Tuesday, August 12, 2014



Every August we give our staff some time off from the extensive reporting on the IFNB world and competitions.  We will be back soon!


(And yes – we know we took a break in the midst of the DragonCock Finals!  We will post our wrap ups when we return!  Thanks for the patience!)

See you soon!
-The IFNB Report Editors and Staff


  1. Although our first encounters had been without any prior preparation – we just wanted to fuck each other and could not hold back - I told Simon of the importance of correct lubrication. I had kept a supply of one shot tubes of lube each fitted with an injection nozzle (I bought them by the gross from a wholesaler) and showed him how I always prepped each client’s anus before entering him as this made for a really comfortable fuck. It was that same with us. We always lubed ourselves up before any session and Simon who had never before seen such pre-fuck care quickly realised that arse fucking could be a much pleasanter process than most people thought. And so it was that Simon and I indulged our recreational sex activities. We really were very normal and neither of us felt the need to indulge in the vertiginously energetic fuck positions so often encountered on internet male sex sites. (As an aside, if any reader wants to see what some of these guys get up to, a stud called Rafael Alencar puts everyone else in the shade. This guy has the most gifted imagination and exercises it on all and sundry. Just Google him if you want to see gymnastic sex. He is good and has a big dick, which is rather on the thin side, but he really knows how to use it) Even though I had just come from a client, I was always in need of more sex as soon as I walked into the apartment; it was, I suppose much the same need that IFNB contestants feel when they leave the stage and go to the release room . They had just been cumming like a fountain but still need to exercise their cocks in contact with real flesh to relieve the tension they have built up on stage. Fucking Simon on our table always gave me and orgasm way more intense than any I ever had with a client. Simon said he felt exactly the same. So, whoever was home first after leaving his client automatically stripped naked and lubed himself up in readiness to please his partner. As Simon said, it was exactly the same as the release room at the Dragoncock. Contestants came off stage where they had been cum shooting but still needed anal sex to release the tensions which had built up in their bodies. As you can probably see, Simon and I had quickly developed a very agreeable way of life together. So what next?

    Both Simon and I had frequented various gym’s to keep ourselves trim and toned up. Now we were together, we signed on at a local gym for three morning a week, working out for a good three hours. I can tell you that in the showers, we got a lot of envious looks and not a few propositions as few guys had such magnificent fucking kit as we had. Our triple cock rings also attracted a lot of attention. Following the IFNB blog as we did on a regular basis, we realised that ideally we too would like to work out totally naked, throwing aside all inhibitions. But the local gym would have none of it. Then a miracle happened. In a gay magazine we saw that Big Rod, one of the leading mandatory naked gyms affiliated to the IFNB, was opening a branch just across town from us. We went straight over there and signed up virtually as its first clients. How right we were not to hesitate, for within two weeks the place was fully booked all day and night. Exercising stark naked as we now were, we decided that we would go the whole hog and in our own little way adopt an IFNB naked life style in as far as we could. My apartment was big and had no windows overlooked and so when we were at home we stripped off and remained naked. I can remember my cleaner’s face the first time he walked in on us. There we were eating breakfast in the buff. He did a double take, said nothing and got on with is work. As we moved around he kept giving us envious glances. At the drop of a hat he would surely have enjoyed a quick fuck with either or both of us but neither of us encouraged him and he left the apartment in a pre-cum state as the wet spots on the crotch of his pants testified.

  2. Perhaps I should tell you here about the wardrobe which Simon had had delivered from San Francisco. Simon was a fashionable dresser and had endless pants and shirts. He had no suit as such and wore a series of loose fitting casual jackets in which he looked absolutely great. Simon was the sort of guy who looked good in anything, but he really knew how to show off his figure and especially his crown jewels. He habitually wore only three items of clothing: a shirt, a cock thong and a tight fitting pair of pants. He told me that he bought his thongs from only one supplier whose designs were such as to give maximum support to any well equipped guy. All his pants were also from only one maker, an outfit called Huggers, who branded their form fitting pants YMCA Huggers. Yes, it is those same initials, but as Simon explained it had nothing to do with the YMCA organisations. Here they stood for Young Men’s Cock and Arse Huggers. And that is exactly what these pants did. They moulded themselves around a guy’s arse and fuck equipment and left little to the imagination. Simon looked absolutely terrific in his Huggers, for the thong he wore had no back, so that his pants moulded themselves smoothly to his arse, which became an inviting dream with no ugly elastic lines to spoil the profile. Simon said he really liked these pants and did not feel at all embarrassed to wear them. His view was that he had it all, so why not show it off. People might stare, but were really full of admiration for his daring. As he also said, if you wanted to pick up a guy, these were the things to wear. I wondered how I could wean him away from such openly gay clothing on the one hand, but I really like the way he looked when we went out together: he was sex personified.

