Tuesday, October 6, 2015


SLIDING IN THE PLACEMENT BUT  RISING IN POWER: Jeff Paulette brought amazing form
to the sixth and final round of Preliminaries, yet slid to third place in that round.  
However, with his four-win streak in the preliminaries he remains the Megaweight
frontrunner heading into the Finals. 

"Get the fuck out of my face or I'll use my cock to damage your cunthole and make you wish you never saw me."  These were the words Jeff Paulette growled as he pushed through the backstage crowds while rushing on his way to the Release Room  after the sixth and final round of Preliminaries.

Paulette, like most megaweights, gets euphoric and aggressive from his own ego, and this builds up a volatile and urgent need for intensified sexual release – which The Hammer is notoriously known for turning into delusional, self-entitled fuck-rages.  And after six amazing rounds of dominating with his monstrous size and frightening cock, it was clear that this man would need to have his dominating sexual demands catered to for a long while before being ready for any less hostile interactions.  He literally shoved and hurled men aside to get his oozing mega dick to the Release room where many terrified NBAs begged to not have to undergo the reason Paulette earned his nickname The Hammer.

In his 8 years competing, Paulette has one of the highest records of "retiring" NBAs form a competition – which basically means they are so sexually ruined they can not continue with heir obligations to be fuck holes back stage, and have to be removed from the contest.  "What difference does it make?" he remarked in a 2012 interview.  "They're not the important ones here, I am.  All the bodybuilders are more important.  They're fuckholes, and are just there to be used; just equipment like a dumbbell or a bench.  Besides the result is worth it.  The fact that the world gets to see my perfection and my throbbing dong totally justifies the fact that a few dudes pass out when I am ruining their stupid ass fuckholes." [Grins proudly.]

"Besides, it's exactly that kind of proof of manhood that makes a true champion in this sport.  I live this ideal, not just compete in it.  I know I can take what I want, so I do because no one can stop my strength.  I win contests because if I want to fuck it, I fuck it, and ignore anyone who tries to deny me what I want – no, what I deserve for being so amazing."

And it seems Paulette's words have proven true as he is the frontrunner in the megaweight class at the end of Preliminaries.  He won four out of six, with his worst showing being in the 6th.  Yet being dos far in front, he is now a real threat to be the first non-Asian to win the DragonCock.  



  1. What an incredible line up this is. Hyun had never pressed my buttons in the past, but I have to revise my views looking at him here, for he is absolutely an Alpha Male in waiting. But he is eclipsed by this new guy (Greek??) Katoronolis, who has been hiding his light (and what a light it is) under that proverbial bushel (whatever that is: I have never really understood it) what an incredible figure this guy cuts and as for that all important ‘Anal Stimulator’ well, what can one say;. It’s surely one of the biggest ever and one of the most attractive pieces of man-meat in recent shots. And he really does seem able to cream it very well, judging by the photo.
    But you know, this shot illustrates very well how important the pose is in conditioning our views. Remember, we that fans only see these pics and all the rest is just verbiage. So although Itakara (on the right, by the way) is also superb, I think he misses out in making the most of himself, as he is up against two magnificently profiled guys I reckon that counts for a lot Itakara should have struck te same poasae as his two competitors. The other thing is it would have been nice to see Paulette lined up with these guys so that we can see for ourselves how he shapes up and why he is not in first place. Anyway, this pic has really livened up the DC, which was in the doldrums in my view. And to end on my perpetual theme: how great that these guys are not grabbing themselves. We get a true appreciation of their fuck-sticks for once. And what superb tools they all have.

  2. There is something wrong here. I wrote this comment on the shot which was subsequnetly removed just a few days after it had been posted. It was the only shot with the the new guy, Katoronolis, in it. So my comments do not fit to this shot of Paulette, which seems to have replaced the orginal.

    Someone somwhere had got his knickers in a twist!

  3. I'm sure everyone knows I'm rooting for Paulette. This dude it a stunning example of what all REAL men should aspire to be: a mass of thick, ripped muscle, brandishing a fertile, priapan cock with a solid core of burning male aggression. Jeff Paulette is a veritable force of nature!
