the rest of Sebastian Finds Himself.

  6. Since writing the above comment, the editors have contacted me and are proposing that we create a special space to accommodate articles like mine, which, it is quite true are occupying too much space in the comments section. So, I shall stop publishing the above story until new arrangements are in place. I shall, however, still continue making comments

  7. Thanks for another great story, Jason! Hopefully, you can continue to post here in some way, but if not let us know where you are posting in the future.

    1. Glad you enjoy my stories, which I really enjoy writing as they exercise my imagination. I think that I shall be able to continue with the present story, Sebastian Finds Himself, once things are cleared with the editors. They are quite right, of course, that I have taken up a lot of space, but as I have pointed out to them, they did encourage me to write and my stories were partially published in what were fairly lean times for the blog. For them it was a case where they should have looked before leaping, as they did not realize (nor did I either for that matter) that the whole thing would develop into such a long story. But there it is. It did and no damage had been done to anyone and I hope my characters and there doings have given lots of pleasure to the fans. It has to be better than a continuous analysis of cock size and numbers of cum shots, however mach we all like to goggle at the photo shots of the blog. And make no mistake, I really do enjoy looking at them even though I take the micky at times in my comments. The present tale, of which only one episode had been published to date, is actually quite long and will run to about 60 pages. I have not yet quite finished it, but will do so this week. It covers Sebastian’s life from the time he was shunted off to the Sheldon School to the time he takes off for the Dragoncock in Taipei. It should, by rights, have preceded all that I have published about Simon and Sebastian, but as that tale just set off as a one page essay and developed like topsy until it came to what I thought was a good place to end, I had to concoct something else, which is the ‘Prequel’ And there I will end, for as you can see, once I get started writing, I never know where to stop.

  8. Got my first look at Joff Ballo today, in the pump room. This kid is absolutely JACKED! Haven't seen muscle like this since I serviced Tory Zak. Can't wait to eat his cum in the release rooms; I bet his loads are gonna be great for bulking.