    Now, both Simon and I were pretty well set up muscular guys but watching the IFNB events, we had both realised that without attempting to become event competitors, we could both easily take a bit more muscle weight and cock length, without overdeveloping our bodies. Antonio, was the manager of the new gym and had trained under Big Rod himself. Antonio himself was always totally naked and had a real mean figure and massive dick. He told us that before joining Big Rod he had worked as an assistant at IFNB events. He was enthusiastic about giving us training tips and especially stressed the importance of professional cock trainer to help develop our shafts. He explained that cock training, which appeared to be superficially like fucking, in that the trainee reamed his fuck pole up the trainers arse, was, I fact a much more rigorous and disciplined act and required intense concentration on the part of the trainee. The trainee had to learn to be able to pound the trainer’s hole and maintain this for at least 30 minutes before cumming. It was hard work and required concentration not to shoot one’s wad within the first five minutes. According to Antonio, it was, however, the only way to increase penis (his word) size without recourse to enhancement chemicals, with all their attendant risks.

  3. On second thoughts, perhaps you are not Fench after all, for in line 14 of the last pic you published you used the expression :"de ja vous" instead of "déjà vu" a mistake that no French man would have made. Of course, you may just be introducing a deliberate error to lead us astray in our thoughts. So, at the end of the day, the jury must remain out: you may or may not be French - I believe in being very flexible myself, a quaility not always evident in some of the comments we read. Just have a laugh at my ramblings and enjoy your vacation anyway! Jason

  4. So now we know - the editors have gone off on vacation and left their poor fans with severe withdrawal symptoms. I suppose that we can do nothing but grin and bear it and hope that in September we shall get a regular flow of pics. Anyway, Jason, thanks for a new epsiode of your 'soap opera" as you call it.
    It is very entertaining. Where does it go next, I wonder?


    1. The editors have told us that they will publish more pictures when they return from holiday, so why waste your time in asking for them now, as you are not going to get them. Why not be imaginative and make a retrospective review of the pictures and comments of the last two years, all of which are still available on the blog. You cannot possibly remember them all and there are lots of marvellous posing, cum shooting , cock sucking and arse fucking shots availabe that you must surely be able to find something to release your horniness. If none of this helps you, then you will have to find a couple of accommodating arses to release your tension, which should be possible, given the nature of the blog we are all looking at. If not, then I am afraid you will have to satisty yourself with your five fingered friend. Sorry, but I see no other solution.

  6. As all comments seem to have dried up, i may as well inflict the next episode of Simon and Sebastian
    on you. It has to be better than looking at a blank space. If you don't want to read it, then just skip to the end .

    Simon and Sebastian contd.

    In the New Year, we kept up our sessions at Big Mac’s gym, where we had made a number of good friends, both gay and straight and with whom we often has recreational sex in the showers after training. Antonio kept a clean house and provided free condoms and lube in the showers, as he felt it his job to protect his clients from the HIV virus. It is never possible to be 100% certain that your place is HIV free, for it is impossible to control all your clients all the time and who knows what one chance encounter with an outsider might bring. I should perhaps tell you that Simon and I always fucked each other bare back as it were but that we religiously used condoms in relations with all our clients. I had to look around the suppliers for rubbers long enough to enclose our new supersized fuck poles but I eventually found a brand which were fifteen inches long! One asks oneself who are these guys who sport such mega-dicks, but evidently they do exist. The other thing we noticed was that many of the straight guys liked to take our cocks up their arses, for like the IFNB competitors, they enjoyed a dose of anal stimulation in addition to regular male-female sex. When we went out in the evenings, we both carried packets of the recently introduced Fukit condoms, two per pack with a sachet of lubricant and very convenient for that chance sexual encounter, which we all have from time to ime.

