Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Teenage amateur bodybuilder Tim Hackelberg poses in one of his home's gyms.  Tim still lives with his wealthy father
Hugo Hackelberg – one of the wealthiest supporters of naked bodybuilding with a seemingly endless fortune
– and so has at his access a remarkable degree of naked muscle lifestyle facility in his daily life.

Perfect Image Ltd. is a publicity firm among the huge naked muscle empire of businesses owned my multi-bilionnaire Hugo Hackelberg, who spends vast amounts of his incalculable wealth on his admiration (and lust) of naked muscle endeavors.  His teenage son Tim, the heir apparent of the Hackelberg muscle dynasty, is entering the competitive world of naked bodybuilding, and his dad has spared no expense on supporting the boy's endeavors.  He even went so far as to have Perfect Image Ltd. release a press release for the by to all the outlets of naked muscle media – including us at the IFNB Report.

Such press reports are typically only given for top pros, but when your dad is the man who finances top pros, you get a lot of perks the other young muscle upstarts don't get.

We will not publish the entire release, as the real story is that it exists at all.  But most of it reads like Tim Hackelberg is the best thing to happen to naked bodybuilding since Dan Otter!
"We can only imagine how the fans of naked muscle have craved the sculpted perfection of Tim Hackelberg, whose body may herald a new era in male perfection!"
Much is said on his posing and cum-work as well:
"To describe Tim's oversized cock as unstoppable is an understatement . . . [when he flexes] the massive meat springs rigid and aggressive, threatening all within range with a truly masculine spray of cum that is far beyond his years.  This is a young man who can't wait to push his thick pecs and mighty arms right into the faces of those who admire him and show his power over them by spraying his seed like a seasoned alpha.  In contest he is nothing short of beyond the amateur ranks!"
While we at The Report agree that young Hackelberg is one of the teens to watch, we weren't entirely sure why they were making such a point to hype the boy up in the media.  But then it became clear in an email exchange we had with Perfect Image Ltd:

"Young Mr. Hackelberg is certain, as we are, that he possesses a male superiority that requires all around him to comply to his will.  We are enthusiastically in agreement!  His certainty that he should be regarded like a pro even as a beginner seems totally rational to us, who have experienced first had the intoxicating male prowess and perfection of this exciting competitor!"

In short; what Tim wants, daddy buys.  Tim wants attention – as all naked bodybuilders do, teen, amateur or pro – and the difference here is he has a bankroll that can get him as much attention as he desires.

On the upside: at least we here at The Report agree and think this young alpha – wealthy-backing or not – is actually worth it!



  1. Reading the unprecedented blurb about the billionaire background of this superb young stud, I think we are in danger of being brainwashed into thinking that it is somehow because he is rich and has access to all the best facilities, that he has been able to develop his superb physique and cock (and what a cock!). This is not so! Tim here has had to go through, and I guess is still going through on a daily basis, all the blood, sweat and tears that every other naked bodybuilder goes through in order to get himself to the state he has to day. It just does not happen by itself: it is the person himself who makes it happen and that requires unbelievable dedication to the sport to which he has clearly applied himself seriously and which he clearly loves. If it was not so, then he could have just sat back and lived the life a rich playboy, which he clearly does not want to do. So all credit to him for having got so far at such a young age.

    Looking at him today in this latest shot, we see the superb body of a youth in process of muscular development, who is just entering full manhood and in a year or so he will fill out and become an extraordinary stud – a potential Alpha, in my view. As far as his cock is concerned, well it is already superb and I guess that he could dock it absolutely anywhere he chooses.. Tim has the makings of an ‘ironman’ physique, ripped and lean and is a real joy to look at. Let’s hope he keeps it all up.

    1. I am replying to myself here. Tim Hackelberger is remarkable, especially his cock and one wonders how he has achieved such a monster at such an early age. I really like him very much indeed, but, at the end of the day, I have been going back through the shots of young muscle we have seen since the beginning of the year, and it is still Greg Corwin whom I think is the finest of the young studs we have seen this month. Just go back and take another look at him. He is not the heaviest, but his young physique is absolutely perfect – better than Hackelberger’s in my view- and his cock, well for me it is absolute perfection. I think that it is the most beautiful tool I have ever seen in all the time I have been following the blog. Sure, Hackelberger’s dick is bigger –it’s quite phenomenal really – but Corwin’s is just finer. I think that if Corwin follows what has clearly been to date a very successful course of training, as he matures and bulks up, he will be a true star. But, don’t get me wrong, Hackelberger is no slouch either,

