Tuesday, September 30, 2014


IFNB Board Of Directors Rep Seth Wald congratulates young megaweight competitor Joff Ballo at this past spring's 
IFNB Night Of Loads, where Ballo won his pro card, becoming one of the youngest megaweight pros on the circuit 
at only 20 years old.  Ballo turns 21 prior to the start of the 2014 IFNB Pan Africa, but is still among the youngest.  
Click below to read more!
The biggest trend young naked muscle bucks have seemed obsessed with has been just to have as long a cock as possible, rather than the more traditional balance between massive dick and massive muscle.  The trend was popularized by teen competitors like the baseball-bat hung lightweight teenager, Chris Garter and the pole-fucker of teen-turned-pro superstar Yann Perrod. And while judges continue to downscore impabalced cock and muscle, the younger generation loves waving their monster-length dicks in front of hungry crowds.  In short: the trend is here to stay!

However, that is not to say that the sudden increase in long-cocked muscle studs has resulted only in lowered quality among the younger competitors.  And last spring, at the IFNB Night Of Loads Competition in Milwaukee, USA, one young African competitor proved that not only can a young naked muscle competitor be as big an alpha beast as a man, but can handle a longer cock on stage without imbalanced properties!  

That competitor was 20-year-old Joff Ballo, who dominated the stage to turn pro with his 17+" baseball bat cock and a body overcrowded with thick man-muscle.  Ballo, still being young and having such hyper-enhanced proportions, was a tornado of muscle horniness, shooting spontaneously and passionately as he lustfully flexed his beef.  If the name rings a bell for true fans, it is because his uncle – and sometimes-coach – Tedi Ballo is also a pro IFNB naked bodybuilder, who competes in the Masters division at 41 years old.  

Megaweights often have low control-scores, and Ballow was no exception with his spontaneous load-sprays brought on by apparent lust for his own thick arms and pecs.  But being so young his sheer cum quantities and frequency had the crowd cheering and startled!  Even f you didn't love the length of that hole-destroyer of a cock, you could not turn away from the thrills of it's hot production!

While Ballo was encouraged to take a break before competing at the pro level, he has nonetheless decided to enter the 2014 Pan-Africa. He is one of the first pros to announce his entry, and tells us he has been "horny as a wild best in rut" to start flexing for the crowds again.  This means he will be competing alongside his own uncle and mentor at the Africas.

"There is no greater high I get than when men idolize my cock and muscle," the horny young muscle monster told us.  "It is the ultimate form of sex for me, shooting on those below me and seeing them beg for my perfection!  Ho could I pass up another opportunity to give my cock a thrill like that!"


Monday, September 29, 2014



One of the IFNB Report's biggest fans over the past year has been Jason.  Jason has been known for (good-naturedly) clogging our comment threads with riveting stories of muscle studs in action.  With such constant submission, we figured it was better to keep the comment threads a tad cleaner and offer this amazing fan some clear space to share his tales.

This will be a series that will pop up here and there as Jason submits tales to us.  Sit back and read a more in-depth tale from a major IFNB fan!

Well, I finally ended my fantasy story of Simon and Sebastian and their protégé, Chris and I wondered where I could next allow my imagination to wander. In my first story, I had introduced Sebastian as the ‘hero’ of the action and in one of the episodes I had briefly touched on his earlier life and upbringing, before he became a male escort in New York. I decided that Sebastian’s life prior to his life changing visit to the Dragoncock in Taipei, was sufficiently interesting to make a story on its own.

And that is what I have done. 

I suppose that this new story, which I will call ‘Sebastian Finds Himself’ should, strictly speaking, have preceded the saga of ‘Simon and Sebastian’ as it tells of Sebastian’s life from the time he was sent to the Sheldon Academy in upstate New York to the time when, established as a top notch Male escort in New York, he decided to take a vacation and jet of to Taipei to see the Dragoncock competition live. And as those of you who have read the story of Simon and Sebastian, what a life changing decision that turned out to be. Thus this story ends where the story of Simon and Sebastian begins.

In this story, in addition to Sebastian, there are three other main characters with whom he is regularly in contact:
First is his friend and flatmate, Craig, whose role model is Bayle Norton (IFNB Amateur Rumble 10)
Second is Mike, his boss at the bar where he finds his first job, whose role model is Brett Damin (Pounder’s Place Gym 4).
Third is Jonathan the owner of the gym where Sebastian goes to train, whose role model is Janos Peralek (Amateur Spotlight 9)

I have spent some time in selecting the IFNB characters whom I think will best represent the three guys in the story. None of them are heavy weight bodybuilders or IFNB top grade competitors. But all of them are well set up young studs, well equipped where it matters, and are credible characters in what is once again a totally imaginary story. And I think if you take a look at Peralek, who has appeared only once in the blog, you will agree that he has exactly the physique to run a gym.


