Monday, October 24, 2016



SMALL AND THICK: From left to right, the middleweight, light-heavyweight and lightweight class winners
in the final posedown of the second preliminary round made it hard for the judges, as all three possessed
similar cock-muscle proportions.  However, middleweight class winner, Canada's Gerard Bouchelle

seemed to bring a package that has many wondering if a lighter-weight contender has a shot at the top prize.

A man of 5' 7" may not seem like the huge monster we equate with a dominant alpha.  But when he is carrying close to 190 lbs of shredded muscle nd a cock thicker than a human fist, he is a man who pretty much can get what he wants.

That man is the swaggering, confident Gerard Bouchelle.  A pro nude bodybuilder for over 5 years, Bouchelle is not ranked among elite, but may be lookingto change that standing very soon with his surprise intensity in the second preliminary round of the PowerDong.

It is easy to get caught up in the hype with star power dominating the superheavyweight class and overlook the lighterweight classes that round out the competition.  But the intense display of cock girth and aggressive horny posing of the men in lighter classes created tense judging standoffs amongthat ran the contest long at several points.  Winner fo the light heavyweight class in this round, Stephen Calendo (pictured aove in teh final posedown), was in a tight call with eventual second-place lightheavyweight Bradley Wyatt that caused the judges to compare the two men for over 45 minutes individually.  It was Calendo's final two poses that took himt oa VERY narrow victory, Nailing a cumshot during the last call of the lat spread, and then immediatley pumping out a smaller but definite cum load for the side triceps pose immediately afterwards.  Giving it his all and showing how a true man is always horny when he is showing off his perfection was the startegy needed to take him to the final placing in his class.

The lightweight class also had a tight race for much of their round, but it was the stoic and self-confident posing of Kyle Andrew Zalen that won him his first pro show class win since he turned pro two years ago.  Zalen's intensity was almost frightening, never flinching as his thick fuck pole popped off loads, often smattering his opponents with incredible flights of power from his muscular cock.

But the talk of the night was middleweight Gerard Bouchelle, who many described as a "miniature Niles Bogarson."  Bouchelle posed with classic mascuine flair, clearly aroused by men staring at his thick muscle.  With such a small frame, so much mass gave him the appearance of amuch larger comptitor, and when isolated on stage he could have passed off as a superheavweight himself.  His thick cock was on fire, clearly agitated and horny through the enture roud, an you could see his lustful aggression in his face.  This isa pro entering the top of his game and thre was no close call in his class; Bouchelle took the middleweight easily.

Bouchelle is not yet an Elite level pro, but solid scores in the Finals could earn ium enough credential to get listed as Elite.  it's clear this is his goal for the PowerDong; win or lose, he is all about ranking up.  But that quest is making many wonder if the smaller Bouchelle could take on the bigger biys in a final line up?  Could we see a middleweight out cock the likes of Monza, Ballo, Roher, and other frontrunners?  Many fans seem to have wondered if this small yet mighty muscle stud might be one of the rare shorter alphas we see in competition.



  1. This is a truly magnificent line-up of cocks and shows the importance, for a really good presentation of the balance between girth and length, which all three studs here have. They are all also well cut and show a good head set off to perfection by that all important well-defined rim.

    So far we have seen a number of examples of excellent man- meat but the previous shot with Roher in the centre exemplifies just how important that balance is. Both of Roher’s co-contestants have dicks which are just too thin to be winners. But in this shot, even though Roher has a well balanced tool he is not showing a good head at all. Somehow it looks as though it has shrunk back.

    But I have to come back to Joff Ballo, whose body and cock are both absolutely magnificent in my view. In fact as far as I am concerned, Ballo has just the finest fuck-stick among all the contestants we have seen so far: it really is absolutely perfect. So don’t write Ballo off, as I think he could still come through as a winner, in spite of his lack of cum control on stage. But based on what we, the fans, can see, then he is for me already the winner.

    1. Dude, that's not Roher in the center of this pic. Doesn't even LOOK like Roher.

      It even says in the write up; that's Bradley Wyatt. Not even the same weight class as Roher.

      Look, we get that what you want is for people to keep talking about the same pic you like, and so you try to get people to go back and talk about that pic by re mentioning it in OTHER comment threads over and over.

      But if you're gonna keep doing that, at least try to keep up with what is actually happening in the post on which you're commenting.

    2. Before you start correcting me, RealBBer, TRY READING WHAT I ACTUALLY SAID, rather than what you think I said.
      I never said that the man in the centre of this shot was Roher. What I said was:-
      "So far we have seen a number of examples of excellent man-meat but the PREVIOUS SHOT WITH ROHER IN THE CENTRE exemplifies just how important that balance is."
      So, my friend try to get it right in the future and please, please, please, stop preaching to us. Not long ago you spent considerable effort in telling me that there was more to this blog than meets the eye. That is a précis of what you said. Well let me tell you once and for all, I, along with a number of other fans, base our views and opinions on what we see in the shots presented and not what supposedly happens on stage at the competition, none of which we see and all of which is totally imaginary – and I might add, often too complicated for simple souls such as me to understand.
      So I shall go on expressing my views as I wish. If you see my by-line on a piece, then don’t read it as it clearly raises your blood pressure and I would hate to think that I was a cause of your early demise due to a burst blood vessel!

  2. Bouchelle is a true selfish, arrogant, superior alpha with monster mass, born to be the best.

  3. These three studs have each got one of the most aggressive cocks ever. I wonder how many NBAs holes they have wrecked to get to this stage of perfection. For me these three guys typify exactly what the blog is looking for: massively aggressive fuck-sticks coupled with huge muscles.

    Another point: The guy in the centre and the one to his right look as though they could be brothers. They both have faces which look as though they have been chiselled out a blocks of granite; but I suppose that look goes along with their dicks. Anyway, all three studs typify what the blog is all about and show that not only the heavy-weight competitors can rise to the challenge.

    1. My own literary ambitions occupy much of my time these days and so I comment less frequently on the blog than I did in the past; but I still follow it very closely and read all the comments by the fans.

      Kevin really has put his finger on the key point of this shot. The two guys centre and right really do have very aggressive cocks. In fact I would go so far as to venture that they are probably the two most aggressive fuck-sticks we have seen in the past few years. OK, they may not make the final line up, but their cocks are superb examples to us all, of the sort of aggressive meat which the blog is all about. Alphas they may not be, but their dicks are surely alpha-plus! These really are NBA anus wreckers.

      Apart from their obvious size, what is it that makes their meat so very attractive? Well, I think that the fact that each stud has a well defined and rimmed head to his cock and that both of their dicks have a very “cock-sure” upward turn, sets them apart from the run of the mill. I know some fans prefer dead straight erect meat and I would agree with them most of the time. But I think that it is the upward tilt gives these two guys an edge over the others. And so although Bouchelle on the left won the round, I don’t think in terms of sheer aggressiveness his cock holds a candle to those of this pair.

      But to be realistic I also share the view, expressed several times recently ,that Joff Ballo might be the ultimate victor of the competition. His cock, too, is truly exceptional.

    2. I just love the two guys on the right. These are the most aggressive cocks I can ever remember seeing on the blog. I cum just looking at them. I hope we see more of the, on stage, hopefully in some cum shots.

      I totally agree that Ballo also has a fabulous piece of meat. But it does not have that menacing look that these two guys have achieved, which is what makes them exceptional. Anyway they are all pretty bucking terrific. I wouldn't say no to a bit of action with any of them
