Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Middleweight pro Hotaka Jun (center) hits a textbook-perfect single-biceps cock-stroke pose releasing a well-timed 
blast of delicious muscle splooge. But in an unexpectedly dominant move, Jun got his massive beef sprayed down with the hot cum of middleweight long-shot Sam Lee, who cannon-blasts his load onto his opponent 
while hitting a perfect rear lat-spread during freestyle posing.

The last round of the preliminaries is when the competitors grow aggressive, trying to jockey their positions and qualify for the contest's finals.  Winning in a prelim is great, but only if those scores can bring you to the finals to take the big prize.  Posing and cum loads suddenly become the wildcard factor in judging, as competitors use whatever it takes to influence the placements.

And the hottest action was not in the Superheavyweights, as many suspected, but rathe the Middleweight class.  The middleweight preliminary rounds have been dominated by buddy-competitors Hotaka Jun and Chi Shirano, who never failed to place in the top six, and three times took the top two positions in the class.  They suddenly became the middleweights to beat – and in the final prelims several long-shot middleweights brought their horniest muscle games to the stage to try and dethrone these two middleweight studs.

The most dramatic moment was during a round of freestyle posing when pro Sam Lee began targeting Hotaka Jun with his cum loads.  Lee has had a relatively unremarkable showing at this year's DragonCock, with his best placing being 7th in the fourth preliminary, and otherwise not breaking the top ten.  However, this night he chose style over substance and it worked to pull him ahead – and just over the line to qualify for the finals!

"I knew I needed to send a message about my male power," he told us. "The judges need to see men who use their muscle and cock to dominate their peers.  Instead of posing and shooting to win their favor, I decided to treat the frontrunners like cum rags in front of thousands of men whenever I could.  I kept my posing tight, but reserved my loads for opportunities to show the judges that my cock and muscle deserves to be worshipped and privileged to shoot on even the best naked bodybuilders."

Lee shot on Hotaka four times, and had his best cum game of 7 shots – not a huge quantity, but his timing and placement drew endless attention from fans and judges alike.  Jun was visibly shaken at one point when Lee slapped 8 consecutive squirts into Jun's face – and clearly his mouth – during a side chest pose that truly gave Lee's posing a true appearance of alpha dominance.

In the end, Lee only placed fourth in the round, but being his best it puts him in the finals.  The round was won by Chi Shirano with an exciting 13-load, 8-timed preliminary round wrap up.  Jun placed his lowest of the contest in 5th place, a very fair placement considering how it clearly reflects on his being treated like a muscle bitch on stage by the aggressive and horny Lee.

"Naturally, I think I should have placed higher," Jun told us while his cock was milked by a top NBA backstage in the Release Room after the round.  "But considering Lee truly made me look like a muscle cum slut bitch on stage in front of so many men, I respect him that much more and am grateful I didn't get placed lower.  The placement was clearly because my muscles and cock are amazing, but in this round I was dragged down by a competitor who captures the truth about muscle men: that in the end we are all horny beasts questing to dominate our peers, and we obsess about our own muscle and cock. Lee represented that truth tonight, and I am glad the judges recognized his work."

"I don't think he can take us down in the finals, though," Shirano chuckled, nearby with his cock deep in an NBA begging him to stop.  He ignored the pleading and laughed cockily: "We are simply the best, and plan on continuing our show of dominance and our right to be treated as gods of masculinity.  Lee doesn't have a chance!"



  1. No surprise to me that Yann Perrod would back Han Hyun. They are from the same school of new, young muscle: giant, freak cock attached to brute beast muscle. It's an amazing look, yes, but not enough to win I think!

    Yann Perrod's best asset is his massive cocky arrogance. Even more than his mighty monster cock, his ego is what has propelled him forward at such an immature age. But even that can't beat quality, as we have seen again and again. This is Jeung's game for sure.

  2. If Yan Perrod wants to comment on the Taipei Dargoncock, why the hell does he not make it here. This is surely what this comment forum is for or am I wrong.? Anyway, here's one fan who will not be reaDing Perrod's comments.

  3. I have just noticed an error in what I said above. I should have said' 'As I have not received any negative comments

    The story continues

    .Kenny said he was always tired after a day in the competition and wanted only to come back to the hotel and have a welcoming cock waiting for him there so that he could really enjoy a calm moment of release, having is butt fucked in private by a guy with whom he could empathise. He proposed to me that I move in with him to his hotel suite for the rest of the competition and that I serve his sexual release needs as I had done the previous night. He said that if I wanted it, he would also fuck me, but he was basically tired because of the demands on his own cock throughout the competition that what he truly wanted was someone who would give his butt a really good fuck when he came back it the evening so that he became completely relaxed and ready for the next day’s preliminaries. He told me that he doubted if any of the fans realise what hard work it was competing in such an event. Contestants were simply worn out at the end of the day due to the incessant demands made on their cocks. He told me that he appreciated that I was in fact a business man who earned his living from his cock and would pay me the going rate, He was so keen for me to accept that he said he would rearrange my flight back to Jew York and pay for me to be upgraded to first class. This was an offer I could not refuse and so I agreed to stay on for another week. But I undertook to make the ticket change myself as I had given Kenny only my first name and in the interest of utter discretion I did not want my full name bandied about. My client contacts were just too important to risk exposing them. So to Kenny I was simply Sebastian.