This is the story of Sebastian, his life at Sheldon school and his move to New York city and how he came to develop his Personal Escort business. It starts before his visit to the Dragon cock in Taipei and explains how he got from his school to being a top level male escort. The first part fleshes out some of the ground already covered in my long story about Simon and Sebastian, but all the rest is new. As ever it is long and in several episodes, which is in the best early tradition of Engish literature where many of our great authors published their novels in instalments in now defunct magazines. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. It is all pure fiction of course: not one word of it is true.
My name is Sebastian Watson. Nothing special about that you might think other than the fact that the name Sebastian is not much used anymore today. Well, it may become clearer if I tell you that my full name is a ponderous Sebastian Aloysius Mortimer Watson. Yes, indeed, I am a ‘scion’ to use ‘their’ word, of what is considered in upper class American society, an ‘old family’ to use again their words. Old and good families, whatever they are, always lumber their offspring with names that no normal person would ever think of using. Sebastian is bad enough, and I am always called Sebastian and never ever Seb, but I ask you, Aloysius Mortimer, where on earth did my late parents ever dig up these prehistoric names– what on earth were they thinking about when they lumbered their only child with them? But that is precisely what ‘old families’ do. What the hell is an old family anyway – all families are old? Well I will tell you: an old family is one which has been rich enough or influential enough over the years as to keep track of its family history -, who married whom and how many children and so on and so forth. And so, they are able to tell you that their line dates back to before the war of independence or whenever. In fact Joe Crow has just as long a lineage, but it had never been recorded and so, like most folks he can barely go back much beyond his grandparents and rarely can he tell you the maiden name of either grandmother. That, my friends, is the only difference. And so, as American tradition requires everyone to have at least a middle initial – it always asks for that on those printed forms one gets through the post, I decided to call myself Sebastian David Watson, or Sebastian D. Watson. You can, you know, use any name you wish as long as you are not intent on committing a crime of some sort.

In my case, of course, coming from a true blue ‘old family’ I know that we have been around in Boston since 1720. My forbears did not come over on the Mayflower, but we count nevertheless as part of the Boston ‘aristocracy’. We Watsons may not qualify to socialise with the Cabots or the Lodges, (they are the ones, in case you had forgotten, who converse only with God) but we hold – or rather held- our own in Boston society, even though we never had the cash to really live up to it. Well, lumbered as I was with my prehistoric names, I was orphaned at the age of two, when both my parents were killed in a car crash and so I have no recollection of them.

We were a very small family: I was an only child as had been my mother and my father had but one elder sister, Agatha Amelia Dorothea Watson (Oh yes, they did not stint on names) who was fifteen years older than her brother and was a dried up, inward looking old spinster, truly the quintessential Maiden Aunt. I am pretty sure the the ‘maiden’ bit was a correct designation as she had no time for men at all and lived a solitary life, wrapped up in religion and ‘good works’, whatever they might be. However Aunt Agatha, as I subsequently called her, had that true sense of duty which goes with being from a ‘good family’ and became my legal guardian from my earliest age. She was a totally remote woman who really had no time for children and engaged a series of nurses and governesses to look after me, until at the tender age of eleven she shipped me off to a boy’s boarding school, the Sheldon Academy for Boys, which was located in a small community the same name in rural up-state New York.

The Sheldon Academy was a private school catering for about 350 boys and attracted boys from ‘good families’ for two reasons. Firstly it promised a rigorous old-fashioned education modelled on that practised in English public schools and secondly, which was possibly more important in the eyes of many of the people sending their charges there, it offered supervised board and lodgings to the pupils out of term time. In other words here was a place where, for a fee, you could enrol your offspring and not have to see them at all any more unless you wanted to until they reached the age of eighteen and left the school to pursue either a college education or find a job! I exaggerate here somewhat, as even the most callous of parents or guardians felt it morally necessary to see their charges a few times during the year, but make no mistake, those of us who spent vacations at the school usually received the odd visit from our parents or guardian, but never actually went home. I was one of these ‘lucky’ lads! Aunt Agatha religiously came to see me four times a year (it was a sort of sacred duty) and took me out to lunch, but from the time I entered the school, aged eleven until the day I left aged eighteen, I never ever went back to Agatha’s house! Incredible but true: and I was not the only one. So, of home life I had absolutely none: I lived in an expensive institution and had to make the best of it. But as you will see later, it was not all bad; for I had some congenial schoolmates and was able to leave there with a very clear idea of what my future life would be.