  2. It must be an enormous millstone around Tim Hackelberg’s neck to know that he is the heir to a billionaire fortune. Full marks to him as Jason has said, in that he has gone ahead in spite of this heavy handicap and turned himself into a serious muscle- cock contender. Joking apart, Tim is an amazing specimen of young manhood and is really the flavour of the month as we have had three shots of him in quick succession. For me, his cock, in one so young, is truly amazing and verges on utter perfection. Given a couple of years he will rival Monza the monster, whose man-meat is still the absolute tops for me. When will we see another shot of hi m, by the way? He is surely worth more than one picture given the extraordinary creature he has managed to turn himself into.

    Bench has treated us to a detailed analysis of Tim’ s man-meat and told us how it would be better with veins etc. For me, I reckon that Bench has got it all wrong, for what he describes is more appropriate to the bulbous nose of someone who drinks too much. But there are, as ever, horses for courses and beauty is in etc. etc. etc.

    If I have to level a critics, against the blog, it is that, of late, we do not seem to get any action shots of any of the contenders. It would be great if we could see some of the heavier competitors exercising their shafts and fucking butt. Or why not some shots of Tim and his cock-trainer – I guess he has one.

    But not to be bitchy, it is now the end of January, and I think that it must count as one one of the best ever months. Such a superb set of shots! Keep up the good work Editors.

  3. Now Cockwatcher don't get me wrong, I don't want W. C. Fields nose on the end of this kids pecker. I would like to see a bit more lip on the helmet shaft connection. And yeah I like vascularity. Not the fine lace of many veins occurring when a dude does a lot of Winstrol. But rather a few big honk'n blue veiners winding around the shaft. You know earth worms, night crawlers. Some big fat annelida, which by winding up and around the shaft accentuate the size and girth. Just as viens do on a bicep, or a forearm. But hey, I'm not criticizing this kid. He is Tadzio emerging from the sea. A beautiful specimen, full of potential. And being an aging lifter who worries about joint pain when going heavy. He reminds me of my adolescence, when I was just getting into lifting and bodybuilding, it was pure joy and magic watching my skinny boys body morph into a thing of muscle. Sure it is a he-man rush going from 260lbs to 290. But nothing compared to the sweet feeling of magic of going from 165 to 195. There's a part of me that loves this kid, and seeks vicarious thrills as he experiences the fucking unbelievable rush of muscle growth, and strength for the first time. Sweet stuff this. Nothing like it

    1. Oh Bench, your reference to W.C. Fields, in reply to Cockwatcher’s bulbous nose comment, really dates you!! Sorry, that was unkind!!! But, I see you are now elevating the literary level of the comments in invoking characters from Thomas Mann. It is great that we can see a little further than cum enveloped dicks. But, alas, I am afraid that you and I are going to have to agree to differ on what constitutes the perfect piece of man meat. I do not like veinous looks and I am not even keen on those very fat-free BBs who wear their veins on their arms. I know that there is a following for that sort of look, but I am afraid that I do not belong to it. They just look so vulnerable to injury.

      Take a look at my reply to myself above, where I have reflected on what I said about Hackelberg and then go and look at young Greg Corwin (Expo 1) and let us know what you think. I think he’s the bees-knees myself, but you may think differently.

  4. My three buddies and I really dig this young guy as he is much our age and is at (much the same stage of muscle development as us four. I boast her because I think we are all looking pretty good as a result of our efforts.). But he outclasses us by miles in his cock development. How has he achieved the tool he has at such a young age? We four train naked regularly (we have a private room in a small local gym) but we do not have a cock trainer. We think, we have got the muscle development angle taped, but we need some guidance on growing our cocks, which is our chief concern at the moment.. How the hell do we go about it?. We cannot afford a special trainer, but we all share each other’s butts in the gym and try to train our cocks. We also get a lot of what I suppose you call recreational sex together, as we share a large apartment and so spend a lot of our spare time fucking each other. But does help our cock development?

    Can you give us some tips on how Heckelberg does it? How much fuck training specially to develop his cock does he do a week and what is so special about it to give the sensational results it obviously does? The four of us get in plenty of what we would like to think was cock training fucking in the gym, but we do not seem to be getting much of a result. Like all young naked bodybuilders, we all want to bulk up our man-meat but how do we do it. Any helpful hints?