    1. Simon @ Sebastian contd.

      And so our life went on until early in February when we had both been serving one of our regular clients together something totally unexpected happened. We were just about to leave Mr. Newman, a private merchant banker, when he asked us to sit down as he had a request to make. He was, he told us, a widower whose wife had died of totally unexpected stroke at the early age of 36 leaving him with a young son, Christopher, aged five. Mr Newman had never remarried and Christopher was cared for by a live-in nanny until he was eleven years old, when his father had sent him off to an expensive boarding school for boys located in Vermont. Christopher was now 18 years old, a keen gymnast and by all accounts a well built lad and had just left school. He wanted to take a year’s break before going to college. But Mr Newman had divined that all was not well with his son, who was very timid and had few friends and showed little interest in girls. As you can imagine it was very difficult for a father to discuss his son’s sexuality with him, but Christopher was clearly so unhappy that it eventually came out that he knew he was gay. Now Mr Newman, even though he used our services was not himself gay: like many men he just liked some regular anal stimm. However he was a very broadminded man and realised that he could not change his son’s orientation and decided to do his best to see how he could help his son organise his life for the best.

      Christopher’s root problem was that he was unbelievably shy. Even as an excellent gymnast at school in contact with other boys of his age, he could never enter into the sexual tomfoolery into which so many lads in their late teens become involved. Finally Mr Newman got it out of his son that he had no sexual experience himself whatsoever: As a well set up young man of 18 he was still a virgin and a very timorous one at that. “So”, said Mr. Newman, “here is the deal! I have great regard for you two young men and I would like you to take my son in hand and teach him the ropes, the rudiments of practical male-male sex so to speak. I have a large condo in Palm Beach down in Florida and I would like the two of you to take him down there and teach him what is what, if necessary, give him a baptism of fire, so that he gains confidence in himself and is able to relate to other guys, for given his orientation that is where is surely where his future sex life lies. I wish it were different, but it is what it is and my view is that one has to make the best of it – and looking at the two of you I can see that the best of it can be very good.. I will have the three of you flown there and back in my private jet and you will have a live-in gay servant at my condo who will take care of the housekeeping and cooking leaving you free to school Christopher in the gentle art of fucking. I think you should go for five full days for which I will pay you $ 15,000.-. What do you say?”

    2. Simon & Sebastian Contd

      Well, what and extraordinary and unexpected offer. Naturally we accepted: how could we have refused one of our best clients? We asked Mr Newman what he was going to tell Christopher. He replied that he would tell his son that he was sending him off for a week’s holiday in the sun, with two experience guys who would try to help him out of his sexual hang- ups and leave it at that. He was sure that Christopher would be apprehensive but would comply with his father’s wishes. So it was agreed we would all fly down to Florida the first week in February, which we did.

      Mr Newman sent his chauffeur to fetch us – we had to reveal where we lived, which was something we had never done before to anyone – and our first meeting with Chris, as we decided to call him, was in the car on the way to Laguardia. Chris was a really good looking fair-haired guy, with a build much like our own. Like many guys of his age he was scruffily dressed and it was really impossible to make out what he looked like under the baggy outfit he wore. We all said hello, and I told him that he should call us Simon and Seb. Clearly very nervous, Chris asked us what our programme for the week was but we told him that we would go into that next morning after a good night’s sleep. A chauffeur driven car met us at the airport and whisked us off to the condo, which was enormous and unbelievably luxurious. We were greeted by, Carlos, the housekeeper and general factotum, who according to Mr Newman was gay, and who had a meal prepared for us. As it was late we all retired to bed, Simon and I to a large double room and Chris elsewhere.

      Simon and had discussed what we might do with Chris and we decided that the ideal thing would be to let Chris experience a week of naked life style ‘a la IFNB’ and to push him straightaway in at the deep end” shortly put, this kid was going to lose his anal virginity first thing next day. Simon and I got up early and installed ourselves, completely naked, at the breakfast table before Chris was up. When he arrived a little later, he was completely dressed in T shirt and shorts and was wearing slip on sandals with no socks just the ideal kit for us to strip off and get down to business. Judging from the T shirt the kid had a really terrific body, and judging by the bulge in his shorts was not lacking anything down below. He did a double take when he saw us in the buff and said, “Gee guys, I didn’t realise that you breakfasted naked!” So we explained to Chris that we always lived a complete naked life style at home in New York and saw no reason to change pour ways down here. Chris was clearly embarrassed but sat down and ate breakfast after which I stood up so that he could see my full figure for the first time. He gazed in awe and gulped at my fuck stick and his eyes nearly pooped out of his head when Simon stood up and he saw the full extent of our equipment. “Guys”, he started, “I am not sure that I want to…….” “Come on Chris”. I said, “we are here to help you over your difficulties. Strip off and let’s have a look at you”. “But” said Chris, “I don’t know what my father intended, but…..”. “Cut the cackle, Chris and let us have a look at you – come on, get your clothes off”.

