Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Jeremy Ducet (left) in the lead at the end of the Preliminaries, and Yann Perrod (right) brings in
another surprisingly advanced performance in the 6th Prelims, putting him in a potential top-5 placing for the Finals.

There are few things more inspiring than when an arrogant, self-worshipping stud of a man gets perpetually ego-stroked and validated for his clear superiority.  This is what the judging at the IFNB level tries to quantitatively capture, but such a quality many say is simply a "Factor X" that a man either has or doesn't have.  After the 6th and final Preliminary round of the Jr. Alpha, many are now saying that teen amateur Jeremy Ducet definitely does "have it."

"Even though I have never competed before, there was no doubt I would come here and dominate the little pussy-boys in my class, Jeremy told us after winning the 6th Preliminary round, solidifying a sizable lead over his biggest threat, Carlo Emanti.  "How could I not dominate?  I am so far above any of those losers, and it clearly shows to anyone who simply sees me!" 

"I know who will be the first ever Jr. Alpha," he smiled.  "I am pretty much the perfect man and I am only a fucking kid!  Look at my biceps, my quads, my lats – and especially this perfect man cock that is better than most dudes way older than me – and it's obvious that Pro status and eventually the whole Mr. Alpha are destined to be mine.  I don't know who will win in the pros this year, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Mr. A himself begged me for the honor of plowing his ass just so he could brag that he had the amazing Ducet use his fuck hole!  And being on a diet of just man-ass for almost 14 months straight, I am so desperate for pussy right now that I probably would throw it in him!"

Ducet's bravado and charismatic vanity have fans completely mesmerized with his authority and power.  Many have started calling him Mr. Amazing – a clear hint that many agree that one day he could be a "Mr. A."  

The thrill of the Jr. Alpha nearly upstaged the pro ranks, where the biggest news was a second 3rd place preliminary win for Yann Perrod.  Looks like the youngest pro in history is trying to make a bigger name for himself!

But the preliminaries are scores only factored in selectively, and the finals are truly anyone's game.  Who knows how this will all unfold?!

The Pro Standings so far in the prelims now shift dramatically:
1.) JK Roher 14/14, currently in 1st overall
2.) Carlos Monza 16/15, currently 2nd overall
3.) Yann Perrod 14/13, currently tied for 3rd overall
4.) Eduardo Bedone 7/7, currently in 4th overall
5.) Pierre Douton, 15/13, currently in 5th overall
6.) Njals Bogarsen 22/10, currently in 6th overall
7.) Jan Kolberg 25/12, currently tied for 3rd overall
8.) Matt Boyer, 9/8 currently tied for 7th overall
9.) Buck Poirier, 24/7, currently in 8th overall
10.) Jerome Terlove, 10/5, currently in 11th overall



  1. I had never been much of a fan of Jan Perrod, until now, but this photo shows him in a different light. In the past year, after the brouhaha surrounding him had died down and he had become less visible, he has clearly worked on his body. But, more importantly, the intervening year has has seen him mature from a teenager, who rushed into things too quickly to my mind, into an absolutely terrific young stud. He has now fleshed out as he has moved into full manhood and, most importantly, that schlong of a cock that he previously had, has now developed some girth, so that today we see a beautifully proportioned young man with a cock to die for. To paraphrase one of the hamburger chains’ slogans of a few years ago, Perrod now has a cock which is ‘knob licking good’. If I have one criticism to offer, it is that his man meat could be a little straighter. It is just my own preference, as I like dead straight erections the best (see Ducet below). I believe I may have mentioned this in another comment on Perrod, but I think he looks so much better now that he has got some hair on his head. Bald contestants always remind me of concentration camp victims.
    The judges have clearly taken account of Perrod’s development as he is now placing third in the pro class. Well done Perrod, you deserve your success!
    As for Jeremy Ducet, another guy who until now had not been the flavour of the month for me, well here he looks almost as though he could compete in the pro class. He really is a well proportioned guy and bis cock is in perfect proportion to his body. I also like the fact that it is ramrod straight. But again I regret that we are not shown a shot of him with his co-competitors, especially Emanti as we really ought to compare like with like. Anyway, this shot is great and if we are condemned by the organisers to look at a mixed bag of disparate categories, then so be it.
    Anyway, what this pot shows is how time can modify one’s judgement. Things in this sport are not balck and whit, but in shades of grey. So, who knows what the final pro line-up will be like?

  2. This is a stunning photo of Perrod, who as Jason says has now become a man, What a terrific physique ( a perfect upper torso for me) and his long thin dick, as was, which he has turned into a formidable monster - the tool of the moment, so to speak. The judges clearly agree as they have placed him third, but I could see him moviing up.

    But Ducet, as a newcomer, looks pretty damned good too in this picture, although I think he underestimates Emanti, whom I also dig.

  3. Perrod has really come on a lot since last year, As Jason says he has truly become a man. He has also improved his cock enormously, putting it in the top rank now, there with the best. The one small criticisism I have of this young stud is that just possibly, his thighs are a bit overdeveloped. His torso comes down to a slim waist, and then his thighs just ballon out a bit to much for my taste. I think that in this respect his co-poser, Ducet has better balance. and, let's face it, overall this newcomer is a brilliant looking contender with a well nigh perfect physique.

    1. Like many fans I was never very keen on Perrod who seemed to come from nowhere last year and dominate the scene, But he has now filled out his body and, more importantly, developed girth to his cock whihc has nowbecome a well proportioned fuckstick.. So, well done Perrod, keep it up. I really dig this shot with his rock hard cock and its head with a well defined rim. he is ow up there with the best of them.

  4. God what a beautiful shot. I immediately thought of some documentaries from Word War II. Of a grouping of our battle ships lined up in port. (Philadelphia Navy Ship Yards?) These mammoth, hulking beasts of war machines, with their massive guns pointing forward lined up one after the other. Well that just what we have here. Massive fighting / killing machines with their big guns pointing straight at you.

  5. God what a beautiful shot. I immediately thought of some documentaries from Word War II. Of a grouping of our battle ships lined up in port. (Philadelphia Navy Ship Yards?) These mammoth, hulking beasts of war machines, with their massive guns pointing forward lined up one after the other. Well that just what we have here. Massive fighting / killing machines with their big guns pointing straight at you.

    1. Where do these guys keep their guns when they are not on active service? Do they ever wear any clothes or are they starkers all the time?. It's great to see these massive cannons in action, but they clearly will not fit in any normal pair of pants, even when soft. So, what the hell do they do with them? Any ideas?

  6. I get confused about the classes and rounds. Is there a chart I can refer to? Or something like the NCAA brackets?