    1. Hi Bench, I just wondered if you had any helpful comments you could give to Kevin and his cohorts. You seem from your comments, all of which I have read, to be very cock orientated, so how do these eager young studs go about building up their man-meat? Any ideas. As my penname implies, I am an observer, rather than a teacher. I would have thought that Donovan might have had some helpful hints as he is an NBA trainer. but he seems to have gone silent for the moment.

    2. Kevin, first off let me say how AWESOME it is that you are getting interested in the sport while you're still young! KEEP AT IT!

      It's awesome that you are training naked. KEEP THIS UP! ALL pros advocate this - there is NO place for clothing in the gym!

      It sounds like you guys have already begun overlapping cock training while working out. SMART STRATEGY. You REALLY need to incorporate a LOT of cock stim while lifting, and if you can stim with actual fucking it is a better training strategy. All pros combine cock stim with weight training, and I don't know a single top pro who doesn't insist on ass fucking as his primary stim work.

      I know most pro level guys cock sim 8 to 14 times a day, with 4 or 5 being prolonged stim. Douton designates every third day as a "high assault" day and fucks around 20 holes each high day. Roher is notorious for a more regular system stim, including HARD fucking during most weight sessions.

      So what I can suggest is to keep fucking a TOP priority n the gym.

      Which makes me want to point out a factor about Heckelberg and many other advanced younger naked bodybuilders. Specifically how intensely they commit to hard, high stimulation cock work – but ON THEIR OWN. I think Doucette is a great example of my point because his situation is a LOT more like yours than is Hackelberg's. Doucette has a bunch of muscle buddies, but over time Doucette became the alpha of the group, and the focus was on HIS cock. I am sure all his buddies had their chance to plow ass while flexing and lifting, but the bulk of the hole went to train Doucette's cock. This extra emphasis on your own cock – and maybe as a priority over your buddies' cocks – is key to development. Even Hackelberg has this same focus; he doesn't have a bunch of buddies, but DOES have hired trainers who keep his cock the MOSt worked.

      OVER work that dick, bro!

      Which means the "recreationl" fucking may also have to be checked. Don't worry – you will have to do MORE fucking than you're used to anyway, so it isn;t like you'll lose that much> Bt if you're SERIOUS about alpha muscle and cock, you have to get that dick and muscle onto a SEROUS program.

      I am curious about your personal specifics and training program. More details?

    3. Juat in case you have not got the message, Kevin, let me put it in simple terms. It's a life of fuck, fuck, fuck and then fuck again. Get it? In fact, if you find that you are not fucking butt, then you must be slacking. Enjoy!

    4. Many thanks RealBBer for the long write up you have just given me about a cock development programme. I guess we were already beginning to realise that we had to stim. whilst working out and try to do without actually fucking, which isn’t easy at first

      Anyway, the one thing I cannot do is leave my three partners in the lurch. We are all in this together and I guess we will shre and share alike. There is an important difference between what we four are doing and the dedicated pros. like Doucette and Hackelberg do. We are basically college students trying to get some qualifications for a decent job in life, whereas their life is naked cock and body building. So we shall never equal them and frankly, we do not need to develop the arrogant attitudes which seems to go with being an Alpha male. What is important for us is that we develop our cocks and physiques to the maximum that any amateur could be expected, so that we feel good in ourselves and see something for our efforts.. In this context, we sort of mourn the passing of the Aroused Physique initative of the IFNB, as we saw that as a forum for guys like us to show what we had achieved, albeit at a lower level than the true pros. But it seems to have been ‘sneered’ to death by the dedicated heavyweights who dominate the sport..

      Finally, where on earth do the Doutons of this world get access to so much arse? It sound quite incredible. Finally, let's forget our friend Anonyme above: He is just being facetious and, like so many who interject one-liners, really does not have much to say.

    5. Kevin has started an interesting discussion here, as he and his friends are not alone in feeling isolated from hard information on cock training. I run a small gym in suburban St.Louis, Mo. and I have quite a contingent of young guys who are keen to develop both their bodies and their cocks in the naked body building ethic. My gym is not a naked gym as such but in view of a growing demand, a couple of years ago, I enlarged my activity and created a space where young guys could train naked. It started off with one group of six young guys, who , like Kevin and his pals were a tightknit little group. Now, two years later I have no less than six such groups, each of which is made up of between four and six guys, who are dedicated to the sport and train together as a group. This has created a friendly rivalry, as each group tries to out-do the others.