    3. Simon & Sebastian Contd.

      Simon stepped forward and undid Chris’s belt and pulled down his shorts, whilst I went behind him and pulled his shirt over his head. He was wearing a pair of conventional Y fronts, which never do the best for a guy’s package, but it was clear that young Chris was really well equipped. Why Chris was so shy about sex was difficult to fathom as he had a beautifully muscled body, lovely pecs, good biceps and a set of abs to die for – but of course he was a serious gymnast. But then, his cock: it had perfect balance between length and girth and must have been at least eight inches long. I really could not understand how this handsome stud was so timid that he had never had sex with anyone.

      Chris started to dither and say that he really did not think that……. At which I told him to wrap up. There had to be a first time for everyone and today and right now was going to be the first time for him. With Chris in a real panic, we simply pushed him back down on to a nearby side table and hoisted his feet on to the table so that we could get a good view of his anus. I motioned to Simon to lube him up and Chris nearly had a fit when Simon pushed the nozzle of the lube tube through Chris’s sphincter and injected the lubricant into his rectum. By now we were all three of us rock hard and I quickly lubed up my fuck stick and went over to the table to begin operations. Poor Chris was trembling with fear when I pulled his legs over my shoulders and pressed my cock to his fuck hole. “Oh” he cried, “I am not sure that I want…. I am sure that my dad did not mean this……” “Relax Chris” I told him “you are about to lose your anal virginity, so why not just sit back and enjoy it. You may be amazed what a great experience it is” and I started immediately to pressure his sphincter gently with my cock. As soon as I felt a slight relaxation in his muscle, I thrust the full length of my cock into him in one smooth stroke. Chris moaned and said it hurt, but I pressed on and started a slow and gentle fuck which I increased in amplitude and speed as time went on and when I finally shot my wad of cum inside Chris he moaned with delight, had an orgasm himself and covered my chest with his cum.

      Before Chris had time to do anything, Simon and I flipped him over on to his face so that he was bent over the table and Simon who meantime had lubed himself up entered Chris again from the rear. I went round the table and thrust my rock hard cock into Chris’s mouth and Simon and I managed to climax together so that Chris had our cum shot into him at both ends simultaneously. We were all somewhat exhausted after this marathon session and sat down at the table, where Carlos had meantime placed some soft drinks.

    4. Simon & Sebastian Contd.

      We asked Chris how he felt and to our surprise he said he felt great. He had never imagined that having is butt fucked could be so exhilarating and wondered now why he had been so shy about sex before. As we both told him, he had just had a baptism of fire by two of the best cocks in the business and that we were delighted that he felt so good about it. But his initiation was not yet over, for he had never himself fucked anybody. “Don’t you feel now” I asked him, “that you want to give your own cock some similar exercise to that which you have just experienced?” “Well” he said, “I have to say that I would not mind, but with whom?” “Chris” I said, “don’t be so naïve, Simon and I are here to serve you. We started by taking your virginity as it is though most aggressive of the acts, but our butts are now at your disposal: that is what we are here for, to help you get over your timidity and learn how to make the most of your equipment, which, by the way, is terrific”

      Simon showed Chris how to lube my anus and him own cock and we then asked him how he would like to take me, face up or face down. We settled for face up as I had started with him and this young stud, who two hours earlier had been so utterly timid and had never dipped his wick into anything other than the bath water, suddenly lost all his inhibitions and showed himself to be a first rate fucker. He had no problem in reaching a climax and I let him shoot is wad deep into me. Simon then offered Chris his butt to fuck, this time face down and again Chris started to perform valiantly but by way of a surprise as everything was going so well, I decided to give Chris a shock and pushed my cock deep into his anus. So there the three of us were: Chris was shafting Simon and I was shafting Chris in what is called a tandem fuck. Chris let out a howl of surprise as I entered in, but did not resist and I grabbed his buttocks so that I could maintain my position. I told Chris that he and I would now pump in a coordinated rhythm and try both to climax at the same moment. Chris turned out to be a guy of totally hidden talents and we were both able to cum simultaneously, before we all collapsed laughing on the floor. So there you have it, in a morning, between breakfast and lunch, Simon and I had turned the shy retiring Chris into a self confident and vigorous young fucker. He said to us immediately afterwards that he had not realised what a pleasure it was to fuck and wondered why he had been so shy about it until now. “I don’t know what my father intended you to do for me but my sincerest thanks for pulling me out of the hole of despair I was in”. “Fucking , my dear Chris” I said to him, “as I have said many times in the past, is a toy which never fails to please. We still have a whole week in front of us, not to forget this afternoon so who knows what will happen?” And with that we went to have some lunch which Carlos had prepare for us on the terrace.