    Kenny had taken a two bedroom suite at the hotel and once installed for the evening, and room service had brought the dinner, we both stripped naked and remained so until the following morning. The main bedroom had a king-size bed which Kenny insisted I share with him. However satisfied Kenny was when we went to bed, and however much he said he wanted me to give his hole a good relaxing fuck, I soon discovered that he could not refrain from fucking me during the night and the first night together, I was woken up by Kenny preparing to impale my anus with his fuck stick. This was really quite an experience and I swiftly learned that Kenny became horney a the drop of a hat and could not stop himself from grabbing the first available hole to fuck: he was a true alpha. Once I realised what was happening, I took to lubing myself well before getting into bed to make sure that Kenny could enter me easily and that we both would enjoy a pleasant fuck. I have to say that taking a piece of meat as thick as Kenny’s is really something and the few nights I spent with him were filled with the best fucking I have every had: he really knew what he was doing. My arse really ached at the end of the week, but it was an enjoyable experience and I am glad I had it.


  4. The story continues

    The day before I was due to fly back to New York, Kenny decided to organise a party for the NBA’s for he had realised that they received very little recognition for their part in the contest and might like themselves to fuck butt rather than to be perpetually raped, for that is what their job really amounted to – letting the horney contestants rape their anuses. And so he invited then NBA’s and ten contestants (I guess he had to press gang some of them into it) to a monumental fuck fest in his suite. The big difference here was that the NBA’s were to fuck the contestants and not vice-versa! It was an acknowledgment by one of the leading lights, Kenny Jeung himself, that the NBA’s really did exist and were not merely a row of arseholes waiting to be fucked. Kenny himself threw no punches in the release room but he had realised that the hole he was fucking was attached to a live body, which also had feelings. He put on a champagne buffet with all the trimmings which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. We were all completely naked as befits an ifnb event and after the buffet had been cleared, the contestants were obliged to bend themselves across the table and offer their anuses to the attention of the NBA’s. There was bit of grumbling by some of the contestants, but eventually a line of ten sets of buttocks with legs well spread was offered to the NBA’s – a sight never seen or even envisaged until now. It was truly the ultimate multi-fuck event! There was no allocation of partnerss, so each NBA simply shafted the first arse he fancied and proceeded to ram it as hard as he could with his fuck stick. The tension was enormous and the vigour displayed by the NBA’s enormous as they thrust as hard as they could. Once they had achieved a climax, they then flipped their partner over, flat on his back on the table, pulled his legs over their shoulders and proceeded to give him a second pounding, this time in full frontal position. Kenny had announced that there would be a prize of a case of champagne for the NBA who managed to hold out longest before shooting his final wad and this was won by a young and muscular guy, who withdrew a rock hard ten inch ramrod straight cock from his partner’s arse to claim the prize. Kenny had me fuck him as his contribution to this massive fuck scene.

  5. As you might have guessed, this weight category is more to my taste than the really heavy weight stuff. As ever in these shots, there are always two guys who shine out and the others, two in this case who are sort of fill-ins. Hotaka Jun, I find his biceps are just too much and as for his ‘perfect single bicep cock stroke pose’ to me he is just grabbing at his cock, which is much too long and much too thin to balance the rest of is muscular development: frankly it has all the allure of a guy brandishing the inner tube of an old bicycle tire. Cock balance is very important I think and many guys have very long dicks which are not at all in harmony with their figures.
    Sam Lee who shows us an arse pose, really has a well balanced and harmonious back profile, but why did he have to clench his arse muscles-his glutes, as I believe they are called- to show us what a muscular butt he has got? He would have looked so much better with a relaxed butt. Anyone looking for a quick fuck would be put off totally, as the way he is set up looks as though his fuck hole is set between the jaws of a vice. The other thing is that in the pose he has struck, he may be spraying Jun with cum, but he looks for all the world like a schoolboy about to try to out-piss his buddies. Would have been great to see a front view of this stud, whom I personally think has better muscle balance than Jun. I think he probably really fancies himself: just take a look at his hair do: this is a fashionable guy who wants to stand out from the rest. But his body is real good and he could go far..
    As for the other two studs they are really quite well set up guys, but clearly not in the running in this competition. Neither of them seems to have managed to keep his cock up and the second guy from the left has a bent dick, which I never find very attractive. We are clearly in a different world to that of the heavy weights.

  6. I know i'm late to chime in on this, but it was a surprising round! I knew Lee and Shirano were good,but damn. And all things considered Jun's taking the scoring very well. Would have thought he was the kind to fume over an on-stage facial. Guy's got confidence, that's for sure.


    1. I think Jun knew he has little to fear from Lee, so show-off tricks like this won’t do any harm to him and his reputation. I’m disappointed that the judges gave Lee points for this kind of “alpha” trickery, though he should be commended for the control and aim he showed with his muscle shots. But for Jun, I think he should focus on how to react the next time some horny pup tries this again. Being able to take face shots like this, and not show surprise, would show that Lee had the right pro attitude; that Alpha studs deserve to have other dudes “pay homage” to them by coating them in their precious man juice.
