Tuesday, February 24, 2015


A cock that was clearly intensely worked matched a tighter, fuller presentation for Carlo Emanti, helping him continue
to keep the competitive heat on Jeremy Ducet.

While most fans are obsessed with the massive cocks and intense muscle of the top pro rivalry between reigning Mr. Alpha JK Roher and Carlos Monza, the amateurs int he Jr. Alpha teen division have their own competitive heat between the brash Jeremy Ducet – whom many are beginning to believe will win the teens – and the cocky Carlo Emanti.

And the first round of finals showed that Emanti has saved his vest for last.  Emanti won the first round of finals clearly, shooting a powerful 5 loads, and controlling the flex-timing of four of those.  The young competitor's cock was literally quivering it was so horny, and the time this muscle boy spent obsessing over his cock truly showed.  Ducet better be worried!

The current standings among the pros is:
1st: JK Roher, 14/13
2nd: Jan Kolberg, 23/20
3rd: Yann Perrod, 17/14 
4th: Carlos Monza, 9/7
5th: Peirre Douton, 17/14
6th: Eduardo Bedone, 7/6
7th: Njals Bogarsen, 22/11
8th: Matt Boyer, 9/6



  1. Ducet may think he is the best thing since sliced bread. He certainly has the biggest mouth! But for my money, I’d back Emanti any day. By any standards, this is a beautiful shot of a beautiful guy, who verges, for me on muscular and cock perfection. As I said in my other comment on Perrod, where Duct is to Perrod, left, what we need is Emanti and Ducet in one photo so that we can really compare. Don’t get me wrong, big mouth apart, Ducet looks pretty good.
    But to come back to Emanti, in fact, I think that this shot of him, is comparable, its own way, to the ‘iron-man’ shot of Monza. Emanti has managed to achieve that wonderful chiselled metallic look exactly as Monza did. This sets him apart from others. As for his cock, well this is an absolute gem, for Emanti has the luck to have a knob which sets itself off from the shaft by that beautiful rim. It is like a finial on an ornamental metallic spire. I image that when he fucks his NBA, he gives him a really unique experience, thanks to that overhang on his knob. I am sure that that will enhance the sensation, both for him and for his NBA. Ducet can shoot off his mouth as much as he wants, but I reckon Emanti will give him a hell of a run for his money.
    I am really glad that we have had this second look at of Emanti, as I found the only other shot of him absolutely terrific. I have just looked back at what I saidi about that earlier shot and I am glad that my comments above are still the same. This is one hell of a competitor. I noticed that Cockwatcher agreed with me on my previous evaluation of Emanti, so I shall be interested to see what he has to say now, if he decides to comment.

  2. I love this shot of Emanti. It is a refreshing break from the regular poses we see and gives us a real good view of his cock, which is quite superb. I love the way that he is just emitting a drop of really creamy cum – a true ‘come and suck me’ touch, if ever there was one. I could see him placing first at the end of the day, in spite of Ducet’s boasts. This is a particularly good shot of Emanti which truly shows what a wonderfully muscular physique this young stud has. But I also loved the first pic. of Emanti (Expo 7) where he was wearing a cock ring, which really showed us all what a magnificent head he has to his cock. He also does not appear to have a tendency to shoot of his mouth the way that Ducet does, which, to me, is another positive feature of him as a competitor.
    But as teenagers, how does he and others like him achieve such spectacular development? How the hell do they do it? How old are they when they first start serious cock training? Emanti already has the physique of a mature bodybuilder. How much time does he spend on his development? His training schedule would be very interesting top us fans.

  3. I just love this pose of Emanti. What a physique of steel and a huge rock hard cock with a wonderfully defined head. it is just crying out to be sucked and what a treat the iucky guy would have with that thick cream which Emanti clearly can produce. I loved the earlier shot of Emanti but this one is even better and has made me a real fan of his.

    If any guy in the sport is hesitating about getting his cock cut, then just look at this guy. His cock is a masterpiece of circumcision, which is what has given him that wonderfully defined rimmed knob. I can tell you that with a knob of such magnificent proportions, his sex partner, either professional or otherwise, will have an incredible experience when Emanti fucks him, for that massive knob is capable of producing the most incredible sensation. I am totally sold on Emanti and I hope he places first in his category.

  4. I am really surprised by the poor reaction to this shot of Emanti. Apart from Jason and me, plus on eanonymous comment, Emanti does not seem to have captured most fans imagination. I find this is a pity, because 1, he is a terrific young contender in my view and 2. this is a unique shot of him.. Come on, guys, surely someone can give us some addtional input. This guy sure merits it. Just look at that cock and the beautiful rim he has on the head., not to mention his steel-likeupper torso. He is terrific!!

  5. My hope is to get Emanti's cock in my mouth and down my throat. I want to give him the oral service and worship he deserves.

  6. I have just posted, belatedly, my comment on Eduardo Bedone in the next post above, but I have to say that I think that this young teenager, Emanti is also,phenomenal. What a superb physique this young stud has and what a magnificent piece of man-meat, shown here to perfection in a 45 degree rock-hard pose. This young man has a monumental cock with a superb head, brought into perspective by that magnificent rim. I can understand why Cockwatcher above was disappointed with the poor reaction in general and lack of comments. for I agree, Emanti certainly deserves more attention. Perhaps he is the next rising star. I just love him! Anyway, I don't suppose that anyone will read my comment now as it comes very late and only thosekeen fans who follow things carefully are likely to come across it, but I wanted to record it here anyway.

    1. You are just so very right about Emanti. I agree with every word you have written. But have you taken in Expo 26 where Emanti lines up with Perrod, Roher and a guy called Gabon, with an enormous soft cock. In my view Emanti, the beginner, has quite the best physique in that line up. I think, he will be a future star. You know, along with Bedone he has that ‘Iron Man’ quality about him. Monza had it in his amazing solo shot earlier in the competition when he looked as though he was cast in bronze with his enormous man meat magnificently hard, but since then in later poses he has sort of lost that initial breathtaking look for me at least.