The Sheldon Academy was run by an expatriate Brit, who himself was a product of the old style English public school system. He had run this establishment on the same lines for over 35 years and saw himself as a sort of God, to put fear into the hearts of his pupils. He came, apparently, from a very upper, upper English background and rejoiced in the name of Ambrose Archibold Cedric Woodderowffe Pryce. – MA Cantab. (That’s a master’s degree from the University of Cambridge, England, in case you did not know. Yes you’ve got it, that was his name, which was pronounced, so he drilled into us, Woodruff Priss. With typical English disdain for any pronunciation which bore even a vague resemblance to its spelling, even the simple name of Pryce, was, according to him, pronounced as Priss. Of course, Price, spelt with an I instead of a Y is a common enough name, especially in Wales. But Woody’s version was with a Y. The upper class Brits were truly experts in the art of transmogrification! But I am sure you can image what we boys called him. There were two versions of his name; one was Woody Piss and the other Woody Prick. Once one had got to know the man better, Woody Prick was the one that stuck as this character really was a prick of the first water and most of us lads referred to him as ‘the Prick’.

Life at Sheldon was not all that bad. Some of the teachers were great and really enjoyed their jobs, which they saw as their true vocation. Others were just there to earn a living and were really indifferent about their work. One or two were downright awful in their treatment of their charges among which a man called Clarence Simmons, Slimey we called him, who was the PT and games master and was easily the worst. This character was a slimey little bastard, who loved to go around the gym classes, hitting his pupils across the arse with a short strap he always carried. We guessed he had some special arrangement with the Prick as, according to the school rules, only the Headmaster was allowed to administer corporal punishment, but somehow Slimey managed to get away with slapping all and sundry with his strap during the gym lessons. He was an utter sneak and reported any misdemeanour as he saw it straight to Woody Prick. Now, at this time, corporal punishment in schools had not been abolished in the USA, but it was rarely used in the state schools. Not so with the Prick. He was a great believer in the old school methods and was ready (too ready, many thought) to wield his cane across the miscreant’s arse. By the time I was sixteen I had had my arse whacked by him three times, but this was par for the course, for there was a regular stream of pupils entering his office for punishment. Woody Prick was a real martinet with a strong sadistic streak and he seized upon even the most minor misdemeanour to thrash the miscreant’s arse. Looking back on things now, I believe it was thrashing his pupils’ naked arses that really made his day. Not a week went by but what some poor unfortunate lads had to drop their pants and let the Prick whack their naked butts.

I now have to turn to my own development. By the time I was fourteen I had already realised that my sexual orientation was towards other boys and that I really had little interest in girls - not that any of us had much opportunity to fraternise with members of the opposite sex; there just were not any around. But I was not interested in the general chat about girls which was the preoccupation of most of the others. Anyone familiar with the British public school system where boys had no contact with girls, will know that buggery among the pupils was quite common. The lads had no means other than jerking off of relieving their growing sexual desires and so it was quite common for one lad to shaft another. Although buggery was outwardly condemned, it was nevertheless tolerated as it was considered ‘normal’ behaviour, especially by the upper classes: their offspring were not gay, they were simply buggers and when they left school and found their life’s partner, so the perceived wisdom went, they would stop buggering other men. Mmm!

Well the fact of the matter is that I and a number of other lads were sure that we were gay by the time we reached fifteen or so years of age and in my own case, by the time I had reached sixteen, I had a regular sex partner, one Charles Tennant, who was in the same class as I and whom I fucked as often as I could. I should tell you that I was a keen sportsman and exercised out in the school gym as often as I could so that by the time I was sixteen years old, I had a finely muscled body and, already had a really large cock for a guy of my age: I was already sporting 7 inches of soft uncontrollable flesh by that age, so you can imagine how I looked when I had a hard on. In fact, I was the envy of all my class mates, for nothing is hidden in a boarding school environment and we all saw each other naked in the showers on a daily basis. Like many guys who are fond of developing their own bodies, I had a strong narcissistic streak and took every opportunity I had to look at myself totally naked in a full length mirror.

