Tuesday, May 8, 2012

thank you

Just a post to thank davidt RealBBer and mr Anonyme for their comments !!!
They give life to this blog!!


  1. You're VERY welcome! Just keep taking great pictures and providing such in death coverage of the BEST bodybuilding league in he world, the IFNB

    I would love to collaborate with you, too, if you have interest. As both a bodybuilder and a HUGE follower of the IFNB, I think I could bring much to the table to expand your terrific coverage of the athletes and competitions of the IFNB!! Just let me know if you'd like that.


  2. I hope you see this - and if so please respond!

    I would love to continue helping you cover the the contests and exploits of this amazing bodybuilding league. What is your email for contact?

    Please let me/us know soon!!


    1. ok my email is in my profile ltunix@mail.com
