Sunday, May 27, 2012

2012 IFNB Roma grand prix 10


  1. I bet the audience loved this!

  2. The audience went NUTS!

    This was the amateurs. The IFNB Roma has (for whatever reason) always been a BIG show for amateur competitors. The best amateurs often qualify for the pro's at the Roma. This year was no different!

    AMAZING amateur competition all around! GREAT posing and flexing - and INCREDIBLE cockwork!!!

    There are a few distinct styles to posing in the IFNB. the "contemporary" style is to flex and shoot cum while you squeeze your pumped muscles. But the "classical" form is to assemble a pose where you can sell grab and manipulate your massive musclecock WHILE POSING.

    This classical form of nude posing has fallen by the wayside. You can see why: it is always amazing when an athlete can shoot massize strings of muscle cum from his stiff heavy dong just from flexing. Because the pro's are SO good at it, it has been vogue in nude posing styles for many years.

    However, more and more the classical, hands-on-cock styles have been coming back in style. A LOT of amateurs have begun using these styles to stand out in the line-ups.

    Althogh a little clunky, the first guy on the left did a pretty good crab-most-muscular cumshaw. Traditionally, you want to pop the load straight ahead, so he probably lost some points for shooting sideways.

    The guy on the right - who needs more muscle if he plans to go pro, but still looked AMAZING - executes a single-bi flex-and-cum. You can see by his face how much he is enjoying it, and how proud he is for hitting the form so well!

    I am not partial to either style - both classical and contemporary flexing styles are exciting to me! But it is nice to see amateurs looking at the long, proud history of nude bodybuilding and presenting their naked, muscular, hard-cocked bodies in ways which pay reverence to their muscle heritage.

    I'd be curious to know what other fans/bodybuilders think about classical ("hands-on cock") versus contemporary (hands-free) styles of nude posing?

    Either way, there was GREAT amateur rounds at the Roma this year!


  3. Wow! Thanks for your descriptions of the events. They're vivid and I feel like I was there. I personally like seeing the men flex, pose, and then cum hands free. It looks very powerful. My favorite is when one of the big pros hits a most muscular or abdominals pose, and then spurts a big load onto the stage in front of him with a big grin.

  4. You really have to come to one of the IFNB contests! I don't even bother following other bodybuilding leagues any more. The IFNB has a LOT more going for it!

    And you;re right - hands-free cumin is what puts the pro's above the rest of us! It is one thing to exhibit control with a huge muscle body, and another thing to be able to control and tim one's hard-ons and cumshots. But it is an entirely different level of athletic excellence to be able to do BOTH!

    I did not want to make it seem like hands-free cumin was frowned upon. Popping cumshots hands-free is absolutely common and traditional. Who doesn't love watching the cum fly while these gods of muscle squeeze their massive beef?!

    I also love when they fling their rips of sperm around and do little tricks with them. Like when a pro cubs then bounces his cock so that a rope of cum slaps into the bay of a fellow competitor. Or when they do the same but manage to land their cumshot on the very muscle they are most flexing.

    Cum landings are not scored, but they make the contests incredibly fun to watch!

    Nude bodybuilding is THE WAY THE SPORT WAS MEANT TO BE PRACTICED, and the IFNB's promotion of cock power as a part of the male physique is an amazing step forward in the sport.



  5. A question for you RealBBer: do the men take advantage of nipple stimulation? I know that when training chest and trying to get a good pump going, nothing helps like some gentle nipple touching. I can easily imagine how when pumping up for a contest, the bodybuilders would want their assistants (or even better, their fans) to suck on those massive pecs in order to get them swelled up to their absolute potential. Also does wonders for the hardness and size of the athlete's erection.

    1. Oh yes - and as far as fans, well, rarely for a tough competition would a pro IFNB bodybuilder rely on fans to help stimulate them. HOWEVER, because bodybuilders do better when they are immersed in near constant sexual stimulation, it only makes sense that many of them rely on their fans to get that edge.

      It is one of the reasons so many of the IFNB Expos have fan interaction. To us fans it seems like a lucky opportunity to get close with these muscle giants. However, these events help the athletes a LOT to maintain heightened libido and testosterone. Indeed, a LOT of Expo events actually began TO HELP THE ATHLETES, rather than for the fans.

      Of all the IFNB events I have been to, I have almost NEVER not seen pro's wandering around sometimes naked - walking right into the middle of crowds - and literally encouraging fans to grab, touch and lick. Being in such hyper stimulation helps these pro's better their game - so OF COURSE they will OFTEN seek attention from fans.