Anyway, Charlie and I rapidly became an item made in heaven for I liked to fuck and he liked to suck and take my cock up his arse and so we got on famously. We were so stuck on each other that we took every opportunity to have sex together, which led to our undoing. I always shafted him but he never wanted to reciprocate the act, being content to allow my poundings to bring him to a climax and shoot his wad. Now as you all know, sex is a tremendous driving force, difficult to control, and one day after games, Charlie and I were the last in the showers. The place was suddenly empty and I very foolishly shafted Charlie, not that he objected in any way. I had just got into my rhythm and was hard at it reaming his hole when a voice from behind us suddenly roared, “What are you two boys doing?” Frankly it was a bloody silly question to ask as anyone with half an eye could see what we were doing. You can guess who it was: none other than Slimey. “Put back on your gym shorts and vests” he roared and forthwith whisked us off to the Prick’s study, where he recounted with considerable relish to the headmaster what he had seen us doing. The Prick drew himself up and looked grimly at us before saying that such unnatural behaviour could and would not be tolerated in his establishment and that he himself would see that an end was put to it immediately before it went any further. He really was an old hypocrite, for he turned a blind eye on buggery, but wanted to censure any true homosexual activity. If he had had the slightest idea of the human sex drive, he would have known that he was pissing into the wind or more politely put, doing a King Canute act. A man of his years and experience should have known that there is no way that anyone can make or persuade a homosexual to become a heterosexual. To the gay male his sexual actions with another man are just as normal as those of a heterosexual with the female of the species. Anyway, the Prick thundered on sounding more and more like an Old Testament prophet as he warmed to his subject. Our behaviour was totally inexcusable and words like moral turpitude and lewd behaviour crept into his diatribe. We would be punished, for our unseemly behaviour, indeed severely punished. If it ever happened again, then we would be expelled. What a load of twaddle. He would no more expel us than jump off a cliff, for he would never give up the juicy fees fees paid by our respective parents.

Slimey was clearly enjoying every minute of this. Woody Prick had now got the bit between his teeth and thundered on in his inimitable circumlocutive way. He would nip this whole business in the bud: stop it dead in its tracks, so to speak, before it had time to develop further and become a loathsome, unnatural, lewd habit. What the silly old twit evidently did not realise, was that Charlie and I were an item, as the modern parlance puts it. Our relationship was already in full bloom, so to speak and had been so for quite some time. No bud remained to nip, and we were certainly not going to let the old Prick pick the blooms. The Prick was facing an unstoppable force, for he could huff and puff as much as he wished, and in spite of his diatribe, he surely must have realised that sex is an incredible and unstoppable force. Noy withstanding this, he was clearly determined to go ahead and try to stop us dead in our tracks.

So what was now going to happen? Well, it soon became obvious that the old Prick was enjoying the occasion and was determined to turn the whole incident into a piece of drama, acted out with Slimey as a willing assistant. Looking back on it now, one could almost have believed that they had rehearsed their dialogue, which was couched in excessively polite and overdone phraseology.


2014 IFNB DragonCock Overall Champion Superheavyweight Kenny Jeung poses with second place Han Hyun just before the two 
went to the Release Room so that Jeung could use Hyun's ass and mouth to relieve his heightened testosterone from the competition.  
The cum loads splattered all over Jeung were from the other nude bodybuilders, who uncontrollably were shooting on him 
in awe-struck congratulations over to excitement that Jeung finally landed the top win after so many years of trying.

This year was unanimously heralded as one of the IFNB's best DragonCocks ever, in spite of some controversies (that all contests have).  And the crowning moment was for the loyal Kenny Jeung fans who have waited many years for the muscle and cock beast to finally take the top position.  

Second place and pro newcomer Han Hyun did his best to pump up a new rivalry with the veteran Jeung, but Jeung focused only on his own muscle a cock – as any truly superior arrogant muscle alpha should do in competition – and never seemed even bothered by the declaration of rivalry from young Hyun, much less stooping to the level.  This class act of self-woshipping muscle and cock lust on the part of Jeung not only increased his fans idolization, but also won back the wayward respect of young Hyun.

"Jeung was my idol for many years as I sought to turn pro," Hyun recounted.  "Adfter the immense gains my godlike cock has made this year, and the mountains of muscle I have built, I began thinking that by defeating my idol I would rise faster. But this contest has shown me Jeung truly is a superior male, and he is owed all my respect!"

