Friday, August 21, 2015


A SPORT OF MEN, NOT A GAME OF PREFERENCES: pro super heavyweight Kin Kuse's request to be allowed 
to have body hair in competition is rejected in favor of "long standing traditional rules of the sport."

When the mighty mass of pro Kin Kuse showed up at the DragonCock Pre-Show registration, many fans were dazzled buy the light coat of study hair on his chest and belly.  Kuse has worked for several years with Buck Perfection International, Ltd., the organization that promotes naked bodybuilding through private nude posing events.  Many fans know Kuse from his amazing work with Buck Perfection, and so there was excitement when Kuse showed up unshaved, as he is more recognized by fans.  

Muse's wealthy sponsors even petitiioned the IFNB Board Of Regulations to grand Kuse – and any other competitors – permission to compete unshaved.  Such petitions come up every couple years, because many man of the world find body hairt (understandably) masculine.  As the IFNB sanctions "the sport of ultimate display of potent male virility" the question of "why not body hair" comes up often.

Brad Mangier, who is managing this yea'r DraginCock, has also sat on the Board of Sanctions for many years, and himself issued the statement rejecting the plea to allow Kuse to keep his hair during competition:

"While the IFNB has deep appreciation for the industry of fans that surrounds the sport of [naked] bodybuilding, we meanwhile have followed a clear tradition of judging standards for decades that we know yields the best subjective assessment of truly superior muscled men with massive, enviable endowments.   
"These standards have required all competitors be shaved for the purposes of clearly seeing their musculature and preventing a degree of added partiality on the part of judging officials.   
"While we encourage all athletes to display masculinity to the lesser men of the world in whatever fashion they like in their personal time, we meanwhile offer no special treatment in the competitive arena; all competitors are held to our standards, regardless of personal preferences."

As far as the outcry from fans, Mengier later went on record to say:

"Look, we get that hair is masculine.  And we understand that many men look up to and worship muscular studs with hair.  But this is not a game of preferences – this is a legitimized competitive arena.  If we start tossing out rules based on fan preference we have already deteriorated the fine tradition we have upheld for years.   
"The sport is not a sex show; it is not a place for sexual entertainment.  Our standards of judging a man's sexual potency require intensive sexual presence, and demand high degrees of sexual behavior for our competitors to go through.  Lots of hard dick, cum shots, and back stage there is endless intensified cock prep.  But that is part of the sport, not part of the fan's entertainment.   
"So we don't bend to the whim of the fans; we stick to the standards of ultra-male power sport.  Even if we lose fans sometimes, we are not going to deteriorate the hard work of these amazing men by parading them around per fan's requests.  This is about a sport of male power, not a show of fan preferences."

Powerful – if oft-repeated – words from an official.  Looks like those looking for their own personal version of a thrill ride need go to the rest of the world to have preferences met; under Mengier and the IFNB, the standards remain strong to their original form.

And what does Kuse think?  "It doesn't bother me in the slightest," he remarked.  "The petition was my fans; and fans always lose their minds when they think of me.  It doesn't surprise me that they would beg to see me in one of my many amazingly perfect forms.  But I am an athlete first, and believe the standards of this league are the best in the world.  I got no problem shaving for a win!"



  1. I like variety: I like all the different sizes and styles the pros bring, and have defended the big balls and uncut cocks on BBs (because variety is the spice of life), but in this case I agree that hairlessness is better during competition. It makes seeing and assessing the physiques and vascularity of the competitors that much easier without the distraction and shading that hair can bring. Plus I personally just find it more arousing to see completely smooth, tan skin across the expanse of a naked pros' body!

    Secondly, this is indeed a sport: about dominance and display by men who have worked hard, dosed hard, and fucked hard to get to the top of the heap - not some cheap sex show. I would still like to see more willingness to display and exhibit pros asses during competitive competition (including insertion and ass stretching displays), but not in a sexual, fucking way, but as a display of endurance and commitment to their craft. Otherwise the sexual shenanigans should stay backstage and at private events.

    1. Mr Editor,

      I am writing thisc here so that I hope you will see it. and act. Please PDQ get rid of our Indian 'Friend'' whose horrible publicity is like a cancer and now goes way back into the comments section of the blog. This is surely not what this comments section is for., He is wrecking everything.

      A regular fan


    2. Mr. Editor,

      I have just checked back and this character has infested the blog since 6/10/2013: Posting Amateur Rumble 8.


    3. Thanks Mr.Editor, for your quick action. I cannot imagine what that guys thought he was hoping to achiece


  2. Y'know I can kinda go either way on hair. I know it's tradition for Alphas to be shaved, and it makes for a cleaner look, after your muscles have been slathered with thick, creamy enhanced cum, but by the same token, off stage REAL bodybuilders are often really hairy guys. Start a cycle of certain enhancers and your muscles aren't the only things to fill out. A lot of guys I know feel more manly when their beard, chest, pits and crotch become super thick carpets of glistening hair, and I would agree its a good look for off stage. And while I would not say no to seeing some hairy stags and muscle bulls on stage, it may end up covering up some nice musculature and conceal some crucial inches. So, while I'd love to see more hair in the Report, I'm not sure it would look as good during posing etc...

    1. You know, Donovan, all this brouhaha about body hair seems micplaced to me. Why the hell does'nt the board of the IFNB give its attention to the question of the uncut cock, of whcih we have seen quite a few recently. Uncut cocks on body builders are unattractive and I am not alone in holding this view, So, IFNB Board, why not consider making circumcision mandatory. Pretty well all of the serious competitors are cut anyway, and I shudder to think what the likes of Roher, Bedone, Monza and all the other great studs would look like with the heads of their magnificent rock-hard meat veiled in a layer of ugly foreskin.