      Dan Otter had the best quote:

      "I don't just do it FOR the fans, I do it TO the fans. The more of them I fuck, the more of them I impress."

      That really sums up the attitude of most bodybuilders - pro and amateur - in the leagues.

      Bt pump rooms and prep rooms have different rules. Some contests have "open" pump rooms, and anyone can get in (up to the capacity of the room, of course). But some pump rooms are ONLY for athletes and assistants.

      If you can get to a contest that has open pump rooms, I would DEFINITELY go in. You may not get to touch anyone, but I have lucked out a few times and hand my hands all over the athletes. The amateur shows usually are more likely to have open pump rooms. At one amateur event a beginner had no Assistant, and several fans who had come in got to have their way with him! He felt like a star, and had his cock up some guy's ass, another guy sliding his dick in from behind, and four or five other men feeling up his muscles. At one point I got to suck his dick for a long time and it was awesome!

      If you are in shape (I am pretty built myself), there is a "trick" to getting in to pump rooms. Show up to the event nude - or at least strip down in the bathroom or something. Walk up to the pump room door and say you're an assistant. Because you;re nude, they'll assume you are, and you will get in. I have snuck into SEVERAL pro pump rooms this way. Granted, it means you can't bring your camera, and you are nude until you leave, but it is worth it!

      One of my favorite moments I got to see was at the Freak Show two years ago. Warren Mattern was about to go onstage with the other SuperHeavyweights, and was staring there just off stage being (rather forcefully) ass fucked by some GIGANTIC bodybuilder who i didn't know. They guy was a MONSTER, but didn't compete. He was slapping his huge pole (I am guessing 12" - 13" at LEAST and FAT) up Mattern's huge muscle ass. matter just stood there, unreactive, stoic, expressionless - totally in the zone. He silently got ass fucked until they called Super Heavyweights to the stage. He literally STEPPED OFF of the guy's dick, and walked onto the line-up, his ass spattering and dribbling cum with every step. yet he was the epitome of focus and concentration! An AMAZINg visual I would have NVR seen if I hadn't snuck in to the pump room.

      At IFNB Expo's there are a lot of booths and events for pec and nipple fans. I am SURE you can find some massive man boobs to suck if you hit up a contest!!


    2. How common is it for bodybuilders or assistants to show up to the contest nude? Clearly this would mean they are nude in public for at least a short time.

    3. The short answer is: very often.

      However, there is one, main common factor as to whether one might see nude bodybuilders (or their competition assistants, or even nude fans) out in the general public, just strolling around naked, with massive cocks wagging and gigantic swollen muscles rippling regardless of who sees them nude. That factor is whether the contest venue is contained deep within a larger building where public access would be limited or difficult, or if the venue is instead easily accessible to other public spaces.

      At the larger IFNB contests the pump room and prep room are well with in the confines of the event itself. Often there is a large expo surrounding the event, so there are a few concerns with who is nude or where people are nude.

      At such events it is pretty likely to see competitors drop their guard altogether and walk from the parking lot into the contest, or stroll out onto the street or a public park while still completely naked, forgetting themselves because they are so used to be liberated due to the flagrant nudity of the contest.

      These larger contests have so many places where competitors are new, that there are a few reasons for the competitors to wander far away from the venue. That is because often the largest shows and expos also monopolize local businesses such as hotels, beaches, parks and similar public spaces. Very often IFNB event promoters will rent out and hire hotels, thus rendering the hotel entirely nude for the duration of the expo. Likewise, this same thing will happen in small sections of towns and cities where many of the new competitors spend their leisure time.

      However, with smaller or amateur events, the nudity has to be more carefully regulated. In those cases, you are more likely to see new bodybuilders in public for short bursts. For example, walking from a parking lot into a building, or in a specific location for a photo shoot.

      Several of the events I have been to have stipulations on nudity and clothing for spectators as well. It is not uncommon for well-built fans to be required new in order just to get into the event itself! For first – time spectators at an event, it can come as a shock when they are aggressively stop and forced to strip before being allowed into a venue. But these rules are very strictly enforced, and frankly add to the fun of and IFNB event.

      And while most of the time nudity is optional for spectators, there are those times where it is required, as I said.

      At these events some spectators (myself being one of them) will often walk a short distance nude to get to the event knowing that we would be stripping down naked when we got there anyway. I myself work out a lot and am very muscular, and generally have always had to strip down at contests where spectator nudity of well-built man is required, but even when it is optional it is a fun way to attend these events.

