Monday, October 10, 2016


CUMMING INTO HIS OWN: The youngst IFNB pro, Yann Perrod, with wealthy sponsor Gerard Schweinz
take a momnt to pose on the expo floor suring the set up.  In between competing, Perrod will be presenting 
at the Expo with four different companies, and is financially tied to a total of nine, arousing skepticism among purists.

One of the most fascinated competitors in revent nude bodybuilding is the ever-evolving Yann Perrod.  In competitiom this long-cocked stud is known for incredible posing and making himself shoot via an arrogant swagger that wins him devited fans – and for good reason.  Long time fans of the sport know him as the brash and self-worshiping teenager wwho threw himself into the sponsorship game at a very young age, getting the enhancement boosts he needed to earn the goal he wanted: to becom the youngest IFNB pro, and the first – and still only – teenage pro nude bodybuilder in the world.

His charisma is contagious, and his non-stop self-adoring arrogance is somehow intoxicating to fans, which has helped this young stud learn how to promote himself not only as an amazing competitor, but also as a worthwhile investment for companies and wealthy individuals alike to sponsor.  Atthe IFNB Report we speculate that the boy makes between $250,000 and $300,000 anually off his monster cock and swollen muscle promoting, and is currently under contract with over 12 different businesses, all eager to milk his top-grade cum or use his fan-beloved image.

So it comes as no surprise that Perrod would be showing up at the Powerdong, and with all manner of business interests behind him.  However, as much as Perrod is a fixture in the sport and has a hugely loyal fan base, he is also well known for being a figure of conroversy, often regarded as foolishly deluded and even oppotunistic.  Controversy follows the young boy of nude muscle everywhere, fromhis early years as a body-for-hire for experimental enahncements, to the way he earned his pro status, to the one criticism that still plagues him in cometition: his cock is too long and doesnt match his physique in spite of fans being obsessively addicted to it's power.

But the young man somehow seems obtuse to the critics and controversies, continuing to lavish the worship of endless muscle and cock lovers who seek hi out because he is so eager to be employed – so long as it is to his own self-centered gain.  And his appearance in the PowerDong is true to form with controversy.  The heavuily-endosed young man is in the pockets of nine companies associated with the PowerDong – several of which underwrite the event itself.   This financial overlapleads many to wonder about potential biases towards the megastar, who has been often accused of "buying his way in" to the upper echelon of alpha male nude sports.

Perrod was very impatient when we spoke with him regarding these topics: "Look, I can not help that I am so amazing and make you feel intimidatd," he explained to us.  "I am sure right now my presence is making you all want to jerk your puny little pathetic cocks and beg me to flex.  So of course you try to fight that to report your silly news.  But you can write that I am one of the best, and always have been, and my cock is one o the most dangerous fuck sticks in the world.  I have dominatd many sponsors with it, which is where my money comes from, and so these little poducts I endorse are just lucky to have me, and not th other way around.  You have to learn to accept my status, and that I am on of the most perfect men in the game.  You need to spend more time worshipping me and getting your head right, and less time trying to create drama where there is none."

Yet in spite of his chastising, there still seems the monster-cocked "Teen Phenom" of nude muscle sport is always in the mix of complex dealings behind the scenes.  Yet he does maintain an impressive competitive progress, even if big wins still elude him in the pro ranks.  His 3rd place win in the superheavyweighs at this year's Freak Showwas his greatest achievement so far as a pro, and his recent participation in the Ravage Games won him acclaim as a true nude muscle athlete and not just a bodybuilder, due to his shocking stamina as a power ass fucker.  So we will see if his participating in the PowerDong is merely a pro entering a contest, or yet another curious bit of mischief from the younf nude muscle pro.



  1. I have never been much of a fan of Perrod - until now, that is. But I have to say that this shot of him changes my previous views completely. Just look at this young man; he is now showing us an enviable physique, with a magnificent musculature completed by a perfect V shaped torso. Just compare him with the present shot of Roher and you will see the difference. Roher is terrific, but below his chest, his torso is straight up and down and he just does not have that splendid look that Perrod has achieved here.,

    And then we come to his man-meat; and what a magnificent cock that has now become. You still say that it is too long, but I disagree, as he now seems to have achieved that balance between length and girth between length and girth which was so sadly missing in his early days. I recollect pics of him handling his dong as though it was a piece of flexible hosepipe. So I reckon he will be a great contender for high marks in this Candian competiton. I try to imagine what it might be like to allow Perrod to fuck me with that magnificent monument of his. I can almost reach orgasm just thinking about it; which I guess is just about as far as I am going to get.