      Like Kevin and his buddies, there was real ignorance about cock training. Everyone felt he had mastered the art of muscle building, but to make one’s cock grow was an elusive concept. So about six months ago, my six groups, numbering about 30 young studs in all, decided to chip in together and pay for one month of a professional cock trainer’s time to try to get a handle on how best, as a group of amateurs, to master the art of cock training and growth. Like all young lads, to the very last one of them, they all keen to develop a larger piece of ‘man-meat’ between their legs.

      Continued below

    6. Enquiring around I found a cock trainer who was ‘resting’ between bouts of IFNB training and he came and spent a month with us, showing the lads how to get the best out of their training routine.. Essentially, he echoed what RealBBer has said, which is that cock training, without true fucking, has to be integrated into the muscle training routines. And this is what has been done, but as with Kevin, we do not have any professional NBA type arseholes on hand to undertake that job and so the guys use their own holes on a shared bsis to try to obtain the desired results. It seems to be a success as we now have a number of guys with quite formidable cocks, not in the professional IFNB class, but tools that are the envy of every non-professional guy who sees them.

      As we have now some 30 studs involved, the last Friday evening of each month, we put on a posing display, which allows the guys to ‘strut their stuff’ as the saying goes. Anyone can come to watch, but, all observers have to strip naked to attend.: it is a totally naked event. At the end of the ‘performance’ we then aollow everyone to join in a free style fuckfest, which is very popular both with performers and audience. It is a sort of grand recreational fuck to end a month of hard work. What makes it so successful is that everyone loves being surrounded by muscular young studs with big cocks and knowing that with a bit of luck they may get lucky and be able both to fuck and be fucked by the performers. So don’t cut out recreational sex even when training hard. It is one of the greatest pleasure in a young man’s life and after his hard work, he should have time to enjoy a real hard fuck for pleasure.

    7. Hi Mogym! Interesting commentary which all four of us enjoyed reading. Great idea your Friday night 'stuff strutting’ session. I guess that all of us amateurs would like some sort of occasion like that where we could show off what we had achieved to an appreciative audience especially if after the show, you can get the audience physically involved in a fuck-fest. Sort of like a mini IFBC release room event - (very mini!) Anyway, for us at the moment as we are only four in total, it’s a bit too ambitious, but if our gym builds up more groups as yours did, then we will sure think about it.

    8. Hi Guys. I am new here, but really like this blog! It was nice to read Kevin's comments and to know that I'm not the only teen here. So Kevin, I was wondering if you could give me some advice: Me and my buddy have been training hard for about 18 months now, and we are showing some real progress - both in muscle growth and cock growth. When I see pictures of Tim Hackelberg, it only makes me want to train harder and be just like him. Recently we started training at a local gym which is nice because they have a lot of good equipment, but because they don't allow nudity we have to wear jockstraps or posers, which is a real bummer when you are used to training naked. I like to wear a thong because I like the feel and, well, I have a pretty big boydonkadonk, (which seems to be well appreciated by the other guys in the gym.) But here's my problem - when I train hard I get hard. After all, isn't that the whole point? Usually about halfway through our training session, I pop out! You know, my cock just springs right out of my thong. Sometimes I can get away with it and continue training until I nut, but most of the time some goon from security comes along and tells me to take a cold shower. Don't advise me to just stuff my cock back into my thong - at 8.5 inches erect, there's no way that sucker will fit back into a little spandex pouch! My buddy wears a traditional jockstrap with a real stretchy pouch and that seems to work for him, but at 6 inches, he's a dwarf. I've tried masturbating before our sessions but that only seems to make things worse. I know this site is all about "nude" bodybuilding but I don't know where else to turn for this kind of advice.

      Also, are any of you guys into serious exhibitionism? I mean we work so hard to get so hard, so why not show it, right? I read that one of the guys on this blog said his brother went outside in a loincloth with 3 inch flaps, so I wanted to try it. Made myself a little white cotton loincloth and wore it when I cut the lawn. Some old dude in a Cadillac kept going around and around our block - guess he liked the view, LOL. Anyway, does anyone know how to keep the front flap down?