It is an unofficial tradition among the men of naked muscle to allow champions to choose whomever he likes among those he has defeated for use in his final Release Room session post-contest.  There was no doubt Jeung would dismiss all the NBA's and other competitors and choose to se Hyun for his cock's final competitive releases.  But the two seemed less rivals and more workout-partners as Hyun submitted to the mighty Jeung and his hole-destroying cock of perfection.

"In truth, while it was one of the hardest things taking his cock – I don't usually train much anal stim in my program, so I have a tight muscle hole," Hyun told us after the Release Room.  "I actually had a huge opportunity to watch Ken's incredible style, and how he trains his muscle and cock via hole-pounding.  I was barely able to focus as his thick tool tore me open without compassion, and made me dizzy as it dug out my hole, but I was fortunate enough to have Ken insist I be on my back.  I did not think even he could hold open my monstrous quads, but his powerful arms held my legs far up and wide, and I was able to see how he used this position to also get a pec pump.

"Kenny told me to punch his pecs at one point, to see how swollen they were.  It was like hitting two thick watermelons!  Swollen and powerful I saw a pro use his fucking to develop muscle.  And his technique in my ass was clearly an edging process that produced a massive amount of hot muscle cum deep inside me.  While I was often nearly blacking out, I was also learning incredible techniques!  Kenny is a true champion!"

So while the hatchet is buried to the benefit of both of these Eastern top stars, there is still future competitions to consider.  "Oh, I have renewed respect for my idol, but that doesn't mean I won't be coming for him and defeating him next year!" Hyun laughed.

Says Jeung: "I am the man you all worship.  I create spontaneous, uncontrolled lust, envy and awe just because of how amazing and perfect I look.  I thought this before, and still think it now.  So the words of little boys – even though they'll one day grow up – still don't phase me!"  

Farewell until the future, from the IFNB DragonCock 2014!


Tuesday, September 9, 2014


An inexperienced Naked Bodybuilder Assistant tries to keep up with the prep-demands of a competitor form the 
Aroused Athlete Division and Lightweight Bodybuilding Division.  Tired fuck holes, disorganization of available fucksluts, 
NBA's engaging in inappropriate sexual conduct with other NBA's, and inability to swallow cum slowed the 
prep of many competitors at this year's DragonCock.


This year's DragonCock was one of the best on record, largely in part to a change in lead promoters.  Yet while this was one of the best ever, change can bring unexpected problems, and one of the biggest was among the NBAs supplied by the contest promoters.

While they boasted having more NBA's available for cock prep than any other IFNB contest ever, the result was that far too many were inexperienced and caused more problems than resolved.  Many NBAs were untrained, and clearly there for the thrill of being around so much alpha muscle and dominant cock.  Often, NBAs were engaging in mutual sex acts with one another in fits of uncontrollable horniness, which rendered them not only unavailable to the alpha muscle studs who needed to use them but also created disorganization and crowding in the prep and release rooms.

"Sexual conduct is strictly forbidden backstage," IFNB official Gerhardt Brenner commented.  "The athletes need intense sexual stimulation, and so all fucking and sucking must be focused on prepping their cocks for the stage – which takes a lot of focus.  Pleasure-sex is not only distracting, but many of these men have no interest in gay sex and just need as much hole to fuck without distraction as possible.  The IFNB bans pleasure sex in prep areas so that athletes can prep and retrain their man meat tot he best of their ability.  The fact that NBAs were not opening their legs obediently and sucking as much monster cock as could fit in their sloppy mouths but instead having sex for fun is totally against what an organized prep room looks like!"

The disorganization of NBAs even made some fans suspect this could have impacted on-stage performance.  One fan griped: "If those sluts just he'd their loose fuckholes open and ready and obediently like they are supposed to do as birch NBAs, Itakara could have gotten more fucking in and maybe been horny enough on sage to break second place!"

Another fan said: "We all know Han Hyun was as horny as a megaweight and could have raped dozens of holes as part of his prep.  Who knows if he had experienced men to slam his meat into and prep his wood whether he might have broken a cum record!"

This is all speculation, of course, and no competitors have lodged any formal complaints.

All the same, the promoters of the IFNB were threatened with fines but only received a warning.  Nest year they will downscale their ambitious NBA efforts in favor of the more common professional NBA atmosphere.