    So how has he done it? what has he done to make himself so super attractive looking? Well rumour has it that he has arrived in Canada with an entourage of four NBAs, all hand- picked and trained by the legendary cocks-man Donovan Pryde. According to my insider source, three of these young studs are qualified cock-trainers, fully occupied with maintaining and enhancing Perrod’s meat. Apparently to maintain his present status he needs to fuck butt at least six times a day. And the fourth guy? Well his job is to give Perrod that all important, complementary anal stimulation. So he has the enviable task of fucking Perrod’s butt about four times a day. In fact rumour has it that he sleeps with his master, with his cock inside him, ready to service him should he need it in the night. I guess he’s a great user of Viagra; although I hear that he is a natural at his job; a guy who has no difficulty in machining a rock-hard erection for hours on end.

    So as you can see, it’s a hard life for a muscle cock body- builder to keep up there reaching for the stars; it’s a non-stop life of dedication to the cause. But look at the results! I guess Perrod has to be please with himself and he is lucky to be earning enough to pay for all the pampering his cock and anus require.

  2. In the presence of that massive phallus, I should think that Perrod's sex show participants would want more than to jerk off. Most gay guys in the amateur muscle and cock circuit dream of taking a massive piece of man-meat up their arses. They all want to know what it would feel like to be fucked hard by a rock-hard monster dick - to experience that relenless pounding which only guys as well endowed as Perrod can provide. Alas most of them are goingto be disappointed as they'll never get the chance.

    Actually I wonder if it is the desire to be fucked by a massive cock that makes guys become NBAs; for at the end of the day being an NBA is a pretty thankless occupation and ultimately is a deadend job. The guys who do it professionally must really feel the need to have their holes reamed by big cocks on a regular basis. At least that's how it seems to me.

  3. It's such a pity that Perrod has allowed himself to develop,such an ill-proportioned cock. It is just is too long and lacks that perfect balance which Ballo shows in his recent shot, But that apart, Perrod looks to be in superb shape at the moment and for me he has the perfectly balanced figure. I would not mind at all having a session with him myself if the chance came up. I guess I am like most guys, who wonder what the hell it would feel like to be fucked by such a monster dick.

    1. OK. so we all seem apparently to agree: Perrod's cock is too long and ill-balanced. But are we so sure? Take a good and unprejudiced look, at this guy and pay special attention to his fuck-stuck. My impression is that it has taken on quite a bit of girth, compared to his old pics. where, as someone remarked, it looked very like a hose pipe. My thinking is that this young stud might have taken to heart the negative comments surrounding his penis and I think he has already made an attempt, and a good one at that, to add some girth to its formidable length. In fact, I think that he does not look too unbalanced in this latest shot. So if he continues developing in the way he seems to be at the moment, I think that we could see a magnificent cock in the next few years, possibly the longest in the business, but with the girth to compensate its length.

      Now as far as his body generally is concerned, and we should all remember that a guy’s cock is only one part of the muscle-cock duo, just look what he has achieved. OK so he is not so massive as some guys in his class,, but by any standards his body is exquisite. This shot of him shows a stud with a world class physique.

      So let's all let up on bleating on about is supposed cock problems and see now Perrod shapes up in the near future. My guess is that he will ultimately turn out to be a winner. Time will tell!

    2. I think that you have misread the comments, Kevin, for the general opinion now seems to be that Perrod has made considerable improvements to the proportions of his cock.

      I do agree with you 100% that Perrod has a superb body. n fact, it is my view that he has the most attractive body among all the all the recent competitors, even though some of the others are more heavily muscled. But Perrod has a real classy body and I actually like his cock.

      However, I agree also with the view that Ballo has the best cock of the lot we have so far seen. My god! What a howitzer of a fuck-pole that man has! I really wonder how many NBAs he has ruined in getting to where he is today, for that cock of his is a real sphincter stretcher of a tool.

  4. Sorry, anonyme I stand corrected
