Wednesday, April 11, 2018


SO MUCH MUSCLE: Three top stars during tonight’s free posing routine at this year’s BeefBoy.  Bamboo of Jamaica, Rico Bandeas of Argentina and Gerard Bouchelle of Canada were all called out especially by the judges for the final posedown.

The third and final set of Overall finals contained a surprise.  After viewing the contestants’ compulsory and free poses, the judges called forward Teen Super-Heavyweight co-winners Bamboo and Rico Bandeas for a pose-off.  But the judges shocked the audience when they requested that Gerard “Giant Killer” Bouchelle join the boys on stage as well.

Bouchelle had posed in the first set, but was still backstage in the pump room, keeping his muscles flexed and ready for the trophy presentation, and his cock primed by slamming it into an assortment of assistants.  He happily climbed the stage, and the resulting pose off was the most energetic of the entire show. 

Radiating an intensely aggressive sexual energy, all three posed, and strutted and cummed for over 20 minutes.  Bamboo surprised many - the pressure of this final pose seemed to make him drop the casual attitude he had been exhibiting and he was as intense and focused as the other two boys as he strutted and came. Bandeas showed how his dedication to practice and perfection served him well, and he was near flawless, though maybe a bit wooden.  And despite his last minute call up, Bouchelle was his usual consummate pro. 

The pure Alpha energy and hardcore posing was so intense that there were unverified accounts of audience members spontaneously hands-free ejaculating in the aisles.  The same excitement seemed to effect the final lineup as well, with Bamboo at 15/19, Bandeas at 12/13 and Bouchelle at 16/18 cum shots a piece - none perfect, but all so close.

The judges have been sequestered as they make their final decisions, but have requested that each of the top teens visit them in turn.  No word on what these secret meetings were about, but we hope to know soon who the newest BeefBoy champion will be.



1 comment:

  1. While it's tempting to speculate on those behind-locked-doors private meetings between the top judges and the competitors, it may be best to leave the subject entirely alone.

    The rumors that have swirled around this undeniably action-packed, spectacular, inspiring, disorganized, occasionally destructive, but always epically entertaining Beefboy Amateur will fill the Naked Bodybuilding blogs for years to come - or at least until next year's event (the host city has not yet been chosen, though rumors favor Hong Kong.)

    However, our roving reporters did stake out the Lisbon highrise penthouse (or at least as close as they could get) where the judges have been sequestered, and there's little doubt but that the confidential meetings between officials and the top 15 teens and Collegiates have been nothing if not noisy, even as attempts have been made to keep the din down to a dull roar.

    And it has been confirmed: a loud shout, undeniably Bamboo's, was heard above the fracas for 10 floors below during his meeting. The words, as near as we can tell, were something like "DAMN I SURE DO LIKE TO GET MY COCK SUCKED BY SIX HUNGRY DUDES AT A TIME / PILE ON, BOYS, THERE'S ENOUGH HERE FOR EVERYBODY" -

    ....or, at least, words to that effect.

    The judges' decisions have not yet been forthcoming. However, it is interesting to note that Bouchelle's session was cut short following the sounds of unusual turbulence in the suite registered to corrupt judge Myron Shapely, who left his hospital bed unexpectedly to take part in the decision-making process. Bouchelle, known to be temperamental and demanding while receiving oral stim, may have lost his well-documented temper: he's on record for behaving badly when teeth accidentally touch his prized, over-sensitive cockshaft veins. His usual recourse is to curse in French, lift his powerful arms into an overwhelming front double biceps, paralyzing the unfortunate sucker into a deer-in-the-headlights freeze; unless the sucker is immediately plucked from his cock and hustled away, Bouchelle will then left the unfortunate over his head and punch him in the jaw through the nearest wall. Mr. Shapely was recovered three rooms away, having smashed through two hotel walls. On the way back to the hospital, Shapely was heard to confide to the hotel medic, "Damn, that WAS good." He's expected to make as good a recovery as he ever makes.