    5. Simon & Seabstian Contd.

      Chris’s embarrassments at our total nudity had now totally vanished: it was unbelievable the change that his sudden loss of both cock, anal and mouth virginity had had on him. One could almost have believed that his earlier shy behaviour was an act, and that he was in fact a highly experienced young stud.
      Simon and I were delighted with the change in Chris’s character, which had been brought about by shock therapy. Over lunch, we talked with him about the care he needed to exercise in his future activities if he was to avoid HIV. We had conducted his initiation bare back, flesh on flesh, without use of condoms because we knew that all three of us were HIV negative. But we tried to impress on Chris that in his future relationships, which he was surely going to have, he should always, absolutely always use a condom and if he allowed anyone to shag him that he should insist that his partner also use a condom. We told him that now he felt emancipated, he should never ever go out anywhere without carrying a supply of condoms on him and showed him the Fukit packs which were ideal for occasional recreational sex.. We also explained to him the trio main types of relationships which gays tended to develop outside casual sex and one night stands with an unknown guy. Simon and I were equal partners and we both fucked and sucked each other. But many others settled into a sort of married couple relationship where one guy played the male role and the other the female. It all depended how each couple felt about the relationship.

      After lunch we told Chris that we were all going to go down to a naked all male beech to relax after our mornings exertions and take in some sun. Chris protested that he really did not want to go naked in public. In the condo was one thing but on a public beach, even an all male beach he really did not think he dared. “Cram it Chris I told him, “Get dressed and be ready to go in ten minutes and don’t forget your kit wich you can put in tone of the shoulder bages that Simona nad I always carried with us. “What kit” asked Chris. “Your condoms, you idiot – never go anywhere without a supply of condoms on you!” “But I won’t need them this afternoon on the beach” said Chris. “You never know” I said and with that we set off towards the sea shore.

      At the beach we left our clothes in a hired locker, hired a large sun umbrella and found ourselves a place where we could sit. Now this beach was just a nude beach form men, but it was not a gay beach. And so, there was an assortment of guys fooling around there, some obviously gay and others obviously straight. A hand all game was going on and Chris walked across and asked if he could join in. The players were all about Chris’s age and it was clear that all of them were very body conscious and worked pout regularly. But not one was as well set up as Chris and they welcomed him with open arms. We watched for a while then Chris and one of the guys moved off together towards a nearby canvas windbreak behind which they disappeared. A few minutes later, Chris came across to us, picked up his satchel, giggled and returned to his pal. We gave them ten minutes then Simon walked across and looked over the windbreak where he found Chris on top of his buddy hard at it. It was incredible how in one morning Chris had changed from a timid, shy young guy into a raging stallion of a stud. He fucked like a true professional. When time came to leave, I said to Chris, “You see now what IK meand about always carrying condoms. You never know when you might need hem” . “Lesson learned” said Chris and tha was the end of that.

    6. Simon &Sebastian Contd

      And so the week passed. We three spent part of every day in a mutual fuck fest and Chris went back several times to the beach to ‘fraternise’ with his buddy. Our stay ended and we were in the plane back to New York Chris asked us if he could start training with us on a regular basis in big Mac’s Gym, which we had talked about during our stay in the condo. He really admired our bodies and especially our cocks and wanted to try to build himself up. Simon had got him a triple cock ring as an end of trip present and we helped him put it on. He looked absolutely terrific wearing it and was truly delighted. Suddenly in the plane, Chris said, “I have been meaning to ask you both how my dad cottoned on to you two guys to help me?” That I said is none of your business and that was the end of that!

    7. No, the story of Simon and Sebastian is still not finished - more next month