TOP THREE DRAGONCOCK 2014 CHAMPIONS: Itakara (left) is being called "The Korean Roher" for his surprise 3rd 
place dark horse win.  Kenny Jeung, who has competed 8 times at the DragonCock, shoots a hot load from sheer excitement
 after taking his first-ever overall win.  And the cocky young upstart, Han Hyun, who many believed could sweep the 
DragonCock, takes a respectable second place overall.

"I just look at all the cheering men and imagine forcing my perfect cock inside each one, flexing over them and showing them that I AM THEIR SUPERIOR and they will take all I got!"  These are the inspirational words from the magnificent Kenny Jeung describing what went through his mind during the final rounds of the DragonCock.  He had tried for eight consecutive shows to be the "Beast from the East" and win this contest, and 2014 was finally his year.

Jeung brought the biggest, thickest muscle of his career, and many thought he could have won it on nude muscle alone.  But in the post interviews, judges were almost unanimous in praising his incredibly overdeveloped man cock as a lock for win.

"It was terrifying yet I could not stop yearning for it," one judge said during the post-contest press interviews.  "It was like I was looking at my god, and his massive, frightening cock was the only thing I could think about.  That kind of presence is what a champion is made of, and Jeung simply had the most dominating fuck stick of all the men in the contest!"

Jeung also had great shooting stats in the finals.  He wass hornier than anyone had ever seen him, and he genuinely seemed to be getting off on himself and how much he turns himself on. His numbers were far beyond what he usually brings to contest, as he is typically a conservative cummer.  But his heavily improved cock also brought astounding performance throughout the finals:
Final Round 1: 14 shots / 12 pose-timed
Final Round 2: 16/13
Final Round 3: 9/9 (perfect round)
Final Round 4: 18/13
Final Round 5: 17/15

Han Hyun came in second overall, in spite of starting he Finals well in the lead.  Many thought Jeung would be again robbed, and the arrogant, cocky stud would steal Jeung's thunder.  Yet the body of the veteran was just too perfect for Hyun to beat, in spite of an amazingly horny set of final round cumshots from the young stud.  He was especially horny in the finakl round, and many fans feel like his aggressive self-worship and cumming should have locked him in the overall.  But the judges felt otherwise, in spite of Hyun's incredibly self-lusting and truly professional nude muscle flexing game:
Final Round 1: 17 shots / 12 pose-timed
Final Round 2: 18/11
Final Round 3: 21/14
Final Round 4: 17/14
Final Round 5: 23/20
Dark horse contender, young Itakara, surprised and pleased fans by taking the third place spot overall.  many say he reminded them of a young Kenny Jeung; cumin conservatively yet definitely with a horny aggression.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Two surprise winners: Itakara comes out of nowhere to be ranked among "Most Important Muscle Cocks of 2014," 
and Tony Kim earns his seventh top-three prize in the IFNB's new Aroused Athlete Physique division. 
 The wins secure both men as hands-on models to be used at the IFNB's annual closed convention for judging standards.

Itakara went from complete unknown to listed among "The Most Important Muscle Cocks of 2014."  Itakara placed third in the overalls after a remarkably horny run throughout the DragonCock finals.  The young newcomer tot he pro ranks had a very aggressive posing and cum show throughout, with his most mind boggling being his presentations in the second round of finals where he shot 17 loads, no less than 15 times remarkably with his flexing his massive, thick frame.  

Non-judging officials were imposed with Itakara so much, he was nominated to the informal annual list of "Most Important Muscle Cocks," compiled each year to highlight the men who are particularly horny for their own massive muscle.  Itakara caused a rush of fans to the Release Room after the fourth round of finals when he began approaching the record of fucking asses and loading them with sperm.  The man required 9 holes to fuck before showing signs of returning to normal hormonal levels; the current DragonCock Release Room record is 10 holes, set by none other than top veteran pro Kenny Jeung in 2011.

Every year the judging committee of the IFNB has a private convention to review standards for the sport, and select pro athletes are invited to be used as hands-on models for the league officials.  Being chosen to be used by the judging committee is a huge honor, and Itakara's invitation will secure him as a huge contender in the sport.

But Itakara was not the only athlete fingered.  The IFNB recently added a new, non-bodybuilding physique-modeling division: the Aroused Athlete Physique division.  Many die hard bodybuilding fans are discouraged by the division, but it allows up-and-comers to show off their cock development while not having the same size as their bodybuilding peers.  And this year's second place in the Aroused Athlete divisions, Tony Kim, was also invited to the judges convention in a  few months.  Kim's monstrous fuck stick was horny and juicy in his rounds, and even though he did no win, his charm and presentation made him memorable!