      It is a risk walking through public spaces naked, but rarely have I been the only one, and with so many people doing it off and local authorities will look the other way for a short period of time.

      So, the answer to your question is yes you often see massive nude muscle and the famous giant cocks of IFNB bodybuilders out in public. It would be great to see some of those candid photos here on the site too.

  6. For fans of the IFNB who want to learn more about the men of their sport and their exploits, definitely look at past posts from me, RealBBer.

    Look forward to swapping stories with you fans!


    1. Hi realBBer

      feel free to email me ... for planning futures events and add your comments in the nexts posts !

    2. Absolutely!

      I am enjoying finally finding a website with live photos of the competitors! I go to so many contests, but your access to the events is remarkable!

      I definitely want to keep this coverage of the IFNB going, and am enjoying sharing both my knowledge of the sport of nude bodybuilding, my knowledge of the IFNB league, and my tales from the contests!

      I will be in touch soon! Look forward to your next post!


    3. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with.



  8. What are the gyms like where IFNB bodybuilders do their everyday workouts? Are there nude-mandatory gyms exclusively for male bodybuilders, clothing optional gyms, or do IFNB bodybuilders train at regular gyms where they have to cover up? It would be awesome to see photos of IFNB bodybuilders in the gym.

  9. There are such places as all nude gyms where nude bodybuilders train. Most of these gyms actually have MANDATORY nudeness. Which means you can not even set foot on the gym weight floor with ANY clothing on, except maybe sneakers or a weight belt if necessary.

    These gyms are VERY hard to find. One reason is because of how flooded with spectators they would be if everyone knew where they were. In order to survive they need to keep a degree of discretion.

    Most of these gyms are actually little more than independent small training facilities that grew to accommodate nude bodybuilding. One that is a drive away from me is called Tony D's Raw Power Gym, and started out literally as a guy's basement where he had weights. After 15 years, he expanded his set-up, and his house eventually became more gym than house. He no longer lives there permanently, but has two bedrooms set up as four-man bunk dormers for visiting bodybuilders.

    Most nude bodybuilding gyms are pretty exclusive to their clientele. You will literally see no one of average build, and if so only rarely. They are big, clanking weight rooms with thickly muscled men, all pumping, sweating, and laughing nude together.

    Some nude gyms usually have a front strip down room. You get naked, then walk into the rest of he gym. But most of the time nude gyms have no separate locker room. They have the lockers and benches intermingled with the gym floor. Men will be pumping up naked, doing maybe bicep curls, while a buddy is inches away peeling off his clothes, eager to be naked and pumping as well. A massive muscle tank will be swelling his massive meaty pecs on a bench press while three or four jacked muscle bro's hang their jockstraps in lockers right near the bench. Of a couple of buddies will be practicing their crab poses right in front of a gang shower full of wet, soapy, half-hard muscle freaks, all worked up from a hard pump. There are literally NO boundaries between locker room and weight floor.

    In other words, most nude bodybuilding gyms are like lifting in a locker room!!!

    In one nude gym I lifted at, there were rags for sweat. There were blue rags and white rags. I was getting really pumped and sweaty, so grabbed a white rag and wiped myself down. For the next hour I kept using the rag, and saw a few HUGE muscle dudes giggling.

    Finally, three of them called me over. They were HUGE! They asked me to show them my sweat rag, and I held up the white towel in my hand. They laughed and said: "The BLUE towels are for sweat. Let us show you what the WHITE towels are for."

    The three beasts then began flexing! Laughing and squeezing their pecs, spreading their lats, throwing up their biceps. And, as with ALL nude bodybuilders, they all instinctively sprang hard ons. After a few minutes of all of us laughing and flexing, these guys started shooting cum all over each other! I was impressed because two of them shot hands free - from flexing alone! There was cum all over them and the weight bench. One of them asked his buddy for a rag. He grabbed the WHITE one - the same kind I was using to wipe the sweat off my body - and wiped up all the cum! He then HUNG THE CUM SOAKED TOWEL BACK UP and pointed to a sign that read: "Blue towels for sweat washed every night. White towels for cum washed every three days."

    I had been wiping bodybuilder cum all over my naked body!!!

    These places are often like this - unruly and filled with flying cum and flexing muscle pranks.

    If you can get to a nude bodybuilding gym, you HAVE TO DO IT!!