    9. Mogym, I gotta put a visit to your gym on my bucket list.

  5. Mr moderator. I love this blog! How can I request to view your pre 2012 archive gallery?

  6. Hi again Bench, why don't you go back and give us your views on Monza (Expo 14 dated 01/15/2015.)
    I reckon he is in a class of is own and have just added another comment. Give us your views please!

  7. Mr moderator. I love this blog! How can I request to view your pre 2012 archive gallery?

  8. Mr moderator. I love this blog! How can I request to view your pre 2012 archive gallery?

  9. Anybody know what this boy's lifestyle is like when he is not involved in bodybuilding related activities? Clearly he goes totally naked when training, etc. Does he wear any clothes when doing other things or is he able to be naked all of the time?

  10. I really like what Hackelberg is showing right now, but he's starting to oversell himself - don't position yourself as the top pro if you can't back it up. We'll have to see when the Juniors get on stage if he can live up to his own legend.

    1. Hackelberg is certainly a top cock, of that there is no doubt, but he has still,not completed the transition from adolescence to full manhood. Give him a year or so and I think he will be among the top contenders in his weight category whatever that ends up as. Among the 'debutants', my money is on Greg Corwin- not as heavy as Hackelberg, but better pulled together, I think. But that is just one man's opinion, based on one picture only. How about some more shots of Greg - without his trainer?

  11. Hi Guys. I am new here, but really like this blog! It was nice to read Kevin's comments and to know that I'm not the only teen here. So Kevin, I was wondering if you could give me some advice: Me and my buddy have been training hard for about 18 months now, and we are showing some real progress - both in muscle growth and cock growth. When I see pictures of Tim Hackelberg, it only makes me want to train harder and be just like him. Recently we started training at a local gym which is nice because they have a lot of good equipment, but because they don't allow nudity we have to wear jockstraps or posers, which is a real bummer when you are used to training naked. I like to wear a thong because I like the feel and, well, I have a pretty big boydonkadonk, (which seems to be well appreciated by the other guys in the gym.) But here's my problem - when I train hard I get hard. After all, isn't that the whole point? Usually about halfway through our training session, I pop out! You know, my cock just springs right out of my thong. Sometimes I can get away with it and continue training until I nut, but most of the time some goon from security comes along and tells me to take a cold shower. Don't advise me to just stuff my cock back into my thong - at 8.5 inches erect, there's no way that sucker will fit back into a little spandex pouch! My buddy wears a traditional jockstrap with a real stretchy pouch and that seems to work for him, but at 6 inches, he's a dwarf. I've tried masturbating before our sessions but that only seems to make things worse. I know this site is all about "nude" bodybuilding but I don't know where else to turn for this kind of advice.

    Also, are any of you guys into serious exhibitionism? I mean we work so hard to get so hard, so why not show it, right? I read that one of the guys on this blog said his brother went outside in a loincloth with 3 inch flaps, so I wanted to try it. Made myself a little white cotton loincloth and wore it when I cut the lawn. Some old dude in a Cadillac kept going around and around our block - guess he liked the view, LOL. Anyway, does anyone know how to keep the front flap down?

    1. I only read your piece today. as this post is rather old and it was by chance that I was re-reading the comments attached ot it. If you are serious about cock development, then I think you just have to get your gym owner to let you train nakedm as, if you read all the above comments, the way forward is by combined fucking your partner while is lifting.

      So, if your present gym owner does not want to play ball (his security guys sound like real pains in the ass, by the way) then why not find another gym where the owner is more amenable. It's not not only gays who want to work out naked and develop their cocks, for cock size is on the mind of lots of straight men also, So, either get you presentt gym to sofen its attitude or vote with your feet and go somwhere else which might be more sympathetic to your needs.

    2. What size did you make the flaps on your loincloth? At 3 inches I'd think the point is more about showing some cock and ass without being totally naked than covering it. What else have you done to show all the hard work you've put into building your physique?

  12. Is your dick 8.5 soft or hard? Asking because your loincloth is 3. I'm a grower not a shower, but I got 10 hard (or 11 if I really max-out), yet, depending on weather/temperature, my dick is only 4 to 5 soft. I have two home made loincloths. They are 12in squares, fronts only. One is soft light weight chamois, the other is heavier suede -- which can be an advantage because my cock gets a better working out lifting it. There is a loop on the under side of both of them. This keeps the loincloth in place but still gives me plenty of display. I wear one of the other when washing my car.
